Lecture 18. Development of visual perception in the learning process. 

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Lecture 18. Development of visual perception in the learning process.

The development and use in the learning process of visual perception in blind children with residual vision and low vision is the root problem tiflopsihologii and educational levels. This is due to the fact that currently no more than 10% of students are totally blind, the other children are in schools for children with visual impairments in varying degrees of residual vision.

For a long time the use and development of residual and low vision are not carried in the process of obtaining educational information, and this is due to several reasons:

- Before the beginning of the 1950s. crucial to the theory of learning of children with visual impairment had thought about impaired vision care;

- Methodological materials and technology, created for training and rehabilitation of impaired vision, have been based on the experience of teaching the blind and using only intact analyzers;

- The problem of total blindness was considered more serious and urgent, especially as blind prevailed in schools for children with visual impairments;

- No knowledge of the unique aspects of the process of visual perception of the visual analyzer, the development of which required the creation of new learning technologies, as well as special equipment.

The use of carried out spontaneously and mostly when performing household work, and spatial orientation. It does not create special conditions and tools to facilitate the social and household and spatial orientation on the basis of residual vision.

In the process of obtaining educational information of the visual analyzer is not only ignored, but also specifically excluded. It was believed that it has a negative influence on the formation of images of tactile perception. Special visors designed for learning braille code, do not allow the use of vision.

At the same time, there were studies that put the problem of not only the use but also the purposeful development of residual vision, because with its help blind children will be able to obtain more complete information about the world (AI Caplan, P. Serpokryl).

The psycho-pedagogical studies L.I.Solntsevoy identified children who are in the process of pre-school education for 6 - 7 years of age became, even without special training, able to use residual vision in recognizing the entourage, while in 2-3 years they raised ophthalmic diagnosis - a "light perception".

A significant achievement in the development of visual perception in the process of passing a specially designed system of training was the work N.Barragi. Her technique is performed today in more than 15 countries around the world.

In our country the LP Grigorieva a system of visual perception in blind and visually impaired, which includes both physiological and psychological-pedagogical methods of its development.

LA Novikova Research has shown that the development of the visual analyzer can be extended to 13 - 15 years. During the school from 7 to 15 years, which is relatively sensitive period, it continues its active development.

Education for blind children with residual vision in Braille and the desire of teachers to eliminate the visual perception of the educational process is the sensory-perceptual deprivation that accompanied the collapse of the perception and the associated shaped forms of knowledge.

Five developing visual perception of the techniques used in the system, LP Grigorieva, aimed at enhancing the visual features in children with visual impairment at all levels of development.

The first method (by Sokolov EN) is dosed eyes rhythmic stimulation (with a frequency of 1 Hz), which facilitates the conduction of neuronal synaptic networks and increases the resolving capacity of the eye.

The second method - visual-effective - Provides eq-steriorizatsiyu orienting-research activities, developing perceptual actions. This technique forms the fundamental properties of perception - objectivity, integrity, structural constancy.

The third technique - visual-shaped - forms the ability to perform cognitive operations with images: comparison, classification, verbal logical analysis.

The fourth method - visual-shaped, built for computer use - creates conditions for the development of perceptual actions with information models, as well as for reading flat-printed text. It allows flexibility in accordance with the individual characteristics of view, to implement corrective ergonomics requirements: apply characteristics such objects as a clear path (up to 60 to 80%), the optimum angular size (2-3%), color saturation.

The fifth method - cinema projection - creates opportunities for the development of visual functions such as convergence, binocular vision, development of eye movements.

All methods have shown high efficiency, especially for visually impaired children.

However, some of rehabilitative training is not enough, since the development of visual perception is a complex interdisciplinary problem and requires a multifaceted approach and systematic work in the whole school training and education.

The use of residual vision of the blind in the process of teaching the native language, natural science, mathematics (N.S.Kostyuchek, V.Z.Deniskina, G.F.Fedyay, L.I.Solntseva, O.G.Solntseva) showed not only a reduction in time identification requirements of objects, greater accuracy and integrity of perception, revealed the impact of the use of the remainder of the success of all learning activities of students: children are better accounted for stories, descriptions of their retellings were more accurate, slenderness of the narrative, imagery and emotion, in the preparation tasks for color images the children We showed great variability and diversity made up of tasks. Children with interest involved with color relief drawings. The image of these figures remained in long-term memory more than six months, while the colorless relief drawings children could not identify and be identified after two, three-month break.

In order to efficiently use residual vision in the learning process, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary study to determine the abilities of the blind man his opportunities for self-reflection, self-evaluation, self-control, introspection and to identify the current level of functioning of his vision in the real world of schooling.

During ophthalmologic consultation should be determined not only by the disease, the severity of the central and peripheral vision, but its category - a congenital or hereditary disease, a progressive or non-progressive character it has, what are the chances of occurrence of secondary changes and other complications. It is important to know the functional characteristics of the disease, entailing disorders of the central or peripheral field of vision, disturbances of color vision, night vision, portable and lighting is required.

Next time required for a teacher to develop visual perception - is receiving treatment from doctors and medical assisting orthoptic, indications for use of lenses, glasses, or the definition of contraindications dosages exercise.

General information should be specified for each child: defined his visual capabilities, visual and physical load on the various lessons. For example, what could be the burden on the lesson of biology, botany, physics, where it is used near vision, and what - in physical education classes at orientation sessions, gymnastics, where a large load gets peripheral vision. The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that a child is suffering near vision and more safely with long-range things, the other - on the contrary. A clinical trial should give the teacher information on the severity of central vision and the breadth of the field of view is not only under the most favorable conditions, you can create in the classroom, but also in a variety of lighting conditions: the ability to navigate and mobility must be kept in bright sunshine and cloudy weather, at dusk and night.

Mode of action of the teacher and children in a variety of conditions need to be different. Therefore, children with residual vision need to be trained how to use as reference points visually perceptible signs, and use specific means of orientation for absolutely blind children - until the white cane.

Subjective report provides information on the child's teacher that the child with visual impairment hopes to get from training in the use of. In children's stories can reveal such anomalies view as phosphenes, vibrations or swimming images, photophobia.

Of course, to call these events a child can not, but he can describe them and the teacher, asking questions, has the ability to identify the features of its visual perception. It is necessary to help the child to verbally express what and how he sees and understands how the defects of vision. It should also help him understand that he is able to see, using their distance vision:

for example, the signals on the road, TV shows, movies, etc. He can tell how different lighting affects his vision, for example, whether it is better to see at high-light, with the sun or when it is dark and cloudy; when and how the lighting makes him uncomfortable; what colors they can see and distinguish more easily and consistently. This also applies to near vision. The child says, if he can read printed text; what kind of text it reads easily and without effort, what illumination required for this; at some distance from your eyes it keeps the text of what tasks it performs, based on the near vision?

The self-observation must be submitted and other characteristics of the child, which would allow to understand and reveal its visual features and their operation. The teacher takes into account the level of intellectual development, his attitude to the possibility of learning to see, personal and volitional qualities.

Subjective assessment of visual abilities of children compared with their actual, real ability to visually perceive and use vision, with real features of the functioning of his skills. For the teacher it is important to define the zone of proximal development of its visual features. The child must be helped to see Ferris teach others, to promote the possibility to use vision in normal life, helping to use its experience gained in the classroom and at home.

The ongoing work of the school staff to develop visual perception, different in their focus, objects of perception, for it required precision and detailed-ness, depending on the studied subject, goals and objectives before putting students in each class. In some cases, you must define the similarity and uniformity of a group of objects, in others - the exact distinction, detailed visual analysis of the object, and the third - only the determination of the motion. However, a prerequisite for all the work on the development of visual perception is to create comfortable conditions of perception, hygienic and ergonomic working conditions for the blind with residual vision. This primarily relates to the hygiene of view: it is necessary to comply with the standards developed by the ambient light - the overall illumination of not less than 1000 lux and additional illumination of the workplace. In the process of visual work blind with residual vision observance of these conditions is particularly important, because if he bends low over the perceived material and brings it close to the eyes, reduced illumination perceived objects.

Many of the children with residual vision recommended by various optical accessories - glasses, magnifiers. Work on the development of visual perception involves binding their use during visual work. Very important in the classroom is the use of music stands and supports, as they facilitate the visual perception of the exhibited objects.

These conditions provide the children a longer performance, and most importantly, for the recommended 15-20 minutes of continuous load in the classroom to avoid visual fatigue.

Work on the development of visual perception in each lesson and each lesson, educators, can be carried out only in the presence of specially prepared for the blind with residual vision aids and textbooks. Unfortunately, the standard textbooks for blind schools are designed only for completely blind students, that is. E. Are published in braille and equipped with colorless relief pictures.

In the presence of residual vision in children is almost impossible to eliminate the perception of children with the help of texts and relief colorless and colorless embossed patterns. As a result of this work in the classroom children lose the remnants of view, reducing its ability not only to adapt to the sighted world, but more fully and adequately perceive the surrounding objects.

However, the requirements of hygiene, and the actual fatigue blind children in the process of visual work, poor visual acuity, which does not allow to consider the fine details or overlook the large high space objects, has shown that the main channel for receiving educational information blind children with residual vision is the sense of touch in conjunction with vision, Braille code, tiflograficheskaya image transmission system is a visible object.



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