Методические указания по развитию навыков чтения, перевода 

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Методические указания по развитию навыков чтения, перевода



Часть I

Методические указания по развитию навыков чтения, перевода

и говорения для студентов I, II курсов очной формы обучения экономических специальностей «МНТ», «МРК», «ЭУП».




УДК 42.07


Английский язык: Методические указания по развитию навыков чтения, перевода и говорения для студентов I, II курсов очной формы обучения экономических специальностей «МНТ», «МРК», «ЭУП». Часть I. – Брянск: БГТУ, 2007. – 51 с.



Разработала: Ерошкина Г.Д.,

ст. преп.


Рекомендовано кафедрой «Иностранные языки» БГТУ

(протокол № 10 от 4. 10. 06)


Научный редактор Е.А. Акулова

Редактор издательства Л.И. Афонина

Компьютерный набор С.В. Ревеко



Темплан 2007 г., п.


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Брянский государственный технический университет.

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Лаборатория оперативной полиграфии БГТУ, ул. Институтская, 16.


Настоящие методические указания (МУ) построены на основе коммуникативно-ориентированного принципа обучения английскому языку.

Цель МУ – научить студентов поддерживать социальные и профессиональные контакты, дать им знания о необходимом уровне этикета (в том числе и в межкультурном контексте). Использование современных аутентичных материалов и направленность данного пособия на формирование навыков и умений поиска и отбора информации, её критического осмысления, продуктивных навыков в устной и письменной речи будет способствовать формированию у студентов более высокого уровня социальной и профессиональной адаптации.

МУ предназначены для студентов экономических специальностей и состоят из двух частей.




What is Business?

Business is not an easy thing. It’s rather a difficult kind of human activity. It has many important elements such as money, taxes, customers, transport, banks and others. There are two general types of business.

Why do people do business? Why do they like small business? People do business by producing goods or providing services. They buy and sell gods. They do business for a profit. There is no business without a profit. If you ask me “What business is good?”, my answer will be: “All businesses are good.”

Production of goods is very profitable, provision of different services is profitable too. Communications are good business too, for example, telephone, telegraph and mail services. Financial services, for example, banking and insurance, work very well, too.

So, people do different types of business for a profit. Doing business has become very popular everywhere. For example, the whole families in America run small businesses now. At present it is very popular to be a businessman or a businesswoman. It should be noted that women, like men, successfully run a firm or a company, they prove to be good bank managers or shop keepers.

Briefly speaking, doing business is a comparatively new and perspective tendency in modern life.

There are three main types of business: a sole trader (you alone have responsibility for the business and you take all profits after paying income tax on them; a partnership (a group of between 2 or twenty people trade as one firm, and share responsibility for debts, decision-making and the profits); a limited company /Ltd/ (a company formed by two or more shareholders who put money into the business in return for a share of the profits).


to do business - заниматься бизнесом
tax - налог
to produce goods - производить товары
to provide services - предлагать услуги
a profit - прибыль
to make profits - делать прибыли
profitable - прибыльный
insurance - страховка, страхование
to run business - руководить, заведовать, управлять предприятием
it should be noted that - следует заметить, что …
successfully - успешно
they prove to be good managers - они оказываются хорошими управляющими
shop keeper - зав. магазином
comparatively - сравнительно
perspective - перспективный
human activity - деятельность человека
by producing goods - путем производства
by providing services - путем обеспечения услугами
communications - средства связи, коммуникации
a sole trader - единоличный торговец
responsibility for - ответственность за
income tax - подоходный налог
partnership - партнерство
to trade - торговать
to share - разделять
dept - долг
decision-making - принятие решения
to make a decision - принять решение
a limited company - компания с ограниченной ответственностью
shareholder - акционер
share - акция, доля
to put money into syn. to invest - вкладывать деньги инвестировать
in return for - в обмен на
briefly speaking - короче говоря


1. Is business an easy or a difficult kind of human activity?

2. What types of business do you know?

3. Why do people like small business?

4. For what purpose (с какой целью) do people do business?

5. In what two forms do people do business?

6. What business do you think is good?

7. What main services do you know?

8. Are production or goods and provision of services profitable?

9. Has doing business become very popular everywhere nowadays?

10. Do women, like men, successfully run a firm or a company?

11. Do women prove to be good bank managers or shop keepers?

12. Is doing business a new and perspective tendency in modern life?

13. Do you prefer to work as a sole trader, a partnership or a limited company?

14. Characterize a sole trader/a partnership/a limited Co/.


partnership - партнерство
to go into business - заняться бизнесом
to get along well - ладить, находиться в хороших взаимоотношениях
to be pleased/about/ - быть довольным чем-то, кем-то
to keep the books - вести бухгалтерский учет
to enjoy doing smth - получить удовольствие делая что-то.
background - подготовка
stock - зд. ассортимент товаров, акции, основной капитал, осн. фонды
be liable - нести ответственность
a good deal - очень много
advantage disadvantage - преимущество - недостаток
skills - умения, навыки, квалифицированность
distribution - распределение
arrangement - договоренность
Тhey are equally shared - они делятся поровну
Good for you! - Молодец! Молодцы!




to set a small business - открыть малое предприятие
appropriate - надлежащий
lawyer - юрист, адвокат
to make sure - удостовериться
to yield profits - приносить прибыль
thorough investigation into - тщательное изучение
to attract - привлекать
to be faced with (to encounter) - столкнуться с
to borrow - взять взаймы
in the prime of - в расцвете
to weigh all pros and cons - взвесить все «за» и «против»
district - район (города)
to choose(chose, chosen) - выбирать


1. What did you decide to do not long ago?

2. Were you experienced in business activities?

3. Whom did you decide to consult?

4. What did the lawyer recommend you to do?

5. What is it necessary for a would-be businessman to keep in mind (помнить, иметь ввиду)?

6. What business did man decide to start?

7. Did you encounter any difficulties when starting your business?

8. Why were you “on the seventh heaven” when you solved your money problem?

9. What words of your lawyer do you still remember?

Answer the questions.

Dialogue 1


- What’s the news, Mr. White? How is business?

- Pretty good, thank you. And how are things with you?

- Well, not too good, I’m afraid, and going from bad to worse. In fact, it’s the worst year we’ve had for a long time.

- I’m sorry to hear that. I hope things will improve.

- Yes, let’s hope for the better, though to tell the truth, there’s no ground for optimism.

- What’s troubling you in particular?

- The financial affairs of my business. Profits are becoming smaller and smaller. I’ve built up many debts, and it’ll come as no surprise if once I go bust.

- Oh, be calm. I’m sure things won’t go as bad as that.



to tell the truth - по правде говоря
there’s no ground for - нет основания
it’ll come as no surprise - будет неудивительно
to go bust - обанкротиться


Dialogue 2

- Mr. Clark: Good morning. Is that Baker’s office?

- Secretary: Good morning. Backer’s office speaking. What can I do for you?

- This is John Clark. I was wondering whether Mr. Baker could see me today.

- I’m afraid Mr. Baker won’t be able to meet you today. He’s got several engagements.

- Then I’d better ask you to make an appointment for me. I suppose you won’t mind to do me a favour?

- No, certainly, not. I’ll just put it in his diary. Let me have a look at his schedule this week. unfortunately, Mr. Baker has got a very busy schedule Monday through Friday. What about Friday? Will 3.15 suit you?

- No, I’m awfully sorry, but I shan’t be in London on Friday.

- Then could you manage Monday, say eleven o’clock?

- Yes, that would be quite all right. Thank you ever so much.


Task: Compose the story, using the following words.

I. “How I started my business”.

Not long ago; to make up one’s mind; to set up a small business; by the way, doing business has become very popular nowadays; to be frank with you; to have no experience in...; to consult the solicitor; to advise; to choose a business; in the field of; to weight all pros and cons; to have to solve many problems (what many customers to serve, how to attract them, to produce goods or provide service finally/ in the long run/); to manage; to find the successful solution of now; to be satisfied with, the progress my business is making.

Thanks God! It’s prospering, and to make big profits.


II. Each student takes one point and tells the story one after another:

1) the other day

there was a telex for me from London from Mr. Fox.

He to invite me – to participate in a business meeting

the news was like a bolt from the blue (как гром среди ясного неба).

2) naturally

to accept the invitation, and on the next day

to leave (left) for London three hours later

to be in Mr. fox’s office

he – to be waiting for me when I came.

3) I must say

the meeting

to be very pleasant; Mr. Fox

to receive me very warmly

to be glad to see me, and we to have a nice talk.

4) during the talk he to offer me a transaction (сделка) which, to my mind, was going to be very profitable (выгодная)

frankly speaking it was a pleasant surprise to me

of course, I was ready to accept(принять).

5) after a short discussion of the terms and price I to get in touch(связаться с …) with my company to receive its OK. Then we to come to agreement and to decide to sing a contract form.

6) by the way

the equipment produced by Fox’s Company

to be in good demand (большой спрос)

on the world market (рынок)customer – to give a high assessment to it (высокая оценка)

because of its high quality (качество).

7) I must say the products of Fox’s Co. meet modern requirements (удовлетворять современным требованиям) and to enjoy popularity in Europe.

Briefly speaking – I – to be pleased with the deal and my trip to London.

8) It goes without saying(само собой разумеется) I to be very grateful to Mr. Fox for his assistance (помощь) without which I could never realize my business plan and – to put my project into practice. Soon the financial position of my company – to change for the better.








abide by - придерживаться, руководствоваться  
venture - предприятие  
to settle premises - занимать помещение  
joint venture - совместное предприятие  
get your priorities right - правильно определить приоритеты  
non-productive items - непроизводительные виды работ, объекты  
research - исследование  
taking a long look at - длительное изучение  
competition - конкуренция  
be sure - удостовериться  
distribution - распределение  
right equipment - нужное /соответствующее, необходимое/ оборудование  
suitable workforce - подходящая рабочая сила  
supply of raw materials - поставка сырья  
keep a close check on - строго контролировать  
to cover - охватить  
to weigh all pros and cons - взвесить все «за» и «против»  
offer - предложить  
attract - привлечь внимание  




Dialogue 3

Dialogue 4

Talking business Деловая беседа
The other day Belov, the General Director of Rusimport, and Mr. Turner? a representative of London Tools Co met at the Ministry of foreign Trade to negotiate the purchase of a Flight Information Display System for a new Airport. На днях Белов, генеральный директор Росимпорт, и господин Тэрнер, представитель Компании Линден Тулз, встретились в Министерстве Внешней Торговли для проведения переговоров по закупке систем информации для авиапассажиров нового аэропорта.
Belov: Good morning, Mr.Turner. Happy to see you again. Доброе утро, г-н Тэрнер Очень рад снова встретить Вас.
Turner: I’m also pleased to see you. Мне также приятно видеть Вас.
B.: Will you take a seat, please. Did you have a nice journey? Садитесь, пожалуйста. Вы хорошо доехали?
T.: Yes, thank you. I enjoyed the trip. It was very pleasant indeed. Да, благодарю Вас. Я получил удовольствие от поездки. Она оказалась очень приятной.
B.: I’m glad to hear it. Now I’d like to discuss with you some particulars of ourtransaction. Our customers have studied all the technical characteristics of yoursystem and give a high assessment to it. They meet their requirements. Рад это слышать. Я хотел бы обсудить с Вами некоторые особенности нашей сделки. Наши заказчики (покупатели) изучили все технические характеристики Вашей системы и дают ей высокую оценку. Они удовлетворяют их требованиям.
T.: I’m happy to hear it. We have been selling our equipment to many western countries. It’s up to world standards and the is in great demand on world market. Рад слышать это. Мы продаем наше оборудование многим западным странам. Оно отвечает мировым стандартам и пользуется большим спросом на мировом рынке.
B.: Now we can get down discussing the commercial side of your deal (transaction), can’t we? The first thing I’d like to clarify is the prices. Теперь мы можем приступить к обсуждению коммерческой стороны нашей сделки, не так ли? Первое, что мне хотелось бы уточнить (выяснить), это цены.
T.: Don’t you find them attractive? Они не кажутся Вам заманчивыми?
B.: On the whole we do, but the prices for some items are a bit high. В целом да, но цены за некоторые изделия немного высоки.
T: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you here. These items are completely new in design and they are the best on the world market. Боюсь, я не могу здесь с Вами согласиться. Эти детали (части) совершенно новые по конструкции и они считаются наилучшими на мировом рынке.
B: Nevertheless, could you find it possible to reduce the prices for articles (items) 3 and 9? Тем не менее, могли бы Вы счесть возможным, снизить цену деталей 3 и 9?
T: I’m afraid I must get in touch with my company and I’ll give you the answer tomorrow. Боюсь, мне нужно связаться с моей компанией, и я дам Вам завтра ответ.
B: Good. Now comes the question of payment. Хорошо. Теперь вопрос об оплате.
T: I hope payment for collection suits you. Надеюсь, Вас устраивает оплата за весь комплект (набор).
B: Yes, it does. And since your terms of delivery and delivery time are acceptable, we would like to offer you our contract form to study. Could you come here at 10.30 tomorrow to sign the contract? Да. И поскольку Ваши условия доставки и время доставки вполне приемлемы, нам хотелось бы предложить изучить наш контракт (текст контракта). Не смогли бы Вы придти сюда в 10.30 завтра для подписания контракта?
T: No problem, Mr. Belov. Good bye. Нет проблем, г-н Белов. до свидания.
B: Good bye, Mr. Turner. See you tomorrow. До свидания, г-н Тэрнер. До завтра.

Dialogue 5

- Is that the office of Bridges and Company Bank? - Это управление банка Бриджиз и компания?
- That’s right. What can I do for you? - Совершенно верно. Чем могу Вам быть полезной?
- This is Carlson from Sweden. I’d like to make an appointment with Mr. Bridges, if I may? - Это Карлсон. Мне хотелось бы иметь встречу с г-ном Бриджиз, если это возможно.
- Yes, sir. Mr. Bridges can see you at 11.15 tomorrow. Does it suit you? - Да сер, господин Бриджиз может (принять) встретиться с вами завтра в 11.15. Это Вас устраивает?
- Yes, it suits me perfectly. - Да, меня это устраивает вполне.
- Shall I give him a message? - Мне сообщить ему о вас?
- Yes, do, please. Thank you. - Да, пожалуйста. Благодарю Вас
- Good afternoon! I’m Carlson from Sweden. I gave you a call yesterday morning about an appointment with Mr. Bridges. Can I see him now? - Здравствуйте! Моя фамилия Карлсон. Я из Швеции. Я вам звонил вчера утром относительно встречи с господином Бриджизом. Могу я видеть его сейчас?
- Sorry, he is out at present, but he’ll be back very soon. - Извините, его сейчас нет, но он очень скоро вернется.
- May I wait for him here? - Мне можно подождать его здесь?
- Certainly. Will you take a seat, please? - Конечно. Пожалуйста, садитесь.
- Thank you. - Спасибо.


Dialogue 6

- Mr. Bridges? Г-н Бриджиз?
- Yes, that’s right. Да совершенно верно.
- Let me introduce myself. My name is Carlson. I’ve come here to establish business contacts with the Bridges and Company Bank. Позвольте представиться. Моя фамилия Карлсон. я пришел, чтобы установить деловые контакты с Банком Бриджиз и к.
- How do you do Mr. Carlson. Pleased to meet you. I’ve heard of you. You are from Sweden, aren’t you? Здравствуйте г-н Карлсон. Рад с вами познакомиться. Я слышал о вас. Вы из Швеции, не так ли?
- Yes. I’m Executive Manager of Jesperson Co. Да. Я исполнительный директор комп. Есперсон.
- What is the problem you would like to discuss? Какой вопрос вам бы хотелось обсудить?
- You see, we are going to build a new plant, but we are short of money. Видите ли, мы собираемся строить новый завод, но у нас не хватает финансов.
- I see. You want some credits, don’t you? Понимаю. Вы хотели бы получить кредит, не правда ли?
- Exactly so. we would like to make a loan, long term and low interest. Совершенно верно. Мы хотели бы получить заем, долгосрочный, с низким процентом.
- Generally speaking, I have no objections. Let’s discuss the terms. Вообще говоря, я не возражаю. Давайте обсудим условия.
- Willingly. Охотно.

Dramatize the dialogue.

Retell the following story.


I was very lucky last week

Let me introduce myself: I’m Carlson from Sweden, executive officer (manager) of Jesperson Co. Last week I had an appointment with Mr. Bridges, a well-known banker. The matter is that1 we are going to build a new plant, but we are short of money. Therefore2 I decided to ask Mr. Bridges for some credit. I told him that we wanted to make a loan, long-term and low interest. I was lucky 3 enough: he agreed, saying that he had no objections. Then we discussed the terms, and finally 4 he offered me a credit at5 5 million pounds. To be frank with 6 you, I was very pleased wit 7 the results of the meeting with Mr. Bridges to whom I’m really very grateful. 8

1) дело в том, что

2) поэтому

3) мне повезло

4) в конце концов

5) предложил кредит

6) откровенно говоря

7) я был очень доволен

8) очень благодарен


Dialogue 7

Read the dialogue.

- Excuse me Mr. Johnson. Can you spare me a few minutes? I’d like to have a word with you (to speak with you). Извините г-н Джонсон. Не можете ли вы уделить мне несколько минут? Мне хотелось бы поговорить с вами.
- Certainly. I’m at your service. What would you like to speak about? Конечно. Я к вашим услугам. О чем бы вы хотели поговорить со мной?
- First of all, I’ve got some questions about new projects, if you don’t mind. (then come questions and answers) Прежде всего, у меня есть несколько вопросов по нашему новому проекту (затем идут вопросы и ответы)
- Besides, there are some points in the description of the projects with which I disagree. Кроме того, в описании проекта есть некоторые вещи (моменты), с которыми я не согласен.
- What do you have in mind? Что вы имеете в виду?
- I mean to say that some technical characteristics of the project are not mentioned in the description. Я имею в виду, что некоторые технические характеристики проекта не упоминаются в описании.
- How come? You are exaggerating things, I’m afraid. Как это может быть? Боюсь, вы преувеличиваете.
- Not in the least.... I have strong doubts as to the overall value of the project estimated at... dollars. I think ... (I believe)... To my mind... In my opinion... In my view... it is much higher. Ни капельки …. Кроме того, у меня очень большие сомнения в отношении общей стоимости проекта, оцененного в …. Я думаю …. (Я полагаю) …. По-моему …. По моему мнению …. С моей точки зрения … стоимость значительно более высокая.
- Thank you for your valuable remarks. we shall take them into consideration (account). But I can’t (don’t) share your point of view that the whole thing (project) should be reconsidered. Благодарю вас за ваши ценные замечания. Мы (постараемся) принять их во внимание. (Мы их учтем). Но я не могу разделить (я не разделяю) вашу точку зрения, что весь проект следует пересмотреть.

Learn the unfamiliar words.


Dialogue 8

- There is a telex for you from London from Mr. Fox. He says he won’t be able to attend our conference. Для вас пришел телетекст из Лондона о г-на Фокса. Он говорит, что не сможет присутствовать на нашей конференции.
- It’s a pity. He is one of the main speakers. What shall we do? Жаль. Он – один из основных докладчиков. Что нам делать?
- I think we’ll have to change the agenda. Думаю, нам придется изменить повестку дня.
- What about other speakers? Have they confirmed their participation and submitted their papers? А как другие докладчики? Они подтвердили свое участие и представили свои доклады?
- Yes, they have. Да.
- Any other news? Еще какие-нибудь новости?
- Yes, but it doesn’t concern our conference. According to the latest information McDonald (and Co) has run bankrupt. Да, есть, но они не касаются нашей конференции. В соответствии с последним сообщением (самой свежей информацией) компания Макдональд разорилась.
- You don’t say so! Incredible! There were no indications of Mr. McDonald approaching that fiasco, were there? Что вы говорите! Невероятно! Не было никаких признаков, что Макдональд приближается к краху, не так ли?
- No signs at all. I’m expecting a call from the company with all details, tonight. Никаких вообще. Я ожидаю звонка из компании сегодня вечером, со всеми подробностями.
- Please keep me in the know. Пожалуйста, держите меня в курсе дела.
- By all means. Обязательно.


Unpleasant News

1. There was a telex for me from Mr. Fox in which he said he wouldn’t be able to attend our conference. It’s a great because he is the main speaker. we had to change the agenda. as for other speakers, they confirmed their participation and submitted their papers.

2. According to the latest information Macdonald’s Co has run bankrupt. It’s incredible! There were no signs of the coming bankruptcy. I don’t know all the details, but I’m expecting a call from the company. They promised to keep me in the know. as soon as I get some additional information, I’ll let you know immediately.(немедленно дам вам знать)


1. You’ve come to the Ministry of Foreign Relations to see Mr. Belov and negotiate the purchase of an electric display system. You’d like to discuss the commercial side of the transaction and clarify the question of prices for some articles. Speak to Mr. Belov.

2. You’ve come to the Trade Delegation to discuss with Mr. Belov some business matters. Tell him you’d like to look through his catalogues. Also tell him that you are going to buy Lada-cars from him. Ask him whether they are producing this type of cars now. Give a high assessment to the cars, and say you’ve received a lot of orders from your customers.

3. You’ve come to the London Tool Company to see Mr. London and sign a contract form on the tools his company is producing. Tell him you’d like to make a big purchase and want to have a 2% (per cent) discount. Tell him his tools are of high quality, they meet modern requirements and in great demand on the world market. say you are interested in buying them.

4. Phone to Mr. Blake and Co office. Tell the Secretary you’d like to speak to Mr. Blake. say you’ve got an enquiry for chemical equipment and you’d like to have his latest catalogues. Speak about the date and the time of your next meeting to discuss some particulars of the deal.

5. You’ve come to the Bridges and Company Bank Office. address the secretary. Tell her you’d like to see Mr. Bridges. Say you have an appointment with Mr. Bridges today at 10.30. Tell her you gave a call yesterday and made the necessary arrangements.

6. You’ve come to see Mr. Bridges and talk to him on some urgent matter. ask the secretary whether you can see Mr. Bridges. ask for permission to wait for him there. Some lime later when Mr. Bridges appears, introduce yourself. Tell him you’ve come to establish business contacts with his company. say you are going to build a new plant but you are short of money, and want to have a credit (to make a loan), long term and low interest.

7. You’ve come to see Mr. Candel, President of plc (public limited company). Ask the secretary whether Mr. Candel is in and can receive you. Enter his office and greet him, saying that you are glad to see him. Tell him you’d like to discuss some particulars concerning your joint venture. You want to clarify some technical and financial matters.

8. You’ve come to Mr. Johnson’s to take an interview from him. Ask him about his business schedule, the amount of time he usually spends in his office and at home; ask him about his working hours; what usually does at home; whether he is engaged in any asocial activities; if so, at the expense of what time he carries out his social activities.

9. You are professor of management. You are examining me, a student of the Royal Institute of Public Administration. Ask me questions about management, its aims, principles, stages, and stages of a decision-making process.

10. According to the official announcement on TV Parkers & Co has run bankrupt. Tell the news to Mr. Pickering, your superior. Express your regret. Say it is really surprising because not long ago the company seemed to be prospering. Tell Mr. Pickering you are expecting a call with all details and you’ll keep him in the know.

11. You see Mr. Dixon talking to his colleagues during a coffee break. Express your apologies and ask him whether he can spare you a few minutes. you want to have a word with him about the new project. Apologize and express your disagreement with the technical characteristics of the project presented to you. Besides that, say you have strong doubts as to the overall value of the project estimated at 5 million pounds.

12. You’ve come to Mr. Robertson’s office for a business meeting. Greet his secretary and report your arrival. Then enter Mr. Robertson’s office upon the secretary’s invitation. Introduce yourself (You are Senior Manager of the Russian-British joint venture Intercom). Say you’ve got a number of questions relating to the financial status of the enterprise.

13. You’ve come to Mr. Johnson’s to ask him to help you with advertising. Ask him whether he can provide you with catalogues, leaflets and other advertising materials. ask him whether he can share the expenses on your publications (publicity expenses) in the journals.

14. You’ve come to Mr. Johnson’s to discuss the problem of payment for the goods you are buying from his firm. At the same time you tell him that you’ve found a number of defects in the goods his firm is producing. Ask him to reconsider the amount of pay on the ground of your calculation taking into consideration the damages you suffer because of those defects.

15. You’ve come to Mr. Johnson’s to discuss a draft of an agreement and the amount of transaction for the first year of sales; you are proposed the sum of 150.000 roubles/pounds. Tell him you can’t agree to his proposal, because, you are afraid, you won’t be able to realize this sum. Ask him to change the sum.

16. You’ve come to Mr. Johnson’s to discuss the Buyers’ complaint about a delay in the delivery of goods which are urgent. Tell him you are entitled to claim compensation, and you’ll lose no time in putting the claim unless Mr. Johnson takes the necessary measures to improve the situation. Tell him that you expect him to reach a speedy solution of the matter.

17. You’ve come to Mr. Johnson’s office to discuss the price problem. Tell him you can’t sign a contract at the price offered because it’s too high. Besides, you like to buy a new model PC. Since you are going to make a big purchase you want to get at least 2% discount.

18. You’ve come to Mr. Johnson’s to bring up the matter of the guarantee period for the machines which you have bought from Johnson’s Co. Ask him since when the guarantee period begins and say that you would like the guarantee period to be longer, if it is possible.




Text I

The Manager: Role and Responsibilities

Managers are coordinators of economic activities in business organizations. Coordination of group efforts is an essential function in a company, and whoever acts as a coordinator is a manager.

Managers do not perform physical tasks which are necessary to produce and sell the gods and services that are the output of the company. All this is done by workers and employees. On the other hand, the latter would be unable to achieve the goal of the organization without the guiding hand of management.

There are literally thousands of decisions in a company about what is to be done, who is to do it and how it is to be done. It is managers who make these decisions and see that they are implemented.

The duties of a manager include: the determination of the best form of organization, development of a control system, budgeting and forecasting, marketing and sales policies, effective performance of the sales staff, development of improved methods for the planning and control of ordering, handling and sorting out of the materials and supplies, determination of wages and salaries, the establishment of incentives for good performance.

The work of managers is, by no means, confined to manufacturing industries. It is indispensable in offices, banks, mercantile establishment, ensurance agencies and other similar activities.

Speaking about personal qualities of a manager it should be noted that he/she needs energy, good judgement, a sense of reality and a sense of social responsibility. He/she must be persistent in getting at the root of a matter, quick in grasping things and in reaction, and operationally efficient.

A manager must be professionally well educated and be knowledgeable in the field of psychology, sociology, management, economics and modern type of business running policy.


1. Why are manager considered to be coordinators?

2. Do manger perform physical tasks which are necessary to produce and sell goods and services?

3. Can the organisation achieve its goal without the guiding hand of management?

4. What are the decisions which are made in any company about?

5. Who makes these decisions?

6. What do the duties of a manager include?

7. In what organisations is the work of managers indispensable?

8. What personal qualities should a manager possess (have)?

9. Must a manager be professionally well educated?

10. In what fields must a manager be knowledgeable?




to coordinate - координировать
effort - усилие
to take efforts - предпринять усилия
essential - существенный
whoever whatever, whenever, wherever, however - кто бы ни  
to perform one’s duties (a task, a job)   - выполнять обязанности
output What’s the output of coal this year? - выпуск  
on the other hand on the one hand - с другой стороны - с одной стороны
the latter the former - последний (из двух упомянутых) - первый (из двух упомянутых)
to achieve a goal (results, one’s aim, success)   - достигнуть цели
to be unable - быть не в состоянии
to make a decision decision-making - принимать решение - принятие
to implement (carry out, fulfil) - выполнять
determination to determine - определение - определить
budget (ing) - бюджет (ирование)
sales sales and purchase - продажа - купля и продажа
staff (personnel) - штатный состав работников, персонал
control of ordering - контроль над заказами
handling to handle - обращение с - обращаться, обходиться, управлять
supply (supplies) to supply smb with - поставки - снабжать
wages and salaries - зарплата (рабочих и служащих)
incentive - стимул
to be confined to - сводиться к
indispensable - то без чего нельзя обойтись
mercantile establishments - торговые предприятия
insurance ensurance agencies - страхование - страховые контролеры
to judge judgement judging by - судить - суждение - судя по
a sense of reality (humor, duty, social responsibility)   - чувство
to get at the root of a matter - добраться до сути дела
to grasp quick in grasping things - схватывать - быстро схваченный
efficient - эффективный, действенный
knowledgeable - знающий
psychology - психология
responsibilities (duties) - обязанности
responsibility - ответственность

Learn unknown words.

Retell the text.



Text II

In light of the rapidly changing business world a businessman if he wants to conduct his business successfully, must meet certain requirements. First of all he must be flexible of mind and adaptable to change. He needs not so much a specialised knowledge of today’s business practice as the qualities of mind and the basic knowledge that will make it possible for him to understand the new business situation and adapt himself to the new business world in which he will live and work in future.

The educational requirements of businessmen are not radically different from those of administrators of other types. Organisational skill, problem-solving ability, imagination, a rational approach to the use of resources, wideness of respective, and a sense of social responsibility – these are the qualities which are needed for all types of leaders including managers.

It’s very important for a manager to have a skill in human relations which has become an important part of effective management. This is to be understood in the broad sense, in other words, the knowledge and skills in the field of human relations should be included in the range of a manager’s activities. Only through such knowledge and skills can a manager ensure the regulation of relations between the numbers of the organisation. In addition, the manager who actually deals with people every day must be quite knowledgeable in the field of psychology. He must be also competent in the area of human behaviour.




to conduct - везти
to meet requirements - отвечать требованиям
to be flexible of mind - иметь гибкий ум
skill - навык квалификация
to solve a problem/question - решить вопрос
ability - способность
imagination - воображение
rational approach - рациональный подход
wideness of respective - широта взглядов
a sense - чувство
responsibility - ответственность
human relations - человеческие отношения
to include - включать
through - посредством
to ensure - обеспечить
to addition - кроме того
to deal with - иметь дело с
knowledgeable - знающий
psychology - психология
area - вопрос, область
human behaviour - поведение человека



1. Must a manager be flexible of mind and adaptable to changes?

2. Does he need a specialised knowledge of today’s business practice?

3. What qualities of mind does he need?

4. What are educational requirements of manager?

5. What are the personal qualities of a manager?

6. What skills is it important for a manager to have?

7. Why must a manager be knowledgeable in the field of psychology?

8. Must a manager be competent in the area of human behaviour?


Tasks: 1. Read the text.

Learn the unknown words.


to determine - определять
to meet requirements - отвечать требованиям
to be of social nature - носить общественный характер
to get along well with - ладить, иметь хорошие отношения с
to carry out activities - осуществлять деятельность
superiors and subordinates - начальники и подчиненные
to have a good knowledge of - хорошо знать что-то
to have a great impact on - оказывать большое влияние (воздействие) на
to create an atmosphere of - создавать обстановку
to apply advanced methods - применять передовые методы
to the best of one’s ability - в наилучшей степени, наилучшим способом
to achieve a goal - достичь цели
to exercise supervision over - осуществлять контроль над
to lie in the field of - лежать в области
in addition - кроме того
as regards - что касается
to try - пытаться
to choose (chose, chosen) - выбирать
appropriate - надлежащий



1. Is choosing a manager a decisive step in the business life of a company?

2. What are the main requirements a manager should meet?

3. Should a manager be competent in the field of human relations? Why?

4. Why is management of social nature? Whom is it carried out through?

5. Should a manager get along well with people? Only with his subordinates?

6. What kind of atmosphere should a manager try to create?

7. What methods must he apply in managing people?

8. Must he try to make his subordinates realize his plans and intentions/

9. Should a manager try to make his subordinates work to the best of their abilities?

10. Should a manager only direct his subordinates?

11. Should a manager exercise a continuous supervision over the professional activities of his subordinates? Why?




to communicate - общаться
insurance agency - страховое агентство
to survive competition - выживать, устоять в условиях конкуренции
to give/pay attention (to) - уделять внимание чему, кому-то
costs - затраты
executive - исполнитель
CEO – Chief Executive Office - главный
to translate smth into practice = to put practice/being   - осуществлять
profit to make a profit profitable - прибыль - получать прибыль - прибыльный
the same - тот же самый
at a great rate - при высоких темпах
supervise - наблюдать, контролировать, осуществлять надзор
a great deal = very much  



1. Is the work of manager limited by manufacturing industries?

2. What organisations does a manager communicate with?

3. What does a manager have to do if he wants his company to survive in present day competition?

4. Is the manager very much concerned with technical matters?

5. You are a very experienced manager. What recommendations would you give to a young manager?

6. Are administrative practices different in various spheres?

7. What matters must be paid special attention to?

8. What questions do you pay a great deal of attention in your managerial performance?


Learn the unknown words.



persistence - упорство, настойчивость
tolerance - терпимость
feature - черта
cautious - осторожный
trial and error - пробы и ошибки
to strive - стремиться
to identify - отождествлять/ся
to stem from - происходить из
to fear - бояться
uncertainty - неопределенность
to be concerned with - быть озабоченным, обеспокоенным чем-то
to be driven (guided) by - руководствоваться
to conform - соответствовать
to relate to - относиться к
to supervise - контролировать, осуществлять надзор/ наблюдение


1. What do managers fear?

2. What do they prefer to do to reach organisational goals?

3. Do managers strive to protect the existing order or do they try to change it?

4. In what way do managers achieve their goals?

5. What do managers focus on?

6. Are managers driven by the desire to conform existing systems or are they guided by the wish to change them?

7. How do managers relate to people?

8. What does managers’ authority stem from?

9. What functions do managers perform?


Additional text

Tasks: 1. Read the text.


Tasks: 1. Read the text.

2. Answer the questions:



Management is the process by which human efforts are coordinated and combined with other resources to accomplish organizational goals and objectives. Management has been defined as “the art of getting things done through people” (Mary Parker Follett). Management requires an understanding of the economic principle of division of labor, which breaks tasks down into subtasks, and the coordination of effort, which reorganizes the subtasks in an efficient and effective whole.

Managers perform five basic functions: planning, organizing, directing, leading and controlling.

Planning is the means of coordinating an idea into a reality, that is, determining the goals and objectives of the organization and the means of attaining them. Planning involves making decisions about a course of


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