Do you agree that Belarusian secondary school provides a person with good knowledge? Why (not)? 

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Do you agree that Belarusian secondary school provides a person with good knowledge? Why (not)?

I agree. I think that all children are provided with equal opportunities to get good knowledge.

Ask me whether I liked school when I was a pupil.

Did you like to go to school in your childhood?

What was your favourite subject?

Who was your favourite teacher?

Did you have to take your English exam?

What ideas from Belarusian school can you advise a teacher from Great Britain to use in British school?

I can advise a teacher from Great Britain to have a wide range of subjects on the timetable.

Today some young people think that having a good education is not very important. Do you agree with them?

It has always been important to have a good education. Unfortunately, these days the values have changed and a person with a good education very often can’t find a place in the society.


Билет №6

1. Do you agree that schoolchildren must wear a school uniform? Why? Why (not)?
I think that pupils should go to school in order to study different subjects and become better at doing something useful. Nothing should prevent kids from doing their best. When pupils wear the same clothes the only way to show that you are better is use your brains.
2. А sk me what kind of pupil I was at school.
Were you the best pupil in your class? What were you favourite subjects? Did you study on Saturdays?
3. Which school club would you advise your classmate to join?
If something interests my friend for instance dancing, he/she should join in a dancing club to become better. If he/she is not sure about dancing, he/she may go there to see if he/she is capable of dancing. If he/she doesn’t like it, I will advise another club, for example karate.
4. Today some young people think that having a good education is very important. Do you agree with them?
I agree with them. A good education is very important to everyone. I don’t want to say that without having to attend university you will never achieve anything. It will take you much more time without education. Don’t put off your success by missing lessons.


5. Do you agree that our school gives a person a good start in life? Why (not)?
A good start is a successful beginning of a career, isn’t it? If so, I agree with the statement. Kids at school are given an opportunity to learn the basics of any science. In addition, children are shown how to get more knowledge. Can you hope for more? If you are lazy, school is not to blame for your later problems.


Билет №7

Let’s talk about school traditions. Do you have any traditions at your school? What are they?

Yes, we do. First of all, it’s a ceremony of the first and the last bell. On the 1st of September and on the 31st of May there are festive parades outside the school building. There are always a lot of flowers, parents and guests are invited and everybody looks beautiful and excited. We also have a former pupil meeting in our school. It is on the first Saturday of February. There is always a very beautiful party at the assembly hall in the evening on that day.

2. Do you agree that schoolchildren must wear a school uniform? Why? I agree. Pupils come to school to get knowledge and formal style of clothes probably aims at being concentrated on books and lessons, but at the same time it deprives pupils of their individuality.

Ask me what kind of pupil I was at school.

What marks did you get at school? Did you come to school in time? What was your favourite subject? Did you do your homework regularly? Did you respect your teachers?

Which school club would you advise your classmate to join?

If I were you, I would join a sports club, because sports make us healthy.

5. Today some young people think that having a good education is very important. Do you agree with them? It has always been important to have a good education. Unfortunately, these days the values have changed and a person with a good education very often can’t find a place in the society.



Билет №8

Let’s talk about your future career. What would you like to become?

It’s a very difficult decision to choose the right job. Of course, I want a profitable job, but I also want to enjoy the profession in which I’ll be engaged. I want a creative job, no matter what the profession will be. Maybe I’ll become a specialist in business matters like my mother.

Does a person need to possess special qualities to become a good specialist in this or that particular field? Why?

Yes, each profession needs special qualities. To become a good specialist one should analyze whether the job is suitable for him or whether he is suitable for the job. Otherwise the job may later turn into a nightmare.

What questions will you ask your future employer at a job interview?

What are the working hours? How much is the salary? Do I have to travel on business? Do you provide your employees with accommodation?

Give me some advice on how to behave at a job interview to create a positive impression on the employer.

Sit upright with your shoulders back and relax. Make eye contact. Smile – give the impression of being happy to be there. Keep your answers simple, relevant and interesting.

Some people think that it is necessary to have a good command of a foreign language to get a good job. Do you agree with this?

I agree. Though not all jobs require a good knowledge of a foreign language, it’s absolutely necessary if you are going to become a specialist in business matt

Билет № 9.

Life in the city and in the country

Let’s talk about life in the city and in the country. Why do young people prefer living in town?

1. I live in a village and, I assure you, living in the country is not bad.2. You breathe fresh air. You feel safer than in a big city. You can enjoy the beauty of nature. In the country you can rest from the noise of a big city.3. Nevertheless, most young people prefer living in town.4. First, town life provides all means of entertainment. Second, in a city it’s easier to find a good job.

5. Third, there are more opportunities for children if you have got a family. 6. For these reasons I would rather live in a big city, too.

2. Where would you like to live: in a city or in the country? Town life has always been attractive to all young men. I’m not an exception.

What questions will you ask your friend about the place he/she lives in?

Do you live in the country or in town? Do you live in a house or in a flat? Is there a garden near your house? Do you like your village?

What would you advice foreigner who doesn’t know where to live?

If I were you, I would live in the country.

East or West, home is best. Do you agree with it?

I agree. Every person loves the place where he or she was born.



Билет № 10

1. Let’s talk about different types of houses. Tell me about the house/flat you live in.
I live in an ordinary flat. It has all modern conveniences like gas, electricity, running hot and cold water. We have everything we need. My parents’ room is the biggest and I live in my own room. The furniture we have is ordinary: beds, tables, chairs.
2. Does the place where a person lives reflect his/her personality? Why?
I think so. If a person is a fan of someone famous, you will find lots of posters on the walls of her flat. If he is fond of reading there will be a huge bookcase in his room. It is difficult to come across a flat of a young pianist’s without the piano.
3. Ask me what my flat/house looks like.
Where is your house located? What do you like most about your place of living? What would you like to change in your room?
4. Your friend does not know what to choose to live in a city or in the country. Give him/her some advice.
When you are young and full of energy you should do everything, you can to discover your personality. You should become engaged into any activity to see if it’s your cup of tea or not. The best place for it is a big city. The more people around you the more opportunities you will have. I would advise him to go to a big city to test himself.
5. How do you see an ideal flat/house?
My ideal flat should have five rooms so that everyone will have their own private place. Privacy is what I praise most. Sometimes I like to be around other people having fun, but there are some moments when I want to be alone. Apart from that I don’t want to have much furniture in it. Big windows will make the rooms bigger. I’ll do everything to make my future apartment spacious.



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