Lecture 15. Self-education in the conditions of continuous education process and its role in the professional development of the teacher. 

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Lecture 15. Self-education in the conditions of continuous education process and its role in the professional development of the teacher.

The problems of continuous education are inseparable from the problems related to a teacher’s activity. Whatever forms, methods and technologies, were introduced in modern education, a teacher will always be a major figure in it. The teachers of the past wrote about the role of a teacher in a teaching and educational process. "Only a personality can influence on the development and determination of a personality, only a character can form another character", as a teacher is a carrier of high moral ideals. The teacher must constantly perfect himself to be an authority for students in order to carry out one’s pedagogical mission.

"A teacher teaches while he teaches himself", – K. Ushinskiy asserted. A teacher must love children and his profession. "To become a real educator, he must give them his heart", – V. Sukhomlinskiy wrote. Above all things the society produces to the teacher certain requirements, reflecting common to all mankind moral values: spirituality, openness, humanism. Professional pedagogical activity and moral as an aggregate of principles, norms, rules regulates behaviour and a character of a mentor teacher, reflect moral looks, senses, persuasions, form his moral appearance. The solution of new educational tasks, advanced by a society in the conditions of global changes, is indissolubly related to the moral look of a modern music teacher.

In the conditions of activating scientific and technical progress, the space of teacher‘s influence on personality and in these terms his functional roles start increasing.

As a professional the teacher forms a faith in what he teaches, and following these principles determines a moral and humanistic character of relations in a pedagogical process.

A teacher creates outside; he can never see and understand a new person to the end, because it will be clear only much time later. Personal, general, professional, self-educational culture of a teacher, therefore, must develop in advancing rates in comparison with the level of social surrounding. It is known that the higher the level of individuality development, the more he feels a necessity for self-realization and self-education, and only in condition of constant self-education a personality can meet requirements of time. The complex of personality qualities, characterizing a modern teacher, is certain in modern pedagogical researches. Some scientists systematize qualities of a teacher (V. Slastenin, A. Scherbakov), other examine personality qualities of a teacher on the degree of meaningfulness (O. Abdullina, N. Kuzmina).

In opinion of V. Slastenin, the model of an ideal teacher can be presented as a professiogram (job description).He names a cognitive orientation as a major component, including a scientific erudition, spiritual, foremost cognitive, necessities and interests; an intellectual activity, the sense of new, readiness to the pedagogical self-education. The scientist determines a designed image of a modern teacher: a high social activity and responsibility; the main reference point of his activity is a high professional duty; love of children, necessity and ability to give them the heart; the authentic intelligentsia, spiritual culture, desire and ability to work together with others, the absence of ambitions and predilections; a high professionalism, an innovative style of scientifically pedagogical thought, readiness to creation of new values and to acceptance of creative decisions, possession of an individual style of a pedagogical activity; a necessary of constant self-education and readiness to it; physical health, professional capacity.

Thus, the efficiency of any activity, including pedagogical one depends on practical readiness of a person to it, his individual qualities and abilities.

E. Bondarevskaya and T. Belousova developed an image of the system of professionally meaningful qualities of a teacher, characterizing his pedagogical culture: conviction, sociability, intellectuality, restraint, delicacy, self-control, sense of humor, pedagogical tact, love for children, kindness. Scientists' ranking of dominant qualities showed, that students value as the most goodwill, such qualities as tactfulness, courtesy, energy, emotionality, sensitiveness, understanding, keenness of a teacher while teaching his subjects. A modern educational situation objectively requires from a teacher the awareness of necessity and responsibility for own professional development.

In opinion of A. Bondarevskaya, on the first place of the hierarchy of a modern teacher’s qualities are qualities, characterizing an individual and personality maturity: responsibility, independence, will-power and intellect, self-respect, purposefulness.

The first group of a teacher’s qualities: discipline, self-possession and independence of own judgments. Their display testifies to ability of a person to be an individuality who selects oneself from the environment and is apt to self-regulation of his activity. An orientation on these qualities specifies on the display of a subjectivity as a personal touch of a modern teacher.

The second group of qualities talks about the attitude of a person toward other people and his spiritual and moral maturity. Here the priority is given to honesty and respect, the need in creation, capacity to empathy, heartiness, mercy, spirituality, pedagogical reflection.

A presence of such qualities in a teacher, as a professional duty, self-discipline, a public spirit, a pedagogical tact, tolerance and responsibility is examined by the scientist, as one of terms of a personality’s willingness to carry out a pedagogical activity. This information underlines an importance of a subjective teacher‘s position in the direction of self-education in conditions of modern requirements.

A today's professional teacher is a person who has high moral principles, intellectual culture, possesses critical and creative thinking, masters technologies of pedagogical skills, occupies an active position of self-creation.

All individual and professional qualities are formed and developed during a systematic work on oneself. In fact, self-education is the phenomenon, which promotes self identification and self-affirmation of a person. Self-education is directed on the decision of professional and pedagogical tasks, which stand before a modern teacher in his practical activity at school.

A social meaningfulness of a teacher‘s activity is confirmed by a circumstance that one of the strongest impressions on the forming individuality of student is rendered by the first school mentor. His moral, psychological and professional traits are valuable for students.

D. Likhachev emphasized the importance of a human ability to be tolerant in the intellectual sphere of communication. He also indicated the need for a permanent internal work on oneself on creation of spiritual forces: patience, self-control, self-regulation of behaviour. An individual style and efficiency of a pedagogical activity in a great deal depend on the personality of a teacher, his decency, erudition and a pedagogical tact. There are other character properties, which were named by teachers as an integral part of their successful pedagogical activity: confidence, kindness, sense of humour, external appeal, an ability to create a positive image. Therefore, a fact of influence of internal teacher’s conceptions about himself as a professional, mobile, flexible, apt at a creative processing of new ideas in a stream of increasing information and his competent use in a practical activity in the conditions of globalization is quite important. In our opinion, modern self-consciousness of a teacher is a powerful source of an individuality’s inner strength and internal potential, an enthusiasm in a transmission his knowledge to the young generation, abilities and spiritual and cultural values in a policultural environment. It allows a teacher to adapt oneself to the terms of modern life, be ready to the innovations in modernizing education. The concept of personality-oriented education of a culturological type (E. Bondarevskaya, N. Krylova and other) rethinks the development of a traditional pedagogical idea, mortgages principles of a new paradigm of education, consisting of the following features: a general view of education and self-education changes in the direction of more deep understanding them as a cultural process; a concept of an individuality changes, which, except for social qualities, is provided with different subjective properties, characterizing one's autonomy, independence, capacity for a choice, reflections, self-regulation etc., in this connection its role in a self-educational and a pedagogical process changes, becoming its system-generating beginning.

The results of the newest researches about the psychological mechanisms of personality’s development are actively introduced to self-education. An important value is attached to self-knowledge, self-regulation, self-control, self-organization, personalization, self-identification, aspiring to self-actualization, self-realization and other internal mechanisms of individual self-development. Education and self-education are examined as a part of culture, which, forms feeds and influences on a maintenance and development of a person. To provide the ascent of a person to common for all mankind values and ideals of culture, education must be culturally appropriate. It means that the culturological approach, which defines all of the educational tools to culture and a person as to a creator and subject, who apt at cultural self-development, must become the basic method of planning and development.

The content of personality-oriented education must include everything, a person needs for building and development of one's own "I-conception" and have the following components: personality-oriented, systematic, andragogical, aksiological, cognitive, creative and personal. As it follows, basic teacher’s efforts on updating the maintenance must be directed on strengthening of one's personality-semantic orientation.

In the system of personality-oriented education, special requirements are produced to the teacher: he has the valued attitude toward a child, culture, creation; displays a humane pedagogical position; cares about children's spiritual and physical health; is able to create and constantly enrich cultural, informative and subject-developing educational environment; is able to work with content of teaching, giving it a personality-semantic orientation; owns various pedagogical technologies; is able to give them a personality-developing orientation; displays an anxiety about development and support of every child. All these requires placing of new accents in the problem of teachers' self-education. Foremost, this advancement as a leading purpose is a forming of a creative self-developing and self-upgrading personality. Through filling of an educational process with a personality maintenance, the capacity of a teacher for a self-education develops. We share the views to the position of scientists (E. Bondarevskaya, V. Slastenin, O. Ganchenko and other) in regard to aims and the orientation of a teacher self-education in modern terms of education development that, coming from the general purpose of education, integral becoming of its individuality and originality. The basic tasks of self-education of a specialist-teacher are considered the following: forming the necessity to realize the sense of life, choose the moral position to create oneself; develop a creative potential of personality, professional competence, and spiritual world; activation of processes of self-education, self-creation of a personality, perfection of integral individual qualities.

In this connection the problem of organization and stimulation of self-educational activity of a modern teacher in the conditions of continuous education becomes especially topical for pedagogies of adults. The purpose of professional and pedagogical self-education, as G. Kadzhaspirova considers, is personal and professional self-perfection, that allows to attain a professional competence, high general cultural level, increase the effectiveness of pedagogical activity, manifested in the qualitative changes of a student's personality development, that is high level achievements of pedagogical skills and creative attitude towards it [5]. Considering the issues of improving the teaching skills, the scientist pays attention to an impossibility to decide the issue on growth of pedagogical skills without self-education.

Therefore, under current conditions self-education not only as a concept of continuing education should be considered but also as a form of training, a method of realization of modern requirements to teacher’s individuality.



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