Read and translate the text about London. 

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Read and translate the text about London.




London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the largest cities in the world. It’s population is about 8 millions. It is a big port and a major political, industrial, commercial and cultural centre. London stands on the river Thames which flows into the North Sea.

Hundreds of years before our era on the banks of the Thames there was a small settlement called Llyn-din, which was later renamed by the Romans into Londinium. In 1066 William the Conqueror settled in Londinium the capital of Norman Britain and called it London.

Now London is one of the oldest and most interesting cities in the world. Traditionally it is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End.

The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. It is the symbol of wealth and luxury. The best hotels, shops, restaurants, clubs and theatres are situated there. There are splendid houses and lovely gardens belonging to wealthy people.

The heart of London is the City, it’s financial and business centre. Numerous banks, offices and firms are situated here. There are some famous ancient buildings within the City. The most beautiful of them is St. Paul’s Cathedral, the greatest of English churches. It was built in the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren. It took him 35 years. Inside there is a great number of monuments to generals and admirals. Admiral Nelson was buried there among the other great Englishmen.

The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror. It served as a fortress and palace. Later kings made it larger and stronger and kept soldiers, weapons, treasures and sometimes prisoners there. Nowadays the Tower is a museum and it is visited by thousands of people. In fact, the Tower today is like a traditional English village. The ravens are the most important residents in it, for, according to the legend, if they ever leave, the Tower will fall and England with it. For nine centuries the Tower has kept watch over London and the river Thames. In front of it the Tower Bridge is situated. It appeared in 1894 and is still in daily use. The Tower bridge regulates a large part of the traffic of the London’s port.



Westminster is the historic and governmental part of London.

Westminster Abbey is a building of great beauty, a church which is closely connected with the English nation for more than 900 years. Coronations and Royal Weddings take place in the Abbey. Many English kings and queens have been crowned there. Westminster Abbey is also famous for its Poets’ Corner. Here are the graves and memorials of the most of the major English poets and some writers. William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling, Charles Darwin are also buried here.

Across the road from Westminster Abbey is the Westminster Palace or the Houses of Parliament. It is a seat of the British Parliament. This building has two towers: the Victoria Tower with a national flag over it and the Clock Tower with the famous big hour bell Big Ben.


Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen. It is one of London’s most popular historical buildings. When the Queen is in it, the Royal Flag flatters over it. It is interesting for the tourists. The ceremony of the changing of the guard takes place daily at eleven o’clock. A large crowd of people come to see this traditional ceremony.


Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. It was named in memory of Admiral Nelson’s victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson’s column stands in the middle of the square. Behind Nelson’s Column is the National Gallery, an art gallery where you can find many old masters.

Piccadilly Circus is the centre of night life in the West End. The atmosphere here is very dynamic. Groups of people of all races dressed in their national clothes like to gather around the foot of statue of Eros, the god of love.

One of the greatest tourists’ attractions in London is Hyde Park. It is the largest of London’s parks and is famous for its Speaker’s Corner. People who enjoy a good argument can go to this place of interest where they can listen to people expressing their opinions on a variety of topics.

The East End is the poorest district of London. There are a lot of factories, workshops and docks here. The buildings are rather unattractive, but now changing because of very expensive housing. The East End is densely populated by working class families.


Visit London one day and you’ll never forget this journey!



Vocabulary to the following dialogues:
1.accompany smb – сопровождать кого-либо
2.I know my way about. – Я не заблужусь; я здесь хорошо ориентируюсь.
3.It is a ten minutes’ walk from here. – Это в десяти минутах ходьбы отсюда; здесь недалеко пешком.
4.Is the Tower far from here? – Тауэр далеко отсюда?
5.Am I right for...? – Я правильно иду к...? the opposite direction – в противоположном направлении
7.How do I get to...? – Как мне добраться до...?
8.Which is the shortest way to...? – Как быстрее пройти/проехать к...?
9.near here – здесь поблизости
10.block – квартал (городской)
11.turn (round) the corner – повернуть за угол
12.Does this bus go to...? – Этот автобус идет до/к...?
13.take the underground/a bus/a taxi (from... to...) – поехать на метро/автобусе/такси (от... до...)
14.change at... – делать пересадку в...
15.Is there a bus from here to...? – Отсюда можно доехать (на автобусе) до.?
16.Will this bus take me to... – Я доеду до... на этом автобусе?
17.We shall (not) make it. – Мы (не) успеем.
18.I don’t know which way to turn. – He знаю, куда идти (букв., перен.).
19.He would know. – Он-то (уж) знает/скажет.
20.miss one’s stop – пропустить/проехать свою остановку go by bus(trolleybus) - ехать на автобусе

22.take a bus – поехать на автобусе

23.change a bus – пересесть

24.go on foot – идти пешком

25.rush hours – час пик

26.Go straight as far as the first turning to the right. – идите до первого поворота направо.

27.Ask the conductor to put you down in …street. – попросите кондуктор высадить вас на улице…

28.It's just two steps from here. – это в двух шагах отсюда.

29.I'm afraid it's a long way from here. – боюсь, что это далеко отсюда.

30.It's just round the corner. – это прямо за углом.

31.Go straight ahead till you come to… - идите прямо, пока не дойдете до…

32.All fares, please. – оплатите проезд.

33.Are you getting off at the next stop? – вы выходите на следующей остановке?

Exercise 5.1. Read the dialogues and act out some of them.

I “Shall I accompany you?”
“No, thanks. I know my way about. Besides, Downing Street is quite near, isn’t it?”
“Yes. It’s a short walk.”

II “Is the Tower far from here?”
“Yes, rather far. You’d better take bus.”

III “Am I right for Queen Victoria’s Memorials?”
“No, it’s in the opposite direction.”

IV “Excuse me, officer, how do I get to the Stock Exchange?”
“Go down the street, pass the traffic lights and take the turning on the right.”

V “Which is the shortest way to Piccadilly Circus?”
“Go up the street, turn to the left, and then go straight ahead.”

VI “Is there a public telephone near here?”
“Yes, two blocks down the street, at the Post Office.”

VII “Excuse me, where’s the nearest bus stop?”
“Turn round the corner and there it is, at Victoria Station.”


VIII “Does this bus go to Trafalgar Square?”
“No. Take the underground, it’s the best way.”

IX “Will this bus take me to Times Square?”
“No, it won’t. You’ll have to change at 23rd Street.”

X “Is there a bus from here to Columbia University?”
“I suppose so. But let’s take a cab, otherwise we shan’t make it.”

XI “The map is not good. I don’t know which way to turn.”
“There’s a policeman over there. Ask him. He would know.”


IX. Think of a place to visit in Tyumen, advice a tourist to visit it, give the reason of your choice and explain how to get there.


5.2. Read, translate the following dialogue about London and make up your own using words in brackets (use the map).

- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Trafalgar square?(Hyde Park, Westminster Abbey)

- Sure. Go down Regent Street (Oxford Street, Charing Cross Road) to Piccadilly Circus (Marble Arch). Then turn to the left(to the right, go straight ahead) and less than in a minute you’ll be in Trafalgar square (Hyde Park, Westminster Abbey).

- Thank you very much. How far is it from here?

- If you walk, it will take you 10(15,20) minutes.

- Is there a bus?

- Yes, sir, any bus will take you there. There is a bus stop just over there. Ask the conductor to put you down at Trafalgar square( Hyde Park, Westminster Ab bey).



Exercise 5.2. Complete the sentences, choosing the best ending.

A. 1. The best way to see a town is.... (to follow the recommended sightseeing routes; to walk along the streets and look around; to make a guided tour of the town).
2. If you want to know more about a strange town, you should... (read a guidebook to the town; ask a resident of the town to show you round; ask someone who knows the town to take you for a drive in a car; make a guided tour of the town).
3. When I come to a strange town, first of all I... (find out all about the history of the town and all historical places and monuments; go to the Zoo; go to the museums; visit the art galleries; buy a guidebook to the town; study the recommended sightseeing routes; buy a map of the town).
4. When I come to a strange town, I ask a resident of the town... (“Have you got anything to declare?”; “What are you going to do for your holiday?”; “What should I see first?”; “Are there any places of interest in your city?”).
5. If you are in London, be sure to visit Westminster Abbey which is... (the seat of Parliament; the official residence of the Prime Minister; the business centre of London; the burial place of the great people of England; the residence of kings and queens of England).
6. When you are in New York, don’t fail to visit Greenwich Village, which is... (the Negro section of New York; the financial centre of the country; the artistic quarters of New York; an amusement centre; a big park).
7. You can buy postcards with views of New York... (in any drugstore; at Woolworth’s; in a Lost and Found Department; in the Public Library).

B. 1. I said there was no need of him to accompany me as... (the city was well planned; I wouldn’t lose my way; I knew my way about; I didn’t know my way about; I wasn’t a stranger).
2. As the place was quite near, we... (took a bus; walked there; were sure we would make it).
3. We took a bus as... (we were in a hurry; we were afraid we wouldn’t make it; the place was very far; we didn’t feel like walking).
4. If you don’t know your way about, you’d better... (buy a guidebook; get a map of the city; not go out by yourself).
5. You’ll get to the Town Hall if you opposite direction; change at Cromwell Road).
6. If you don’t know how to get to some place,... (look it up in a map of the city; ask a policeman; ask someone to direct you to the place).
7. If you want to ask a policeman the way to St. Paul’s Cathedral, you say... (“Excuse me, could you tell me the way to St. Paul’s Cathedral?”; “Excuse me, how can I get to St. Paul’s Cathedral?”; “Is St. Paul’s Cathedral far from here?”; “Is it far to St. Paul’s Cathedral?”; “Which is the shortest way to St. Paul’s Cathedral?”).
8. If you don’t know what the fare is, you ask the conductor,... (“Will you put me down at Hyde Park Corner?”; “Are you getting off at the next stop?”; “How much is it to...?”).
9. If you are not sure whether you are going in the right direction, you should ask a resident of the city... (“Am I right for...?”; “Shall I get to... if I go along this street?”; “Shall I reach … if I go straight ahead?”).

C. 1. Drivers as well as pedestrians should... (observe traffic regulations; be very attentive in the street when traffic is heavy; not break traffic regulations; watch the lights; know the road sings).
2. Drivers shouldn’t... (pass other cars where overtaking is not allowed; park their cars in busy streets; cross on the red light).
3. Pedestrians should... (look first left and then right when crossing the street; not cross the street in front of moving buses and cars).
4. People who do not observe traffic regulations... (never get injured may be knocked down or run over by a car; may be killed in a road accident; may be fined; may have an accident).
5. He was fined for … (driving on the wrong side of the road; speeding; parking the car in the “No parking” zone; driving on the red light; crossing on the red light; careless driving; drunken driving; arguing with the policeman; not keeping his car clean).
6. Accidents happen because people... (don’t observe traffic regulations; are careless; are not attentive when crossing the street; get on or off while the bus is moving).



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