Lecture 1. Special psychology - as part of psychological sciences. 

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Lecture 1. Special psychology - as part of psychological sciences.


The department of preschool education and defectology

Lectures of discipline «Special psychology»

Shymkent, 2015

Lecture 2. Methods of special psychology.

Research, such as gentle touch, frequently describe research findings as conclusive, but after use of the scientific method, these claims are often proven unfounded. Firm scientific information requires the replication of results, good research methods, and a skeptical attitude. Initial reports that a specific gene, A1 allele of DRD2, for alcoholism existed were questioned when subsequent studies found no difference in the prevalence of the gene in controls and samples of alcoholics and when equal or greater numbers of nonalcoholic clinical populations showed the alcoholism gene.

The scientific method in clinical research (p. 106) The most general characteristic of science is its potential for self-correction. Hypotheses must be clearly stated and variables given definitions. Recent studies of child sexual abuse illustrate the range of definitions used. Measures must show reliability and validity. Appropriate comparison frequencies for a phenomenon (base rates) should be considered. For instance, if eating problems and child abuse are both commonly occurring events but one is unaware of this, one could mistakenly conclude that abuse causes eating problems. Finally, results should be evaluated in terms of both statistical significance (whether the results were due to a factor other than chance) and clinical significance (whether the results have clinical value). In large-sample studies, statistically significant differences are sometimes clinically meaningless.

Experiments. Experiments include experimental and control groups. Only the experimental group participants are exposed to the independent variable (the possible cause of behavior the experimenter manipulates). Measures of the dependent variable (the behavior believed to be controlled by the independent variable) are taken for participants in both groups. Placebo groups can be included to rule out the possibility that participants expectations alter their behavior in the experimental group. Experimenter expectations can also be controlled by making the clinicians in a study blind (uninformed) as to the experimenters hypothesis. To reduce the impact of both experimenter and participant expectations, there are double-blind designs where neither the individual working directly with the participant nor the participant is aware of who is in the experimental group. When changes in the dependent variable can unambiguously be attributed to the changes in the independent variable, a study is said to have internal validity. When results of a study can be generalized to other populations or situations, the study is said to have external validity.

Correlations. Correlations measure the degree to which changes in one variable are associated with changes in another variable. Statistically, these associations, correlation coefficients, are symbolized by r, which ranges from -1.00 to +1.00. Even if a correlational study shows a strong association, it is often difficult to determine whether Variable A caused changes in Variable B, Variable B caused changes in Variable A, or some third variable affected the other two.

Analogue studies and field studies. When the study of real-life situations is impractical or unethical, analogue studies are conducted in simulated, but controlled, circumstances. When analogue studies are too contrived, observations can be made in the real-life situation in what is called a field study. These are limited research strategies because they cannot determine the direction of causality and they introduce the potential for observers influencing behavior.

Single-participant studies. Although most research methods are aimed at making general statements about behavior and, therefore, use groups of people (the nomothetic orientation), in-depth studies are sometimes done on individuals (the idiographic orientation). The case study is used extensively by clinicians, and although it lacks control and objectivity, and thus cannot be used to show cause-and-effect relationships, it does examine and analyze conditions over a period of time. The single-participant study measures an individual's behavior over time. It observes changes that occur after some behavior modification has been applied. A second type of single-participant experiment obtains baselines on two or more behaviors and introduces the same intervention with each to see if the behaviors change with the intervention.

Biological research strategies. Genetic linkage studies determine if a disorder follows a genetic pattern by identifying the family members of a person with a disorder (proband) who also suffer from it. Biological marker studies identify a biological characteristic (for example, blood flow patterns or brain size) that is associated with a disorder in family members of a proband.
Researchers must be on guard for iatrogenic effectsthose negative effects brought on by treatment. For example, traumatic events recalled during hypnosis may be a function of hypnotic suggestion more than accurate recollection. When a person carries a gene for a characteristic but fails to show the characteristic, there is incomplete penetrance. Symptoms that are distinctive for a disorder are considered pathognomonic. Finally, when clinical researchers use biological challenge tests, they observe for changes in behavior when chemicals (foods, allergens, or drugs) are introduced and for those behaviors to disappear when the chemical is absent.

Epidemiological and other forms of research. A variety of research types, including survey research, longitudinal research, historical research, twin studies treatment outcome and treatment process studies, and program evaluation can use experimental, correlational, or single-subject methods. An important type of research is epidemiological research, which examines the rate and distribution of mental disorders. It can reveal the rate of new cases (incidence) or the total rate of cases (prevalence) as well as risk factors associated with the disorder.

Ethical issues in research. The scientific method can be abused and misused. The American Psychological Association has adopted the principle that the likely benefits of research must outweigh the risk or discomfort to its participants. Deception should be used only when alternatives are not possible. Only when alternatives are unavailable should animals be used as subjects, and then they should be treated in humane ways. Guidelines for research sensitive to minority ethnic and religious groups are also in place.


Lecture 15. The main issues in the psychological study of children with developmental disorders.

Children with medical conditions

Children with medical conditions that do not have visible defects, which have safe intelligence and at first glance no different from the rest. These children underdeveloped cognitive sphere, marked hypoplasia of the personality, intellectual passivity, the limited amount of the received information, poor ability to generalize, rapid loss of interest in activities.


The department of preschool education and defectology

Lectures of discipline «Special psychology»

Shymkent, 2015

Lecture 1. Special psychology - as part of psychological sciences.

Special psychology - a branch of psychology that studies psychological characteristics of children with developmental disorders. Allocation of special psychology as an integrated area psychology associated with the name of the outstanding Russian psychologist LS Vygotsky. LS Vygotsky was the first in the world of psychology, identify common patterns of mental development when various defects: mental retardation, deafness, shortcomings vision, speech disorders. This made it possible association of individual branches of psychology, isolated learn

Children and adults with such deficiencies, a special psychology. Object of study special psychology - children with congenital or acquired disorders of physical and mental development.

The subject of psychology are special laws development and manifestations of the psyche of different groups of children with disabilities in development.

Tasks Special Psychology:

1) disclosure of patterns of development and manifestations of the mind, general for normally developing children and children with developmental disorders;

2) study of the patterns of development and manifestations of the psyche, specific to children with developmental disabilities;

3) to study disturbances in the development and formation of specific forms mental activity and mental processes in different groups abnormal children;

4) Identifying ways, means and methods of compensation for violations development in children.

The main task of the special psychology at the present stage is the formation of adequate identity in the conditions of use special methods and techniques of education and training, by which there is a replacement and rebuilding the disturbed functions. Special psychology emerged and developed as a frontier area of ​​expertise is closely linked with psychology, pedagogy and medicine. Her connection with psychology is determined by common methodological positions, conceptual apparatus, methods of studying the psyche. Special psychology emerged and developed as a frontier area of ​​expertise is closely linked with psychology, pedagogy and medicine. Her connection with psychology is determined by common methodological positions, conceptual apparatus, methods of studying the psyche. In its development, special psychology builds on the achievements of medical sciences, physiology, neurology and psychiatry. Deep keeping medical records lets you get an idea of the causes, structure and mechanisms of a defect, It helps in the study of the anomalous features of the child's psyche.

Abnormal development - on the basis of the defective development. The term "abnormal development" includes a number of provisions: first, defect in a child, in contrast to adult, resulting in violations development, secondly, a defect in the child can result in improper development under certain conditions. Children's brain has a large ductility, and childhood are great ability to compensate defect. In this regard, even in the presence of certain lesions brain regions and pathways can be observed loss separate functions. Isolation dizontogeneza analysis parameters allows hold qualifications abnormal development. Such parameters relate:

- Localization of functional disorders, depending on which isolated private defect caused by a violation of gnosis, praxis, speech, and common associated with the violation of regulatory and cortical subcortical brain systems;

- The slaughter. What happened before the defeat, the more likely the phenomenon of underdevelopment functions arise in the later defeat damage with the collapse of mental functions;

- The degree of damage. Deeper leads to defeat severe disturbances in development.

Abnormal children - children with congenital or acquired impaired physical and mental development. The term is derived from the

Greek anomalos - wrong, and in a broad sense to them refer to children with more or less pronounced disturbances in its development, but the concept is almost "abnormal children" to recently ate in relation to children who, due to serious mental or physical handicap should be trained in special education.

The modern equivalent of the term "abnormal children" are the terms "children with disabilities", "children with special needs "and" children with special educational needs. " to clarify the meaning of the term "children with special educational needs ",define what exactly these children need.

They need to:

- An initial violation has been detected as early as possible in the development;

- Special training began immediately after diagnosis

Primary disorders in the development of the child, regardless of age;

- Special sections have been introduced in the learning content, to address the problems of child development that are not in the content of education normally developing peers;

- Built workarounds learning to use specific tools and methods that are not used in traditional education;

- Regularly monitored the compliance of the selected the real achievement of the learning program, the level of development of the child;

- Spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment

It is compatible with the child;

- All the surrounding adults were prepared and really involved in dealing with the child's rehabilitation problems, their efforts were coordinated;

- Rehabilitation of educational facilities did not end period schooling;

- The rehabilitation process carried out by qualified experts competent in dealing with developmental and remedial tasks.

A child with special education needs - a term that occurs throughout the world in the transition from a unitary open to civil society when it is aware of the need reflected in the language of their changing attitudes towards children with disabilities in the development of a new understanding of their rights. Currently it displaces extensive use of the terms "abnormal children", "child with developmental disorders "," child with developmental disabilities "and specifying their specific terms ("moron", "idiot", "down" and others.) As labels, perceived in as a designation of abnormality, human inferiority.

The structure of the defect. At the heart of this concept is the allocation of LS Vygotsky system defects. His theory about the complex structure of the abnormal child development, the structure of the system has rejected the idea of ​​defect an isolated loss of one function due to destruction analyzer, or the child's illness. The defect causes a number of deviations and creates a complex structure of atypical development. LS Vygotsky. He proposed to distinguish in the abnormal development of the two groups of symptoms:

- Primary - violations directly resulting from biological nature of the disease, and

- Secondary, arising indirectly in social development. The secondary defect is the main object in psychological study.

The modern view of the defect structure provides clinical or clinical-psychological approach, in which the primary disorders associated with damage to the central nervous system, secondary - with hypoplasia of the psyche, as well as the psychological approach, which the primary defect is a disturbance of mental function, secondary - defects of cognitive activities, and highlights tertiary defects in the formation of the whole person. That secondary and tertiary layers to determine the originality of the defect behavior child. In this regard, the main task in the prevention, reduction or overcoming indirectly arising violations means psychological and pedagogical correction.

Correction (from the Latin correccio - mend) - a form of psychological educational activities aimed at correcting deficiencies, deviations in the development of children. In psychology, the term special used in connotation - the correction of certain abuses, such shortcomings, myopia correction eyeglasses, etc., and a general sense - Correction and training work as a system of means aimed at smoothing the secondary drawbacks. In this sense, the correction should be complex psychological, medical and pedagogical tools by using special methods and building upon the features have stored.

Speaking of psychological correction, it should be borne in mind not only correcting violations of informative sphere correctional- means developing training, but also to help children in critical periods, associated with the growth of personal identity. It is known that a splash social maladaptive caused by mental instability processes, high anxiety and aggressiveness, observed in abnormal children in the period of late diagnosis of disorders and as a consequence transfer to a different type of school, as well as the teen age in connection with the expansion of "spheres of conflict range": awareness training isolated from normally developing teen stimulates an intensive search for his place in the population peers, a long stay in a closed team, and restrictions the possibilities of implementation of extra-curricular interests, isolation from family and the experience of conflict relations in it. All this requires psychological correction.

Payment - is a complex multifaceted process of restructuring functions of the body for violations or loss of any functions. AT based compensation are neuropsychological mechanisms of substitution Some functions of the affected areas of the cortex other. Structure-forming components of the special psychology are such sciences as:

- Defectology - pedagogical science that studies the characteristics training, education and development of children with physical or mental disadvantages, developing methods of treatment and social and labor adaptation;

- General and children's and adolescent psychiatry – medical discipline, studying the causes and nature of mental illness respectively, in adults, children and adolescents; manifestation of these diseases, for them, methods of treatment and prevention organization system care for patients;

- Pathologypsychology - a branch of psychology that studies changes in mental activity of the brain in pathological conditions, associated with mental or physical illness;

- Neurology - the amount of disciplines, the object of which is nervous system and its functioning in health and disease. It includes relevant sections of descriptive and comparative anatomy, embryology, histology, biochemistry, normal, comparative and

Pathophysiology, clinical neuropathology, Neurogenetics, and so on. Often this term is used instead of the term

"Neuropathology", though these concepts are not equivalent - the first significant wider;

- Neuropathology - clinical discipline, doctrine of diseases nervous system. It includes general, studies the common questions pathology of the nervous system, and private neurologist who investigates individual nosological forms;

- Neuropsychology - section of medical psychology student psychological methods of mental disorders as a result of focal organic brain lesions, the relationship of mental processes certain brain structures.

The list of Sciences, is a methodological, conceptual acceptors course "special psychology" by no means exhaustive. His ideas and enrich the course sociology, general and special education, jurisprudence, literature, history, etc.



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