I am a student of law department 

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I am a student of law department


I am (name, surname). So, I am a student now. I’m a first-year student of the day-time department. I’ve entered Kherson State University after finishing a secondary school. You know, that was my dream to enter this University.


I worked hard to pass my examinations well. And now I’ve become a happy member of the great, young family of students.


Many new things and notions came into my life with it. At first, I didn’t know what they meant. Now I became familiar with such words as “a freshman”, “a sophomore”, “an undergraduate” and such terms as “a period”, “a seminar”, “labworks”. I know what it means “to make notes”, “to pass modules”, etc.


I’m still to know more, and first of all how to save time to be able to not only study well, but to take an active part in the students’ life, to join some students’ scientific society and to sing in our University choir, to become a member of our University famous football team and to visit interesting students’ evening-parties.


I’m fond of everything at my University. I like its great beautiful building, sport complex, its lecture halls, laboratories, studies.


I’m a freshman, as they call the first-year students. It’ll take time to know everything about our University.


2. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Have you already visited any students’ parties at the university? Did you like them?

2. What are the traditions of Kherson State University which you know?

3. Would you like to take an active part in university’s life? What exactly would you like to do?


І. Граматичний матеріал. Тема: Числівники. Кількісні та порядкові числівники.


Числівник – частина мови, що позначає кількість предметів (кількісні числівники), а також порядок предметів при лічбі (порядкові числівники).

Кількісні числівники.

0 – zero, o [ou], naught, 1 – one, 2 – two, 3 – three, 4 – four, 5 – five, 6 – six, 7 – seven, 8 – eight, 9 – nine, 10 – ten, 11 – eleven, 12 – twelve, 13 – thirteen, 14 – fourteen, 15 – fifteen, 16 – sixteen, 17 – seventeen, 18 – eighteen, 19 – nineteen, 20 – twenty, 30 – thirty, 40 – forty, 50 – fifty, 60 – sixty, 70 – seventy, 80 – eighty, 90 – ninety, 100 – a / one hundred, 200 – two hundred, 300 – three hundred, … 1,000 – a / one thousand; 8,000 – eight thousand; 200,000 – two hundred thousand; … 1,000,000 – a / one million; 6,000,000 – six million;

121 – one hundred and twenty one (books);

7,006 – seven thousand and six.

Порядкові числівники.

first – перший, second – другий, third – третій,
далі порядкові числівники утворюються від кількісних шляхом додавання суфікса – th.
fourth – четвертий, fifth – п’ятий, sixth – шостий, seventh – сьомий, eighth – восьмий, ninth – дев’ятий, tenth – десятий.

Закінчення -у при утворенні порядкового числівника від кількісного змінюється на – i та додається суфікс – eth.

twenty – twentieth – двадцятий
forty – fortieth – сороковий


1 / 2 – a half, 1 / 3 – a / one third,? – three quarters, 2 / 9 – two ninths,

0.25 – zero / nought point two five, 2.456 – two point four five six, 7.089 – seven point o [ou] eight nine, 7 – point seven.



Вправа 1. Запишіть словами кількісні числівники та утворіть від них порядкові числівники.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 25, 28, 30, 52, 48, 67, 74, 83, 99, 100


Вправа 2. Запишіть числівники словами.

245, 533, 816, 3562, 7324


Вправа 3. Вимовте назви років.

1345, 1567, 1799, 1823, 1945, 2000, 2002


Вправа 4. Правильно вимовте дати.

Зверніть увагу: Lomonosov was born on November 19, 1711.

Дата читається: November nineteen seventeen eleven або on the nineteenth of November.


She was born on April 21, 1978

He was born on May 2, 1999.

They left for Moscow on June 17, 2000.

We returned home on August 12, 2001.

They saw her last on December 31, 1997.

She sent him the letter on September 8, 2001.


Вправа 5. Прочитайте дроби:

1/2, 1/4, 1/7, 2/5, 7/9, 6/8, 0.25; 0.41; 2.38; 5.76; 37.59; 248.92.



ІІІ. Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням.

1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст..


On the 24th of August, 1991 Ukraine became an independent state. On the 1-st of December the everlasting dream of the Ukrainian people came true. 90% of the people voted for the independence of Ukraine and since that time the Ukrainian people had become the masters of their own destiny.

The Ukrainian political system has a popularly elected President, a 450-person single-chamber national Parliament - the Verkhovna Rada. The yellow and blue flag is hoisted over it.

A Prime Minister is nominated by the President and is a subject to approval by the Verkhovna Rada. The Constitution has been modified by a multiparty system.

The first President of the country became Leonid Kravchuk. In 1994 Ukrainian people elected a new President - Leonid Kuchma and deputies to the 450-member legislature. Voting, which is not compulsory, is by secret ballot and from the age of 18. The candidate rolling - the largest number of votes in a constituency is elected. Though Ukraine has a wealth of political parties, ranging from unreconstructed communities to far-right nationalities, personal and regional loyalties tend to play larger role in the Ukrainian political life than programmatic parties. A key challenge facing Ukraine is the establishment of effective, democratic governing institutions that strike a balance between executive and legislative authority.

Ukraine is divided into 24 regions, each of which has an elected council whose Chairman (elected at large) also serves as head of the executive branch. The status of the autonomous Republic of Crimea is being redefined. In March 1995, the central government suspended the Crimean constitution following a year of political instability caused in past by attempts of local politicians to develop a foreign policy independent of Kyiv.

2. Вивчіть наступні слова.

the everlasting dream - довгоочікувана мрія

single-chamber national Parliament - однопалатний національний парламент

the state power - державна влада

to nominate - призначата на посаду

approval - схвалення, розгляд

to modify - видозмінювата

multi-party system - багатопартійна система

compulsory - обов'язковий, примусовий

by secret ballot - таемним голосуванням

constituency - виборчий округ, виборці

a wealth of - велика кількість

loyalty - вірність, лояльність

to tend - спрямовуватися, мата схильність

key challenge - ключовий виклик

establishment - установа

executive - виконавчий

legislative - законодавчий

council - рада

autonomous - автономний

to redefine - переглядати

to suspend - призупиняти

political instability - політична нестабільність

to cause - бути причиною

3. Дайте відповіді на наступні запитання:

1. When did Ukraine become an independent state?

2. Since what time have the Ukrainian people become the masters of their own destiny?

3. What is the highest body of the state power in Ukraine?

4. How has the Constitution of Ukraine been modified?

5. Who was the first President of Ukraine?

6. Who is the President of Ukraine nowadays?

7. What is a key challenge facing Ukraine?

8. When did the central government suspend the Crimean Constitution? What were the reasons for doing it?

4. Порівняйте системи уряду Великої Британії та України, враховуючи наступні питання:

1) The Head of State: appointment, functions and powers, relationship with other state bodies.

2) Legislature: composition, functions and powers, relationship with other state bodies.

3) The Executive: composition, functions and powers, relationship with other state bodies.

Практичне заняття №7

Тема: Молодіжні організації. Студентські свята. Участь студентів у суспільному житті. Традиції університету.


І. Робота над текстом за темою заняття.

1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Доповніть його, якщо необхідно, додавши інформацію про Ваш Університет. Перекажіть його.


University life is much more than just studying some particular subjects. Students can’t do without entertainment. You can find all sorts of entertainment there. If you’re good at sport, you can play for a University sports team. University life is amazing in many ways. It is possible to take part in competitions, contents, etc.

For young people higher education is the method of developing their talent and abilities, their creative potential. That’s why beside their studies they are also engaged in different clubs and organizations. Almost every university has its own team of “joyful and smart” (KVN). This game is rather popular among out young people and it helps them to bring out their brightest talents and to create team spirit. Young people learn to work together, to share the moments of luck and failure. Besides studies students are also engaged in scientific and research work. One may say that nowadays this sphere is not paid much attention to.

If you are a student you are able to be a member of many students’ organizations. The strongest youth organization is the Students Brotherhood. It unites students from all parts of Ukraine. This organization is playing a very important role in democratic changes that are taking place nowadays.


2. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст про незвичайні університетські традиції.


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