Встав пропущені букви в словах. 

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Встав пропущені букви в словах.

f_mi_y m_th_r

b_b_ f_th_r

bro_ _er grandp_

grandm_ h_ppy


З’єднай слова з їх значенням.

привіт family

немовля happy

сім’я hello

щасливий baby


Допиши речення.

1. My name is ______________________________.


2. I have got ________________________________.


3. My brother is a ____________________________.


4. My family is ______________________________.


Test 2. Ihor


1.Дай відповідь на запитання.

1. What colour is his toy kitten?

2. What colour is teddy-bear?

3. How many toys has he got?

4. What colour are his cars?


З’єднай слова з їх значенням.

grey синій

brown чорний

blue сірий

black коричневий


Допиши речення.

1. He is_____________________________________.


2. He has got ________________________________.


3. His toy kitten is ____________________________.


4. His toy puppy is ___________________________.





Test 3. The Friends

Доповни речення.


1. Mary has _____________________________.

2. The cat’s name is _______________________.

3. Nick has______________________________.

4. The dog’s name is ______________________.


Постав речення у правильній послідовності.


1. _____ They run and jump and play.

2. _____ Mary and Nick are friends.

3. _____ Mary has a cat.

4. _____ The children are happy.


Познач правильну відповідь.


1. Mary has a ___.

a) dog b) cat

2. The cat’s name is ___.

a) Fluffy b) Pussy

3. Nick has a ___.

a) dog b) cat

4. The children are ___.

a) sad b) happy





Test 4. My Toys


Встав пропущені букви в словах.

d_ll p_ppy

b_l_ t_y

l_on pl_y

kit_ _n f_nny


З’єднай слова з їх значенням.

іграшка nice

красивий toy

лев funny

кумедний lion


Допиши речення.


1. Olya is a _____________________________ girl.


2. She has got many _________________________.


3. Olya has got a ____________________________.


4. Her doll’s name is _________________________.



Test 5. Clothes


Встав пропущені букви.


dre_ _ bo_ts

je _n _ h _t

sh_ _s cl_t_es

c_p co_t


Вибери і запиши, що може одягти хлопчик, а що дівчинка.

A jacket, shoes, a dress, a T-shirt, a hat, boots, a cap.


A boy can wear______________________________


A girl can wear ______________________________



Познач правильну відповідь.


1. Olenka has a ___.

a) coat b) raincoat

2. Her dress is ___.

a) black b) red

3. The shoes are ___.

a) green b) black

4. His cap is ___.

a) yellow b) violet



Test 6. Pam’s Friend


Допиши речення.


1. Pam is a _____________________________ girl.

2. She has got a _____________________________.

3. Her friend’s name is _______________________.

4. Betty _________ a blue dress and white ________.

5. Pam wears a yellow ________ and ________ jeans.

6. Betty wears ____ shoes and Pam wears ____ shoes.


2. Прочитай запитання та підкресли правильну відповідь.


1. Is Pam a little girl?

Yes, she is. No, she is not.

2. Is she five?

Yes, she is. No, she is not.

3. Is Betty a little girl?

Yes, she is. No, she is not.

4. Is Betty a pupil?

Yes, she is. No, she is not.

5. Are Betty and Pam good friends?

Yes, they are. No, they are not.

6. Does Pam like to play with Mary?

Yes, she does. No, she does not.




Test 7. Kate’s Bag


Встав пропущені букви в словах.

b_ok p_nc_l

b_g p_ppy

p_n ex_rc_seb_ok

p_nc_lb_x _pple


З’єднай слова з їх значенням.

портфель pen

книга bag

ручка pencil-box

пенал book


Допиши речення.


1. Kate has a very big________________________.


2. Kate has five _________, three ______________.


3. The apple is big and _______________________.


4. The pencil-box is _________________________.




Test 8. Animals


Обведи, що вміють робити тварини.


A GOOSE: run swim jump

A CAT: fly swim play with a ball

A ZEBRA: fly sing jump

A GIRAFFE: fly run sing


2. Перепитай та запиши запитання за зразком.

Зразок: The goose is white.

Is the goose white?


1. The duck is blue.

2. The rabbit is grey.

3. The goose is white.

4. The zebra is black and white.


З’єднай слова з їх значенням.


fly дикі тварини

stripe вода

water літати

wild animals смужка



Tests for Listening

Form 3


Test 1. Sashko


З’єднай слова з їх значенням.


wall уроки

week стіна

to study тиждень

lessons учитися


Встав пропущені букви.


pu_ _l scho_ _

d_s_ r_b_ _r

les_ _n clas_ro_m

p_n r_ll_r


3. Прочитай запитання та підкресли правильну відповідь.


1. What is a pupil’s name?

His name is Serhiy. His name is Sashko.

2. How old is he?

He is seven. He is eight.

3. Is his classroom big?

Yes, it is. No. it is not.

4. Does Sashko like to study at school?

Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.


Test 2. Seasons


З’єднай слова з їх значенням.


gay листя

joyful радісний

months веселий

leaves місяці


Обведи правильне число. Прочитай речення.


1. Ayearhas3 / 4 seasons.

2. A season has 3 / 12 months.

3. There are 3 / 4 months in summer.

4. There are 30 / 31 days in December


Познач правильну відповідь.


1. Ther eare months in a year.

a) 12 b) 24

2. March, April, May are months.

a) summer b) spring

3. June, July, August are months.

a) summer b) winter

4. December, January, February are months.

a) autumn b) winter


Test 3. Nelly’s Cat


Склади речення зі слів у рядку і запиши їх.


1. grey / a / Nelly / cat / has.


2. is / cat / a / big / Carry.


3. has / little / She / three / kittens.


4. has / toy / a / Nelly / little / mouse.


5. doesn’t / play / like / to / Carry / Nelly / with.


6. kittens / with / mouse / like / play / to / The / toy.



2. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. What has Nelly?


2. What colour is the cat?


3. What is the cat’s name?


4. How many kittens has the cat?


5. What colour are the kittens?


6. What toy has Nelly?

Test 4. My Family


1. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. What is the girl’s name?


2. How old is the girl?


3. What form is she in?


4. Has Svitlana a brother or a sister?


5. Is Svitlana’s family big?


6. Is Svitlana’s grandmother very old?


Доповни речення.


1. My name is _______________________________.


2. I am _____________________________ years old.


3. My family is not very _______________________.


4. My father is an ____________________________.


5. My mother is a ____________________________.


6. My sister’s name is_________________________.


Test 5. Clever Fluffy


Знайди і підкресли правильне речення.


1. Fluffy is a nice little giraffe.


2. Fluffy wants to go for a walk.


3. She is wearing black jeans and a violet jacket.


4. Fluffy has not got an umbrella.


5. She sees a car.


6. She makes an umbrella of the leaves.


2. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Who is Fluffy?


2. Is the weather snowy?


3. Has Fluffy an umbrella?


4. Is she wet?


5. What does Fluffy see?


6. Is his umbrella of the leaves?


Test 6. A Little Sister

Познач правильну відповідь.

1. Peter and Jane have______________________.

a) a little sister b) a big sister

2. Nelly_________________________________.

a) doesn’t go to school b) goes to school

3. Nelly_________________________________.

a) can read and write b) cannot read and write

4. Nelly is _______________________ years old.

a) four b) six

5. In the morning Peter and Jane go to _________.

a) school b) the park

6. Peter and Jane take ______________ to school.

a) toys b) bags

7. Nelly wants to go to _____with her brother and sister.

a) school b) the garden

8. Peter and Jane don’t take Nelly to school because_.

a) she is very little b) she is a bad girl

9. After school the brother and sister want to ___for Nelly.

a) read books b) do the homework

Склади речення зі слів у рядку і запиши їх.

1. Pete / have / and / a / Jane / sister / little.


2. name / is / Her / Nelly.


3. is / She / old / years / only / four.


4. wants / go / She / to / school / to.


Test 7. Nice Animals


Обведи дієслова, які вказують на те, що вміють робити тварини.

DUCK: run, jump, sing, fly.

KITTEN: play with a ball, fly, run, jump, swim.

GIRAFFE: run, jump, fly, sing.

GOOSE: play with a ball, sing, swim, jump.

ZEBRA: fly, sing, swim, run. jump.


Напиши, що вміють робити різні тварини.


1. A dog can run,___________________________.

2. A duck can______________________________.

3. A zebra can _____________________________.

4. A cat can _______________________________.


Підкресли правильну відповідь.


1. Is the goose white?

Yes, it is. / No, it is not.


2. Is the duck grey?

Yes, it is. / No, it is not.


3. Has zebra got stripes?

Yes, it has. / No, it has not.



Test 8. Home, Sweet Home


Склади речення і запиши їх.


1. our / is / This / house.


2. in / seven / have / We / rooms / house / the.


3. living-room / We / TV / read / the / watch / in / and.


4. eat / the / We / dining-room / in.


5. sleep / read / and / the / bedroom / in / We.


6. do / play / in / Children / the / room / homework / children’s / their / and.


Прочитай речення і напиши назви кімнат.


1. The fridge is in the _______________________.

2. The TV is in the _________________________.

3. The bed is in the _________________________.

4. The bath is in the ________________________.

5. The toys are in the _______________________.

6. The dining table is in the __________________.



Tests for Listening

Form 4

Test 1. Nelly’s Birthday


1. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Who has a birthday party today?


2. How old is Nelly?


3. Who comes to see Nelly?


4. What presents do the children give Nelly?


5. What do the father and mother give Nelly?


6. What do the children have in the evening?


7. Where does Nelly want to sit at the table?


8. Where does Jane sit at the table?


Обери правильні речення і випиши їх.


1. Today is Nina’s birthday.

2. Mother puts five candles in the middle of the cake.

3. Father and Mother dive Nelly a very big nice car.

4. Nelly wants to sit near Jane.


Test 2. Sally’s House


Обери і випиши слова, які ти почув.

House, mouse, floor, door, bright, light.


Запиши речення правильно.


1. Sally lives in a house on London.


2. Sally’s house is not very big.


3. Sally plays on the computer in the children’s room.


Підкресли правильний варіант.


1. In Sally’s house there are_____ floors.

a) one b) two c) three

2. There are _____ rooms on the first floor.

a) two b) three c) four

3. Sally works on the computer_________.

a) in the morning b) in the afternoon c) in the evening


4. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Where does Sally live?


2. How many rooms are there on the ground floor?


3. Where is Sally’s brothers’ room?



Test 3. Apples


Склади речення зі слів у рядку і запиши їх.


1. apples / Ann / Little / likes.


2. likes / She / to / them / eat.


3. gives / Her / apples / day / mother / her / every.


4. give / Ann / She / cannot / apple / an.


2. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. What does Ann like?


2. Who gives her the apples?


3. Where are the apples in the evening?


4. Do big apples sleep in the night?


Встав пропущені букви в словах.


ap_l_ l_ttl_

g_ve sl_ep

ev_nin_ e_t

b_g pl_y


Test 4. My Pen – Friend’s Family


1. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. What is the pen’s name?


2. Where does the pen-friend live?


3. What is the boy’s father?


4. What is his mother’s name?


5. What is Willie’s mother?


6. What is Willie’s brother?


7. How old is Willie’s brother?


8. What is the boy’s grandfather?


9. Where does the grandfather work?



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