Lecture 1. General characteristics of education. 

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Lecture 1. General characteristics of education.


The department of preschool education and defectology

Lectures of discipline «Special psychology»

Shymkent, 2015

Lecture 1. General characteristics of education.

Education, as well as science, can be seen in tpex aspects:

-it is a holistic system of human knowledge about the world, backed up by relevant skills in various areas of activity;

-this targeted training of the individual, forming in her certain knowledge and skills;

-a system of social institutions providing pre-vocational and vocational training.

The purpose of education is to turn the person's beliefs, ideals and values ​​of the dominant part of society.

Education functions as follows:



-training of qualified professionals;

-introduction to modern technologies and other products of culture.

Criteria education

Education - is the result of learning.

An educated man - a man who has mastered a certain amount of systematic knowledge and, moreover, used to logically highlighting cause and effect thinking.

The main criterion of education - systematic knowledge and systematic thinking, manifested in the fact that man is able to independently restore the missing links in the system of knowledge through logical reasoning.

Depending on the scope of the knowledge and the achieved level of independent thinking distinguish primary, secondary and higher education. The nature and focus of education is divided into general, vocational and polytechnic.

General education provides basic knowledge about nature, society, science, man, forms the dialectical materialist outlook, develops cognitive abilities. General education provides understanding of the basic laws of development in the human world, each person needed training and employment skills, a variety of practical skills.

Polytechnic education introduces the basic principles of modern production, develops skill with simple tools that are used in everyday life and everyday life.

The role of education in human life

Through education comes broadcast culture from one generation to another.

On the one hand, education is influenced by the economic and political spheres of public life, as well as the socio-cultural environment - national, regional, religious traditions (so models and forms of education are significantly different from each other: we can talk about the Russian, the American, the French education system).

On the other hand, education - a relatively independent subsystem of the social life, which may have an impact on all aspects of society. For example, modernization of education in the country makes it possible to further improve the quality of the labor force and, therefore, contribute to the development of the economy. Civic education contributes to the democratization of the political sphere of society, the legal - the strengthening of the legal culture. In general, quality education forms a harmonious personality in terms of the general cultural and professional.

Education is of great importance not only for society but also for the individual. In modern society, education - this is the main "social elevator", which allows talented person to rise from the bottoms of public life and to achieve a high social status.

Education system

Education - one of the most important spheres of social life, which depends on the functioning of the intellectual, cultural, moral condition of society. The end result is reduced to the education of the individual, ie, its new quality, expressed in the totality of the acquired knowledge and skills.

The education system includes:

-pre-school establishments;

-educational institutions;

-educational institutions of higher professional education (higher education);

-educational institutions of secondary vocational education (secondary special educational institution);

-private educational institutions;

-additional education.

Educational institutions represent a massive and extensive system. Their net effect on the socio-economic situation in the country, and in the regions. In educational institutions carried out the transfer of knowledge, morals and customs of society.

The most important social institution in the education system is the school.

The challenges facing management education:

-low salaries of teachers;

-lack of logistical support of educational institutions;

-staff shortages;

-insufficient professional level of education;

-insufficient level of general culture.

The content of education - this is a specific body of knowledge and skills on a particular subject matter, which is drawn from the respective areas of expertise on the basis of the available didactic principles.

The selected information is transferred to students with certain learning tools, information sources (the word training, a training manual, visual and technical facilities).

Basic principles of the content of school education:

Humanistic, providing priority of human values ​​and human health, the free development of the personality;

The scientific manifested in accordance offered for studying in the school of knowledge latest achievements of scientific, social and cultural progress;

The sequence, which consists in planning the content, developing along an ascending line, where each new knowledge builds on previous and flows out of it;

Historicism, which means the reproduction in school courses of history of the development of a particular branch of science, human practice, lighting due to study the problems of activity of outstanding scientists;

Systematic, involves consideration of the studied knowledge and skills generated in the system, the construction of all the courses and all the content of school education as the systems within each other and to the overall system of human culture;

Communication with life as a way to verify the validity of the studied knowledge and skills, and formed as a universal means of reinforcement schooling actual practice;

Match age capabilities and level of preparedness of students, which this or that system of knowledge, skills proposed for development;

Availability determines the structure of curricula and programs, in a manner of presentation of scientific knowledge in educational books, as well as the order of administration, and the optimal number of the studied scientific concepts and terms.

Pedagogy reveals the essence of education, its goals and methods. Moreover, under the form, usually refers to the process, which includes two subsystems: training and education.

Thus, the concept of "training" and "education" are the most important pedagogical categories that allow to dissolve related but not reducible to each other as a subsystem of education focused, organized process of human socialization.



The department of preschool education and defectology

Lectures of discipline «Special psychology»

Shymkent, 2015

Lecture 1. General characteristics of education.

Education, as well as science, can be seen in tpex aspects:

-it is a holistic system of human knowledge about the world, backed up by relevant skills in various areas of activity;

-this targeted training of the individual, forming in her certain knowledge and skills;

-a system of social institutions providing pre-vocational and vocational training.

The purpose of education is to turn the person's beliefs, ideals and values ​​of the dominant part of society.

Education functions as follows:



-training of qualified professionals;

-introduction to modern technologies and other products of culture.

Criteria education

Education - is the result of learning.

An educated man - a man who has mastered a certain amount of systematic knowledge and, moreover, used to logically highlighting cause and effect thinking.

The main criterion of education - systematic knowledge and systematic thinking, manifested in the fact that man is able to independently restore the missing links in the system of knowledge through logical reasoning.

Depending on the scope of the knowledge and the achieved level of independent thinking distinguish primary, secondary and higher education. The nature and focus of education is divided into general, vocational and polytechnic.

General education provides basic knowledge about nature, society, science, man, forms the dialectical materialist outlook, develops cognitive abilities. General education provides understanding of the basic laws of development in the human world, each person needed training and employment skills, a variety of practical skills.

Polytechnic education introduces the basic principles of modern production, develops skill with simple tools that are used in everyday life and everyday life.

The role of education in human life

Through education comes broadcast culture from one generation to another.

On the one hand, education is influenced by the economic and political spheres of public life, as well as the socio-cultural environment - national, regional, religious traditions (so models and forms of education are significantly different from each other: we can talk about the Russian, the American, the French education system).

On the other hand, education - a relatively independent subsystem of the social life, which may have an impact on all aspects of society. For example, modernization of education in the country makes it possible to further improve the quality of the labor force and, therefore, contribute to the development of the economy. Civic education contributes to the democratization of the political sphere of society, the legal - the strengthening of the legal culture. In general, quality education forms a harmonious personality in terms of the general cultural and professional.

Education is of great importance not only for society but also for the individual. In modern society, education - this is the main "social elevator", which allows talented person to rise from the bottoms of public life and to achieve a high social status.

Education system

Education - one of the most important spheres of social life, which depends on the functioning of the intellectual, cultural, moral condition of society. The end result is reduced to the education of the individual, ie, its new quality, expressed in the totality of the acquired knowledge and skills.

The education system includes:

-pre-school establishments;

-educational institutions;

-educational institutions of higher professional education (higher education);

-educational institutions of secondary vocational education (secondary special educational institution);

-private educational institutions;

-additional education.

Educational institutions represent a massive and extensive system. Their net effect on the socio-economic situation in the country, and in the regions. In educational institutions carried out the transfer of knowledge, morals and customs of society.

The most important social institution in the education system is the school.

The challenges facing management education:

-low salaries of teachers;

-lack of logistical support of educational institutions;

-staff shortages;

-insufficient professional level of education;

-insufficient level of general culture.

The content of education - this is a specific body of knowledge and skills on a particular subject matter, which is drawn from the respective areas of expertise on the basis of the available didactic principles.

The selected information is transferred to students with certain learning tools, information sources (the word training, a training manual, visual and technical facilities).

Basic principles of the content of school education:

Humanistic, providing priority of human values ​​and human health, the free development of the personality;

The scientific manifested in accordance offered for studying in the school of knowledge latest achievements of scientific, social and cultural progress;

The sequence, which consists in planning the content, developing along an ascending line, where each new knowledge builds on previous and flows out of it;

Historicism, which means the reproduction in school courses of history of the development of a particular branch of science, human practice, lighting due to study the problems of activity of outstanding scientists;

Systematic, involves consideration of the studied knowledge and skills generated in the system, the construction of all the courses and all the content of school education as the systems within each other and to the overall system of human culture;

Communication with life as a way to verify the validity of the studied knowledge and skills, and formed as a universal means of reinforcement schooling actual practice;

Match age capabilities and level of preparedness of students, which this or that system of knowledge, skills proposed for development;

Availability determines the structure of curricula and programs, in a manner of presentation of scientific knowledge in educational books, as well as the order of administration, and the optimal number of the studied scientific concepts and terms.

Pedagogy reveals the essence of education, its goals and methods. Moreover, under the form, usually refers to the process, which includes two subsystems: training and education.

Thus, the concept of "training" and "education" are the most important pedagogical categories that allow to dissolve related but not reducible to each other as a subsystem of education focused, organized process of human socialization.



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