Read the text about neighbours. Answer the questions. 

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Read the text about neighbours. Answer the questions.

1. Do you know their neighbours’ name?

2. Why Alberto’s life was going to get more difficult?

3. Why did they try to ignore their neighbours?

4. Who was Mimi?

5. What can you say about your neighbours?

Love your neighbours?Sometimes it can be difficult!

Yоu can chooseyour friends but you can't choose your neighbours. The people who live upstairs, downstairs and next door can have a very big influence on our lives - and it isn't always positive! The typical problem that people have with their neighbours is that they make a lot of noise. In a European newspaper survey these were the top eight problems:

They argue loudly. Their babies cry. They have noisy parties. Their dogs bark. They watch TV late at night. They move furniture. They play a musical instrument. They argue with their partner. Alberto took one look at his new neighbours and knew that his life was going to get more difficult. He watched them arrive in their big, noisy car and watched them get out.

There they were, two of them, as big and as noisy as their car.
'Terrible!' he thought. 'How am I going to put up with them?' He went to tell Mimi. Mimi was the friend he lived with. 'Have you seen the new neighbours?' he asked her.

'No' she said. 'Who are they?' 'Two of them. The ones we don’t like. Big and noisy and stupid and smelly. 'Oh, no' said Mimi. 'How awful! I suppose we can just ignore them. 'I suppose you’re right' agreed Alberto. 'We’ll just have to ignore them.' For a few days Alberto and Mimi tried to ignore their new neighbours. When the neighbours went out for a walk, Alberto and Mimi didn’t say hello to them. When the neighbours were in their garden, Alberto and Mimi went inside. This was OK for a few days but things didn’t stay this way. One day Alberto woke up from his sleep to find one of the neighbours in his garden. 'Mimi!' he shouted. 'Have you seen this!? He’s in our garden!!!! Look!'
'How terrible' said Mimi. 'Let’s call our staff and make sure they get rid of him immediately!'

Miroslav Perovic, 38, teacher. I do know my neighbours, but we don't really get on. I have two young children, including a 10-month-old baby who can scream the house down. We get complaints from them about noise, but they are just as bad. They live above us and march all over the place and play loud music. I think that as neighbours we're fine, but the noise is something we can't help as the flats have hardly been soundproofed. We do talk about the problems, but it's not a nice thing to discuss.

Maria Lyons, 43, beauty therapist. I think I'm a good neighbour. We don't disturb anyone. If we're having a fire in the garden, we think about the best time to do it. I'm on call for an elderly neighbour in case she falls. When we had an extension built recently, we went out and spoke to everyone about it. Once, we allowed one of our hedges to grow too high and the neighbours complained, but we went out and hired some special equipment to cut it down the same day. Friends parking outside us probably annoys our neighbours, but that's because we all share a small lane. We all get by.

Stella Powell, 67, partner in a local garage and coach hire firm. I like to think that I'm a good neighbour. We try not to annoy people and if anybody wants us, we're here, we'll help. Some neighbours complained about the garage over the 30 years that we've been here, but they're not our immediate neighbours, who have never said anything. We try to be as quiet as we can; even if we're on a late hire, we don't rev the engines or anything when we come back.

Guess the meaning of the highlighted words or phrases.

Mark the sentences T or F.

Their new neighbours were noisy    
Mimi was Alberto’s wife    
Alberto and Mimi tried to ignore their new neighbours.    
Alberto woke up and find one of the neighbours in his garden.    
Neighbours get on well    

Speaking. 1.

Describe this picture. Do your love your neighbours?

Ask about neighbors.

1. Do you have good neighbors?

2. Do you live in a house or a flat?

3. Where do you have neighbors? upstairs/ downstairs/next door

4. Do you know your neighbors?

5. Are they friendly? Do they help you?

6. Do they make a lot of noise? What kind of noise?

7. Do you have any other problems with your neighbors?

Find Kazakh or Russian equivalents and express your opinion on the sayings. Make up dialogues, using these proverbs.

«You can choose your friends but you can’t choose your neighbors»

«Good fences make good neighbors».

Questions for computer based test

1. Choose the right variant: What are you doing?

a) I am speaking English.

b) He is playing computer games.

c) They are writing a test.

d) She is going to school.

2. Choose the right variant: Present Continuous Tense.

a) She are reading a newspaper.

b) She are read a newspaper.

c) She is reading a newspaper.

d) She is reads a newspaper.

3. Choose the right variant: Present Continuous Tense.

a) We is looking for the new words.

b) We am looking for the new words.

c) We are looking for the new words.

d) We are looks for the new words.

4. Choose the right variant: Студент читает книгу.

a) The student is reading the book.

b) The student reading is the book.

c) The student' book is reading.

d) The student is the reading book.




English Russian Kazakh
neighbour cосед көрші
upstairs верхний этаж жоғарғы қабат
downstairs нижний этаж төменгі қабат
noise шум шу
to go for a walk пойти на прогулку жаяу қыдыру
ordinary простой қарапайым
to help помогать көмектесу
non-stop без перерыва үзіліссіз

Home assignment: Ex. 2,3,4 [2], Ex. 2 a, 6.12, Vocabulary a. [1.74], In pairs, point and ask, answer about the people in the flats.


1. To learn by heart the new words.

2. Prepare topic «My neighbours».

Office hours

1. CD “New English File” F.6 C (grammar, video, vocabulary).

2. Discussion “Neighborhood”.


Main literature:

1. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. New English File. Elementary. Students Book. Oxford, 2010.

2. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. New English File. Elementary. Workbook. Oxford, 2010

Additional literature:

1. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. New English File. CDs for Elementary level U-6

2. Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students. 2009

Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Hand out
English as a foreign language Department of General Humanitarian Training
Elementary level Academic year 2012-2013
2 credits The 1st term
Practical lesson № 21  
Lexical theme “Cities and directions” Grammar “Present simple and present continuous”  
Assistant professor Karybayeva Adina Seilgazyevna


Present Simple

Positive statement: I play, He plays
Negative statement: I do not play (I don't play), He does not play (He doesn't play)
Questions: Do you play? Does he play?

We only use -s ending (plays) and -es ending (does) in the third person singular.

The Present Simple is used for:

1. regular actions or events
e.g. He plays tennis most weekends.

2. facts
e.g. The sun rises in the east.

3. facts known about the future
e.g. We leave at 8.30 next Monday

4. thoughts and feelings about the time of speaking
e.g. I don't feel very well.


The Present Continuous

Positive statement: I am playing, You are playing, He is playing
Negative statement: I am not playing (I'm not playing), You are not playing (You aren't playing), He is not playing (He isn't playing)
Questions: Are you playing? Is he playing?


The Present Continuous is used for:

1. the time of speaking ('now')
e.g. Shh, I'm trying to hear what they are saying.

2. things which are true at the moment but not always
e.g. We're looking for a new flat.

3. present plans for the future
e.g. We're having dinner with them next week.

Look at these examples:

· I don't usually have cereals for breakfast but I'm having some this morning because there is nothing else.

· I often cycle to work but I'm taking the car this morning because it's raining very hard.

· I'm thinking about having my hair cut short but I don't think my husband will be very happy about it.

· My parents live in Washington but I'm just visiting.


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