Let’s talk about travelling and tourism. What role do they play in your life 

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Let’s talk about travelling and tourism. What role do they play in your life

How do you like to travel?

What questions should you ask a travel agent to learn more about a tour?

What can you advise a person who doesn’t know where to spend his/her holiday?

What difficulties can you have when visiting a foreign country? Is it possible to avoid them?

Билет № 22 Environment

Let’s talk about environment. People say that our planet is in danger. Do you share this opinion?

What do you think people should do to protect the environment?

What would you like to ask your British friend about measures that are taken to protect the environment in Britain?

A friend of yours wants to develop a programme to protect the city where he lives. Give him a piece of advice.

Green School of the Year contest is held in the country and you want your school to enter it. Give ideas for some ’green events’.

Билет № 23 Weather and climate

Let’s talk about weather and climate. What is happening to weather and climate nowadays?

Do you have a favourite season?

What questions would you ask a meteorologist?

What can you advise a person who is weather dependent?

They say there’s no bad weather, there are bad clothes. What do you think about it?

Билет № 24 Republic of Belarus

Let’s talk about the Republic of Belarus. What can you tell me about our Motherland?

What famous Belarusian people do you know?


What questions about Belarus do you expect to hear from a British teenager?


What Belarusian sights would you advise a foreigner to visit?


You are to write a short article about Belarusian people for a foreign newspaper. How would you describe our people?



Билет № 25 Great Britain

Let’s talk about Great Britain. What do you know about this country?


Would you like to visit Britain? Why (not)?


What would you ask a British teenager about national holidays in Britain?

Give me a piece of advice on what sights to see in London.


Do the British differ greatly from Belarusian people in character? Why?



Билет № 1 Family

What role does family play in each person’s life?

Every person needs a place where he can feel happy and quiet. Such place and such people are his family. We may say that a family is an emotional centre of a person’s life. Your family will never ignore you; you will always get support and understanding from your family, no matter whether you are good or bad. You can’t live without your family’s help and respect, but you should remember that your family members also need your attention and support.

2. Do you have your own family traditions?

Yes, we do. We have our own family traditions, but not many.

3. What will you ask your British friend about his/her family?

Is your family big or small?

Have you got a sister or a brother?

Do you get on well with your sister/brother?

4. What can you advise people who want to have a close and happy family?

If you want to have a happy family, try to be patient and understanding.

5. Why are there many one-parent families? How does the state help such families?

Many marriages these days end in divorce. Besides, one parent may die. In both cases a child is brought up by one parent only.



Билет №2

What is family for you?

Every person needs a place where he can feel happy and quiet. One needs people with whom he could speak freely about his problems, share his joys and his sorrows. Such place and such people are his family. We may say that a family is an emotional centre of a person’s life. My home is the best place in the world for me and my family are the dearest people for me. We trust each other. My parents treat me with loving care and I, in my turn, love, respect and obey my parents.

Are there any things that you do with your parents together?

Additional: Unfortunately, my parents are usually very busy during the weekdays and we don’t have a chance to spend time together.(But) There is a very good tradition in our family to have dinner together and chat about the events of the day.

What will you ask your British friend about his/her family relationships?

Do you get on well with your family members?

Do you talk over your problems together?

Is there sometimes misunderstanding between you and your parents?

Do you share your domestic chores?

What can you advise a person who wants to have a close and happy family?

If you want to have a happy family, try to be patient and understanding. Additional: Respect and support your family members. Talk over your problems together. Share your domestic chores. Keep your family traditions.

Nowadays an average family has one child. From your point of view, how many children should there be in a family?

I suppose, there should be two or three children in a family. You will never feel lonely having a sister or a brother.



Билет №3

Let’s talk about your family.

Why is family important for you? My home is the best place in the world for me and my family are the dearest people for me. I’m happy to have a close and friendly family. In my family I can speak freely about my problems, share my joys and sorrows with my parents and with my sisters. I can say that my family is an emotional centre of my life. My family members never ignore me; I always get support and understanding from my family. I can’t live without my family’s help and respect. I understand that my family members also need my attention and support. So I, in my turn, love and respect my family and try to obey my parents.

Are there any family traditions that you follow?

Yes, there are. We usually celebrate family holidays together and it’s a tradition in our family to have dinner together and chat about the events of the day.

What will you ask a British teenager about his/her relatives?

Have you got any brothers or sisters?

What are their names?

Do your grandparents live with you?

How old are your parents?

What can you advise people who want to have a good relationship with their parents and grandparents?

If I were you, I would spend more time with my family, love, respect and obey my parents and grandparents.

They say that parents and children have difficulties understanding each other because of the generation gap. What do you think about this problem?

I think, the talk about the generation gap is exaggerated. Of course, there is some misunderstanding between generations and always was. To my mind, this is because people don’t try to understand each other. They don’t talk over their problems together, hurt each others feelings and then find an excuse in a generation gap.


Билет №4

Let’s talk about friendship. What role do friends play in your life?

Friendship is extremely important for every person because everyone needs communication and understanding. A friend is one with whom you spend your free time, share your thoughts and interests, who keeps your secrets, whom you trust and who is always ready to help. I’ve got a lot of friends. Some of them are close, some are not, but all of them make my life brighter and more interesting. In my view friendship is a gift from God. I can’t imagine my life without friends. As a proverb says, “Life without a friend is like death without a witness”.

Can you rely on your best friend? Why (not)?

My best friend is Sveta. I think I can rely on her. We have been friends for many years. We never quarrel, there’s mutual understanding between us.

What questions do you usually ask when you want to get acquainted with someone?

What’s your name?

Where are you from?

Have you got a lot of friends?

Have you got a hobby?

What can you advise a teenager who has no friends?

The best way to have a friend is to be one. Be polite, helpful, attentive and friendly with people, and, I’m sure, they will appreciate this.

They say: “A person has just one true friend”. What do you think about this?

I think it’s possible to have more than one true friend. It’s hard to find a person who will share your whole life. But you may find one who is faithful and sincere, helpful and devoted, and these are the qualities that make a true friend.


Билет №5


1. Let’s talk about education. What can you tell me about studying at school? Children in Belarus start going to school at the age of 6. They spend 4 years at primary school and 7 years at secondary school. At the age of 16, when pupils finish the 9th form, they can either leave school or continue their education for another two years.


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