Ex 1. Find corresponding English equivalents. Найдите соответствующие английские эквиваленты. 

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Ex 1. Find corresponding English equivalents. Найдите соответствующие английские эквиваленты.


1. To reduce pollution 1. налогоплательщики

2. Taxpayers 2. эрозия, кислотный дождь и снег

3. Be held accountable 3. возобновляемые источники энергии

4. Logging and road building 4. уменьшать загрязнение

5. Payroll taxes 5. акция рыбы

6. Is levier 6. благоприятствовать

7. Are more flexible tool 7. налоги по платёжной ведомости

8. A benefit 8. “упорствующей в окружающей среде”

9. On wages and profits strongly 9. выкорчёвывание и строительство supporting 10. более гибкий инструмент

10.“environmentally perverse” 11. на заработанных платах и прибылях

11. foster 12. считались ответственными

12.an erosion, acid rain and smog 13. взимавшийся (о налоге)

13. fish stocks 14. прибыль (выгода)

14. renewable sources of energy 15. решительно поддерживающий


Ex 2. Finish the sentences. Закончите предложение.

1. It calls…..

2. Currently…..

3. A benefit…..

4. He is a consultant…..

5. Myers considers…..

Ex 3. Begin the sentences. Начните предложение.

1. ….. $500 per person.

2. ….. the full environmental costs of our actions.

3. ….. such as erosion, acid rain and smog.


IV Find in the text V, Vs. Найдите в тексте V, Vs, to be – связку. Найдите составные именные сказуемые.

VI Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is through taxes?

2. What would it also reduce?

3. What tool are environmental taxes?

4. What would this permit?

5. Who is ecologist Norman Myers?

6. Who encourages waste of water resources, overexploitation of fish stocks and excessive application of agricultural chemical?


VII. What do you know about “Perverse Subsidies” give detailed answer using information of the text? Что вы знаете о “Perverse Subsidies”. Дайте детальный ответ, используя информацию из текста.

The first dentition

There are the outlines of the forms of the temporary teeth in the mouth of an infant shortly after birth. The front teeth are situated beneath the surface of gums on the external aspects of jaws. During the period prior to dentition the mouth of the infant is less moist than that of the adult. As dentition approaches the saliva flows in considerable quantity from the infant’s mouth. At this period alveolar processes begin. It varies much in different individuals. Uneven elevations become lighter in co lour, more distinct until they so nearly resemble the teeth themselves, that it is only by touch we can determine that the teeth have been erupted. The temporary teeth in man are twenty in number: ten in the upper and ten in the lower jaw, placed symmetrically on each side of mesial line. Their formula is: incisors 2/2, cuspidate 1/1, molars 2/2. They receive their names from either their form or their function, thus: incisors – cutters, cuspidate – pointed, molars – grinders. The order and periods in which the temporary teeth are erupted are subject to great variation (or = vary greatly).


1. Dentition – образование зубов, прорезывание

2. gum – десны

3. jaw – челюсть

4. alveolar process – альвеолярный отросток

5. saliva - слюна

6. erupt - прорезываться

7. incisor – передний зуб, резец

8. cuspid (plural cuspidate) - клык

9. molar – моляр, коренной зуб

Exercises to the text.

Say in English. Скажи по-английски.

Очертание временных зубов, во рту ребенка, передние зубы, после рождения, до прорезывания зубов, менее влажный, взрослый, приближаться, в этот период, процесс роста альвеолярных отростков, варьироваться, у различных людей, неровные возвышения (бугорки), становятся светлее, напоминать, сильно (близко) напоминать, прикосновением можно определить, прорезываться, временные зубы, получать, формула, линии сужения.


Put down sentences with There be. Выпишите предложения с there be.

Find and put down V, Vs, explain the action.Найдите и выпишите формы глагола V, Vs, объясните характер действия, назовите видовременную группу.

4.Put down different predicates, Passive Voice. Выпишите разные сказуемые (составные именные, составные глагольные сказуемые, пассивный залог).

The second dentition

The eruption time of the permanent teeth, their sequence of emergence is important from the point of view of child development biometrical studies and especially in connection with orthodontics. Reliable information is needed regarding the normal time of eruption, for every tooth and to the total number teeth.

The teeth of the permanent set are thirty two in number; there fore they contain twelve more in their series than the temporary set. They are arranged in the same manner. There are an equal number of teeth in each jaw, and symmetrically on each side of the mesial line of the mouse.

Their formulae is incisors 2/2, cuspidate 1/1, bicuspids 2/2, molars 3/3. The cuspidate are also called “canine”, the bicuspids – “premolars”.

The first permanent tooth is the first molar; it is generally the largest in size of all. The first permanent – molars generally make their appearance between 6 and 7. The last third molars make their appearance between the years 17 and 20.


The words:

1. orthodontics – ортодонтия

2. caries – кариес

3. bicuspid – малый коренной зуб

4. canine – клык (собачий)

To make one’s appearance = to appear


Exercises to the text

Say in English. Скажи по-английски.

Время прорезывания, постоянные зубы, последовательность появления, биометрическое изучение, с точки зрения, развитие ребенка, особенно в связи, ортодонтия, общее количество зубов, следовательно, содержать, в той же манере, таким же образом, симметрично, на каждой стороне, формула, клык, первый постоянный зуб, малый коренной зуб.


Say in Russian. Скажи по-русски.

Orthodontics, bicuspid, to make one’s appearance, in each jaw, in connection with orthodontics, reliable information, to need, is needed, regarding, the normal time of eruption, the temporary set, the last third molars, an equal number of teeth in each jaw, are arranged.


Find the sentences with the verbs in Passive Voice. Translate them.Найдите предложения с глаголами в пассивном залоге. Переведите их.

Find sentences with compound nominal predicates. Translate them.

Read the sentence with “there be”, translate it, and reproduce it not looking into the text. Прочитайте, переведите предложения с “there be. Воспроизведите их, не глядя в текст.

6. Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is important from the point of view of child development biometrical studies?

2. What is needed regarding the normal time of eruption?

3. How many teeth are in the permanent set?

4. How are they arranged?

5. What can you say about the molars?


7. Tell a little your classmates about the second eruption. Расскажите немного своим однокурсникам о втором прорезывании зубов.

Abnormalities in the number of Teeth

The absence of teeth may be due to some reasons: 1) noneruption of fully calcified teeth; 2) nonevolution of the tooth germ; 3) failure of the calcification processes in the dental follicle; 4) injury to the developing tooth germ from traumatism of infections; 5) accidental removal of the permanent tooth germ by the extraction; 6) transformation of the tooth into an adenoma. Whenever a calcified tooth doesn’t erupt, it is a case of impaction. This abnormality affects the third molars upper and lower, the upper second bicuspids, the upper laterals, upper and lower cuspids with greater frequency than other teeth.

Abnormality may be a result of hereditary defect in case of upper laterals. The teeth may be absent through several generations in one or several members of the same family. The absence of permanent upper right lateral incisor is rather frequent. The absence of a lower incisor is rare. A lower bicuspid, the permanent first molar may be absent. Many cases of teeth absence are cases of noneruption or impaction of full calcified teeth which remained within the substance of the jaws. In some cases the impaction (= incarceration) does not cause a discomfort to the patient while in others it produces reflex manifestations of various intensity.



Germ – зародыш, зачаток

Follicle - фолликул

Odontoma - одонтома

Impaction = incarceration – задержка, ретенция зубов.


Exercises to the text “Abnormalities in the number of Teeth.”


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