Lecture 22. Features of imagination in children with developmental disabilities. 

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Lecture 22. Features of imagination in children with developmental disabilities.

Imagination is widely incorporated into the human creative activity at different stages of his life. But especially important is to identify the specifics of the imagination and its laws in the study of preschool age, when, as rightly pointed out by LS Vygotsky, the foundations of this process. The value of the imagination, the fantasy life of a young child noted virtually all psychologists who have studied the mental development in ontogenesis. Some of them (Stern, Dewey) argued that the child's imagination richer adult imagination, others (Vygotsky, SL Rubinstein) indicate a relatively high level of a child's imagination, which can be assessed only in comparison with the pace of development of other psychological processes. On this occasion, KD Ushinsky wrote: "The imagination of the child and the poorer and weaker, and more uniform than that of an adult and does not contain anything of poetic, as the aesthetic sense develops later than the others, but the fact is that a weak child's imagination has the power over weak and not yet organized a soul child, what can not be developed imagination of an adult at his advanced soul. "

Significant specific weight in the imagination of the developing psyche of the child requires special attention to its study on the part of the genetic psychologists. However, until now in the Soviet science development of the child's imagination was seen mainly in the context of different types of children's activities that led to the identification of the specific characteristics of the imagination mostly associated with each specific activity: gaming, graphic, music, voice. The general mechanisms of the imagination, the stages of its development is not specifically studied in children. And without such research is difficult to identify the main line possible activation and the formation of imagination to correlate the general lines of its development with special manifestations of the imagination in a variety of children's activities.

Imagination can be of four major types: active, passive, productive and reproductive. Active imagination is characterized by the fact that, by using them, people on their own, an effort of will makes itself accordingly. Images arise spontaneously passive imagination, the will and desire of man. Productive imagination is characterized by the fact that in reality it consciously constructed by man, and not just mechanically copied or recreated. But at the same time in the form it is still creatively transformed. The reproductive imagination seeks to reproduce reality in the way it is, and although here too there is an element of fantasy, imagination is more like a perception or memory than creativity.

Features of the imagination of children with hearing impairment caused by slowing the formation of verbal speech and abstract thinking. Although visual images of deaf children is fulfilling, at the same time there are difficulties abstraction from specific situations, the difficulty of creative processing of available representations, creating new images.

During the reproductive imagination found in deaf children a violation of spatial relationships between objects, the location of objects in the children's drawings relative to each other is distorted, does not match the description. First of all, this is due to underdevelopment of speech for deaf children, inability to restructure existing in its past experience representations in accordance with the verbal description.

As a result, many children in the pictures to the texts made objects, familiar from the past life experience, but not the corresponding text.

In connection with a simplified understanding of the text there are significant difficulties highlight, in the main picture of the situation, often to the fore parts, there is not enough generalized images.

Poverty and lack of generalization of existing ideas, lack of freedom to operate them leads to a repetition of deaf children of primary school age in game situations before he had seen almost no change.

The main difficulties are found in the creation of deaf students images of the distant past, historical events.

Creative imagination deaf develops with considerable originality, which is reflected in the difficulties of reconstruction of verbal texts, abstracting from particular situations, difficulties understanding figures of speech.

Marked inability to perform replacement of the objects described in the text, in accordance with their deep sense. In most cases, as the replacement carried out by external signs, changes in the situation, as a rule, not recorded.

Considerable difficulties experienced deaf students to imagine a situation, if necessary by sounding objects, which is reflected in the minimum number of statements of sounding objects.

Underdevelopment of verbal speech and verbal and logical thinking leads to great difficulties in abstraction from the specific content of metaphors, proverbs, figures of speech that deaf students in most cases, understand and transmit literally. Creative rethinking of the material and the establishment on this basis of new images of the imagination deaf achieved with difficulty.

In his own writings, letters deaf students rely mainly on the memory images, elements of fiction takes place in them less.

The ability of using your imagination to penetrate into the inner world of another person is formed in the deaf school later than the hearing.

Negatively impact on the development of imagination impoverishment of sensory experience of the child in connection with the violation of activity of the auditory analyzer, as well as the lack of Maturity in the ability to redesign, combining this experience.

There is a big stereotype, stereotyped imagination deaf students, a large attachment to a given model, models of action, the difficulties of transformation of operational components of the imagination.

In the course of correctional training potential of the imagination of children with hearing impairment are implemented to a large extent

The imagination of children with speech disorders is formed by the same general laws of mental development, that of normally developing children. Evaluation of its development makes it difficult to state speech and thought processes of these children. Despite these difficulties, we were obtained experimental data on the state of children's imagination with the general underdevelopment of speech.

In children with speech disturbances poor vocabulary, which reduces performance and fluency and flexibility of imagination (conceptual dictionary). Display of originality that characterizes the level of intelligence and general mental development in children with ONR is much lower than that of healthy people.

According O.M.Dyachenko, cognitive imagination formed to six years due to the separation of the image from the object and marking it with the word. In children with a defaced dysarthria cognitive imagination corresponds to the age of five years from the reproductive advantage. Individual originality of the task in healthy children - 6, 4 words from the ten possible. Children responded monotonous circle of visual images is limited. Individual originality of their responses was 2, 5 words from the ten that detects a low level of development of creative abilities and poor vocabulary.

SP Kondrashov and SV Dyakov note that children suffering nasality in the early school age, along with a significant reduction in all types of threshold sensitivity observed poverty of imagination, directly dependent on the development of a child's speech.

Modern experts (. S.P.Kondrashov, S.V.Dyakova, OM Dyachenko, VP Glukhov, etc.) allocate specific features of imagination in children with ONR:

1) reducing the motivation to work;

2) reduction of cognitive interests;

3) poor supply general information about the world;

4) lack of focus in the activities;

5) aborted operating components;

6) the difficulty in creating an imaginary situation;

7) lack of accuracy of subject images - representations;

8) the fragility of the links between visual and verbal elements;

9) lack of any regulation Maturity shaped sphere.




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