Earnings and Working Conditions 

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Earnings and Working Conditions

Earnings of workers in the lodging industry depend on the location, size, and type of the establishment in which they work. Large luxury hotels and those located in metropolitan and resort areas generally pay their employees more than less expensive hotels located in less populated areas. Workers in some occupations receive tips in addition to wages that add substantially to their incomes.

Salaries of hotel managers and assistants are particularly dependent upon the size and sales volume of the hotel and vary greatly because of differences in duties and responsibilities. Hotel manager trainees who are graduates of specialized college programmes generally start at around $14,000 a year and usually are given periodic increases for the first year or two. Experienced managers may earn several times as much as beginners. Managers may also earn bonuses ranging from ten to twenty per cent of basic salary in some establishments. In addition to salary, lodging establishments furnish managers and their families with lodging on the premises, meals, parking facilities, laundry, and other services.


1. The underlined word “earnings” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to “profits”. T. F.

2. Inexperienced managers may earn several times as much as general managers. T. F.

3. Experienced managers may not earn so much as beginners. T. F.

4. Experienced managers may earn several times as much as beginners. T. F.

5. The underlined word ‘earnings’ in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to “prices.” T. F.

6. Workers in some occupations receive bonuses in addition to wages. T. F.

7. Workers in some occupations receive tips in addition to wages. T. F.

8. Managers may earn bonuses ranging from ten to twenty five per cent of basic salary. T. F.

9. Some hotels offer different bonuses and benefits to their employees. T. F.

10. Hotel manager trainees usually start at around $14,000 a year T. F.



Затверджено на засіданні кафедри ІМ

Протокол №12 від 20 червня 2012 р.

Завдання склав: ст. викладач Лучит Л. В.

В. о. зав.кафедри: доц. Мукан Н. В.

Міністерство освіти і науки України

НУ «Львівська політехніка»

Кафедра іноземних мов

Дисципліна: Іноземна мова (за професійним спрямуванням)

Ступінь освіти: 6 (Бакалавр) Напрям / спеціальність: 040103 «Туризм»


Контрольна робота №1


Variant 3

I. Give Ukrainian equivalents:

1. а destination

2. archaeological digs

3. itinerary

4. shelter,

5. tourist attractions


II. Give English equivalents:

1. іноземна валюта

2. розкішний

3. приваблювати

4. морський курорт

5. обслуговування


III. Match the word with its definition:

1. employment a) to provide a supply of food, to supply what is required or desired

2. investment b) activity in which one is employed or, the state of being employed; work(syn.)

3. to cater c) the work or action performed by one that serves

4. service d) to plan ahead, to predict some future event or condition

5. to forecast e) the sum invested or the property purchased


IV. Complete the sentences:

1. Cohen developed … a) other countries and peoples, their lifestyles, customs

2. Wahab produced... and languages.

3. Cultural tourism informs b) visits to ancient monuments, archaeological digs,

tourists about … and other places of historical interest.

4. Historical tourism includes … c) a fourfold classification of tourist experiences and roles.

5. Cultural tourism includes … d) getting knowledge about peoples of contemporary societies through art and crafts, work, religion, language, traditions, food and dress.

e) a fivefold classification of tourism.


V. Choose the appropriate word or word combination:

1. … spend more and stay longer at their destination, and because they bring in foreign currency.

a) International travelers b) Domestic tourists c) Environmental tourists

2. … will grow faster than any other industry in our world.

a) Catering b) Tourism c) Transportation

3. World travel increased towards the end of the nineteenth century when shipping companies built … for passengers only.

a) ice-breakers b) boats c) steamships

4. … summer holiday was part of the British way of life.

a) A monthly b) An annual c) Everyday

5. French hotels had plenty of space for lounge, reading and writing rooms, billiard rooms, ….

a) bars b) conference halls c) cafes

VI. Choose the correct variant:

1. A typical conference hotel may … secretarial services and provide

guests with different equipment.

a) offers b) offer c) is offering

2. The first American Hotel, the City Hotel, … in New York City.

a) opening; b) open; c) opened.

3. The hotel will not take responsibility … valuables left in a room.

a) in; b) for; c) of.

4. We are going to walk in the hills all day tomorrow and … our friends.

a) so are; b) so do; c) so does.

5.... resident hotels offer reduced rates for weekly, monthly, or seasonal rentals.

a) Much; b) More; c) Most.

VII. Choose the right answer.

1. When did tourism begin to assume some a. More and more people are going

importance? abroad for their holidays.

2. What are travel and tourism interlinked with? b. It includes the acquisition of knowledge

3. What classification did Wahab produce? about peoples of contemporary societies.

4. Are more people spending holidays at home c. It happened after the last war.

or going abroad for their holidays? d. He developed a fivefold classification.

5. What does cultural tourism include? e. They have always been connected with the need for refreshment.


VIII. Read the text and decide if the statement is true or false.

Since lodging establishments are usually open continuously, employees must work on shifts. Fewer employees work at night than during the day; those who work on night shifts often receive additional compensation. Managers and housekeepers who live on the premises usually have regular work schedules but may be called for work at any time.

Food service personnel may receive extra pay for banquets and other special occasions and commonly receive meals. In some hotels, cleaners, elevator operators, room clerks, and others also receive meals. Most employees receive five to ten paid holidays a year, paid vacations, sick leave, life insurance, medical benefits, and pension plans. Some hotels offer bonuses, profit sharing plans, educational assistance, and other benefits to their employees.


1. According to this article, ‘Fewer employees work at night than during the day’ T. F.

2. Lodging establishments work only during the day time. T. F.

3. Most employees receive five paid holidays a year. T. F.

4. Managers and housekeepers who live on the premises may be called for work at any time. T. F.

5. People working on night shifts receive additional compensation. T. F.

6. Some hotels offer different benefits to their employees. T. F.

7. Most employees receive paid vacations, sick leave and life insurance. T. F.

8. Food service personnel usually receive meals. T. F.

9. Managers who live on the premises usually have regular work schedules. T. F.

10. Food service personnel may receive extra pay for banquets and other special occasions. T. F.


Затверджено на засіданні кафедри ІМ

Протокол №12 від 20 червня 2012 р.

Завдання склав: ст. викладач Лучит Л. В.

В. о. зав.кафедри: доц. Мукан Н. В.



Міністерство освіти і науки України

НУ «Львівська політехніка»

Кафедра іноземних мов

Дисципліна: Іноземна мова (за професійним спрямуванням)

Ступінь освіти: 6 (Бакалавр) Напрям / спеціальність: 040103 «Туризм»


Контрольна робота №1


Variant 4

I. Give Ukrainian equivalents:

1. host country

2. recreational tourism

3. a competitive price

4. to allocate

5. to entertain


II. Give English equivalents:

1. громадське харчування

2. закордонні відвідувачі

3. іноземна валюта

4. курорт

5. приваблювати відвідувачів


III. Match the word with its definition:

1. hotel a) someone who shows places such as cities or museums to tourists

2. hospitality b) a person who travels usually for a longer period than a tourist

3. guide c) a building where people stay, paying for their rooms and meals

4. traveller d) the arrangement that you make when you book

5. booking e) the reception of guests, esp. when friendly and warm


IV. Complete the sentences:

1. Wahab's classification included … a) Wahab's first two categories plus historical, ethnic

2. Smith's classification included... and environmental tourism.

3. The organized mass tourist has a b) the tour itinerary and time allocations are not

package tour in which … entirely planned by others.

4. For the individual mass tourist … c) plan their own trips and try to avoid developed

5. Explorers usually … tourist attractions.

d) recreational, cultural, health and conference tourism.

e) itineraries are fixed, stops are planned and guided.


V. Choose the appropriate word or word combination:

1. The transport and tourism is an … industry in terms of economic importance and of its capacity to generate employment.

a) overestimated b) underestimated c) estimated

2. Transport and tourism is the third largest item of … expenditure of households in most development countries....

a) consumer b) traveller c) tourist

3. The transport and tourism industry is engaged in the lodging, …, feeding and entertainment of the traveller. a) attraction b) transportation c) invitation

4. Transport and tourism is the largest … in many countries as one out of every 16 workers in the world is employed in this trade.

a) employer b) trader c) dealer

5.... is catering for people who travel to and stay in countries from which they do not originate.

a) Environmental tourism b) Domestic tourism c) International tourism


VI. Choose the correct variant:

1. Linen articles placed in each room are.... on the daily report.

a) indicates b) indicated c) indicate

2. A local guide … tourists when they enter the city.

a) can not meet; b) is to meet; c) have to meet;

3. A guest house … low-priced accommodation.

a) provides; b) provide; c) is providing.

4. They are going to have dinner at the restaurant and … we.

a) so do; b) so are; c) so does.

5. Many hotels provide safety deposit boxes or a safe for guests wishing … valuables.

a) to store; b) store; c) storing.



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