Unit.15. Українські митці та вчені. 

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Unit.15. Українські митці та вчені.

Ex. 1. Прочитайте та запам’ятайте наступні слова та вирази:

tumultuous – безладний

subjugation – підпорядкування

homemade – саморобний

canvas – полотно


Ex. 2. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст:

The Art of Ukraine


Ukrainian identity, born of a relationship to land, is equally defined by a tumultuous and dark history of political subjugation and resistance. Not surprisingly, the work of creative artists, musicians, writers, poets, potters, dancers, singers, composers, sculpturers, wood carvers, weavers, actors, designers, authors, and folk artists have laid claim to the shifting tides of this history.

Over many centuries, Ukrainian artists have integrated the mystical symbols of the Tree of Life, the sun, and the goddess into their woven textiles, ceramics, woodwork, metalwork, and paintings. Perhaps the most widely recognized art form, the pysanky, a colorful, patterned Easter egg, is believed to possess a talismanic power to grant wishes of wealth, a rich harvest, and good health. Intricate patterns drawn on the egg with wax become word pictures, communicating feelings of love, mystery, faith, despair, and hope, after dye is added to give the egg color and the wax is removed.

A lesser recognized art form, the icon painted on wooden board or homemade canvas, dates back to the 17th century. Primarily a folk art created by farmers and peasants, icons resided in a central location in virtually every village house, playing significant spiritual roles in the births, weddings, and deaths of family members. Though much of the icon's value is traditionally Biblical, the origins of the icon are firmly rooted in legends and folklore and unique in both in its rich color and floral design. Suppressed in the 1920s by the Soviet regime, this folk art has experienced a renaissance over the past few years as exhibitions of both antiquated and new pieces are curated.

Ukrainian paintings, in the tradition of Taras Shevchenko, Ukraine’s most celebrated artist and poet, depicting the beauty of the land and people continue to thrive today in the work of Anatoly Haydamaka, Andrily Hlazovy, and Karlo Zvirynsky. Yet, a new voice, born out of the Orange Revolution, is calling on artists of every creative form to reassess Ukrainian culture and the country's place in the world in the 21st century. A recent exhibition, entitled Ukrainian Hermitage, bringing together a group of fifteen young artists, called into question "traditional" art forms. Making a case for continuing the Orange Revolution through the medium of art, the artists are cutting a new path in the history of Ukrainian creative expression.


Ex. 3. Складіть три запитання до тексту

Ex. 4. Доповніть речення:

  1. Ukrainian identity, born of a relationship to land, is equally defined by…
  2. A lesser recognized art form, the icon painted on wooden board or homemade canvas, dates …
  3. Though much of the icon's value is traditionally Biblical, the origins of the icon are firmly rooted in legends and folklore and …
  4. A recent exhibition, entitled Ukrainian Hermitage, bringing together a group of fifteen young artists, called …


Ex. 5. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст:

Eugene Paton

Eugene Paton was born in 1870 in the French town Nizza. Paton was an outstanding constructor and a scientist. From 1929 Paton was the member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. He graduated from the Polytechnical Institute of Dresden in 1894 and St. Petersburg Institute of Civil Engineers in 1896. In 1904-1939 Paton was the professor of Kyiv Polytechnical Institute. Heading the laboratory of testing the bridges, he formulated the main scientific principles and discovered the scientific technology of testing the bridges. In 1896-1929 he constructed 35 bridges, among them the main bridge across the Dnieper in Kyiv. Now this bridge bears his name. In 1929 Paton organized the laboratory of electric welding, which became an Institute in 1934. Eugene Paton died in 1953 in Kyiv.

Ex. 6. Складіть два запитання до тексту.

Ex. 7. Опишіть подані нижче картини:

Домашнє завдання:

Ex. 1. Вивчіть новий лексичний матеріал.

Ex. 8. Розкажіть про вашого улюбленого митця або вченого.

Питання для самоконтролю:

1. Яких українських митців ви знаєте?

2. Яких українських вчених ви знаєте?



Unit 16 Розвиток науки і техніки в Україні.

Ex.1 З’єднайте наступні англійські слова з їх українськими еквівалентами:

Part I

1) Discovery а) застосування

2) Achievement b)генетика

3) Disease c) дослідження

4) Diagnosis d)відкриття

5) Transplant e)спостереження

6) Research f) конкуренція

7) Genetics g) трансплантант

8) Application h) досягнення

9) Competitiveness i) діагноз

10) observation j) захворювання

Part II

11) satellite k) внесок

12) innovation l) рух

13) Universe m) зварювання

14) gravitation n) сумісне підприємство

15) evolution o) потужність, здібність

16) superconductivity p) супутник

17) contribution q) нововведення, відкриття

18) motion r) всесвіт

19) capacity s) гравітація

20) welding t) еволюція

21) joint venture u) надпровідність


Ex. 2 Перекладіть наступні дієслова та складіть з кожним дієсловом речення:

To discover, to invent, to research, to improve, to promote, to identify

Ex. 3 Прочитайте та перекладіть текст:

accomplishment – досягнення

agreement – угода

facilities – послуги

treaty – договір

In Old Rus monasteries were the first venues of science. A major such venue of the 18th century was Kyiv Mohyla Academy. In the 19th c the universities of Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa, and Lviv became noted research centers where the first national schools of science took shape.

Much credit in the development of Ukrainian science is due to M. Ostrohradsky (mathematics), O. Bodiansky (linguistics), V. Antonovych (history), M. Maksymovych (ethnography and plant physiology), V. Obraztsov, F. Yanovsky, V. Karavaiev, O. Bets, M. Strazbesko, M. Volkovych, and V. Filatov (medicine).

The creation of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in 1918 was an event of historic import. Among its founding members were V. Vernadsky, a famous 20th c scientists and naturalists; noted historians M. Hrushevsky and D. Bahalii; orientalist A. Krymsky; mechanics expert S. Tymoshenko; lawyer M. Vasylenko and many others. Associated with the Academy are the names of outstanding scientists, among them physician and mathematician M. Boholyubov, biologist M. Kashchenko, microbiologist and epidemiologist D. Zabolotny, botanists Ye. Votohal, O. Fomin, M. Kholodny, archaeologist and etnographer M. Biliashivsky, zoologist I. Sclumalhauwn, economist K. Vobly, and demographer M. Ptuhka. World-reputed schools schools appeared, headed by D. Hrave (algebra), M. Krylov (mathematical physics), Ye. Paton (electric welding and bridge construction), L. Pysarzhevsky (chemistry), O. Dynnyk (mechanics and elasticity theory), O. Bohomolets (experimental pathology).

At present, the National Academy of Sciences comprises 170 researches centers with powerful research-and-productive facilities. All told, there are some 3,500 Doctors and 10,000 Candidates of Science. There are 208 Academicians and 280 Corresponding members, plus 81 foreign members from 18 countries, including the USA, France, Germany, the UK, Italy, and Japan.

The National Academy of Ukraine ranks with Europe’s leading scientific venues. Among its attainments are outstanding accomplishments in natural history and technology, along with tangible contributions to sociology and the humanities.

Since 1962 its President has been Boris Paton, a noted scientist, organizer, honorary member of academies in many countries.

A great deal has been done in the leading sciences over the past several years. Thus, the world’s first laser data shortage came as the result of complex developments by experts of informatics, physics, physical metallurgy and chemistry. World priorities have a number of achievements in machine building, rocket and computer technology, molecular biology, genetic engineering, microbiology and medicine.

The National Academy of Ukraine maintains and expands international contacts with academies and research associations and centers in many countries. Over the post several years research and technological cooperation treaties and agreements have been signed with many countries.


Ex.4 Дайте відповіді на питання:


1. Are there a lot of outstanding people famous for their contribution to our science?

2. When was Ukrainian Academy of Science created?

3. Which Ukrainian scientists do you know?

4. When did Yevhen Paton organize the Research Institute of Electro welding at the Academy of Science?

5. What are the achievements of Ukrainian scientists?


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