General characteristics of speech of children with hearing impairments 

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General characteristics of speech of children with hearing impairments

Deaf children suffer deep persistent bilateral hearing impairment. They can not master their own speech and without special training are deaf. Most Deaf have residual hearing, which allows them to perceive only very loud sounds (strength greater than 80 dB in the range of up to 1,000-2,000 cps). Lack of auditory impressions impoverishes the child's inner world. The greatest damage to its development brings deafness created an obstacle to the mastery of verbal speech as a means of communication and knowledge of the world as an instrument of thought. The earlier a child specialized training verbal speech with the use and development of residual hearing and reading from the face of the spoken language of others, the less mental development deviates from the norm.

Even in special education development of verbal speech, deaf behind the rules and has a number of features related to mastery of phrase speech, mastering sound-letter word composition; often a widening or narrowing of the ideas about the meaning of words. When teaching children easier to master words denoting concrete objects, some more difficult - denoting action, quality, features, even more difficult - words abstract and figurative sense. In the construction of phrases they allow the violation of the laws of grammar. Understanding speech ahead of the formation of the possibility of their own statements in oral and written language daktilnoy. The limited capacity of possession speech affect the development of cognitive processes, emotional and volitional, and others.

To communicate with hearing children use natural gestures (indicative simulating actions representing features of objects), which are usually produced in the process of mutual communication. Between themselves, they communicate through facial expressions-zhestikulyatornoy speech, sign and information that is more complex structure than the natural gestures, but that it is different from the verbal in their vocabulary, grammar, methods of expression, is significantly poorer verbal and is used to communicate a limited range of people.

Special training allows children to master the verbal speech that enhances their communication with hearing and helps to overcome their shortcomings in the field of knowledge and in the development of personality.

Deaf children - children who have lost their hearing, but have retained it, the establishment of which took place on the basis of normal auditory perception. Preservation of speech depends on the child's age at the time of onset of deafness, the presence of remnants of hearing and the ability to use them, holding a diploma at the time of the hearing loss, for the development and individual characteristics of correctional and pedagogical influences.

The younger the child is hearing loss, the sooner and more strongly disturbed and even splits his speech. It is important to start as soon as possible correctional work for the conservation and development of speech on the basis of its perception of spoken language skills of others. At the same time the most important role for visual perception (reading from the face). In parallel, there is a teaching children to read.

Hearing-impaired children suffer from hearing loss (deafness), whereby they have a speech impairment. In contrast, deaf children have the opportunity of hearing through hearing to accumulate a certain vocabulary. The degree of hearing loss may be different - from a whisper to a hindered perception of sharp restrictions on the ability of speech perception conversational volume.

According to the definition of FF Pay, L. Neumann and VI Beltyukova, "hearing loss is called a hearing loss, in which there are difficulties in speech perception, but verbal communication through hearing, even in a specially created environment (strengthening the voice, approaching the speaker directly to the ear, the use of sound-amplifying equipment, and so on. d.) is still possible. "



Lecture 29. Features of personality and psychological characteristics of children with developmental disabilities.

The causes and mechanisms of ill-defined abnormalities in the child's development. The classification of mental retardation in severity and etiological principle of constitutional origin CRA, CRA somatogenic origin, psychogenic mental retardation, mental retardation, cerebral organic origin. Psychological features of development of cognitive sphere of children with mental retardation. Psychological diagnostics and correction of dizontogeniyah. Special education for children with learning difficulties.

Psycho-pedagogical characteristics of children with HIA

1. For children there is a low level of perception. This is reflected in the need for a longer time for the reception and processing of sensory information, lack of knowledge of the children about the world.

2. underdeveloped spatial presentation, children with HIA are often unable to carry out a full analysis of the shape, the symmetry of the set, the identity of the parts constructed pieces, arrange on a plane structure, combine it into a coherent whole.

3. Attention unstable, scattered children with difficulty switching from one activity to another. Lacks attention to the organization are caused by poor development of the intellectual activity of children, imperfection of skills and self-control skills, insufficient development of a sense of responsibility and interest in learning.

4. Memory is limited to the extent prevails over short-term long-term, mechanical over logical, visual over verbal.

5. Reduced cognitive activity, there is the slow rate of information processing.

6. Thinking - visual-active thinking is developed to a greater extent than is evident-shaped and especially verbal and logical.

7. Reduced need for communication both with peers and with adults.

8. Fun activities are not formed. The game's plot common, ways of communicating themselves playing the role of the poor.

9. Speech - are disturbances of speech functions, or all of the components of the language system is not formed.

10. There is a low efficiency due to increased exhaustion, due to the occurrence of phenomena in children psychomotor disinhibition.

11. There is arbitrary conduct aborted by type of mental instability, disinhibition of instincts, learning motivation.

As a result, children manifest lack Maturity psychological preconditions for mastering high-grade skills training activities. Difficulties arise formation of educational abilities (planning of the work, to identify ways and means to achieve the educational goals, monitoring activities, the ability to work at a certain pace).

Typical difficulties (common problems) in children with HIA

1. No motivation for cognitive activity, a limited view of the outside world;

2. The rate of assignments is very low;

3. Needs constant help of an adult;

4. A low level of attention properties (stability, concentration, switching);

5. Low level of speech, of thought;

6. The difficulty in understanding instructions;

7. infantilism;

8. coordination of movements;

9. Low self-esteem;

10. Increased anxiety, many children with HIA marked increased impressionability (anxiety): painfully react to the tone of voice, there is the slightest change in mood;

11. The high level of psihomyshechnogo voltage;

12. The low level of development of fine and gross motor skills;

13. For most of these children is characterized by fatigue. They quickly become lethargic or irritable, tearful, barely focus on his task. When failures quickly lose interest, refuse the assignment. Some children as a result of fatigue arises restlessness;

14. In other children, there is increased irritability, anxiety, propensity to outbursts of irritability, stubbornness.

Consider some of the psychological characteristics of children with disabilities.


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