Ex.10. Make up the dialogues. 

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Ex.10. Make up the dialogues.

Model: – Where is Fred?

– He is in the garden.

– What is he doing there?

– He is planting an apple tree.

1. Victor / in the kitchen / eat breakfast; 2. Mr and Mrs Smith / in the sitting-room / watch TV; 3. You / in the bedroom / lie in the bed; 4. The guests / at the stadium / play baseball; 5. Diana / at the disco / dance with her friends; 6. Mark / at university / have classes; 7. David / at the café / have lunch; 8. Mary / in the gym / train; 9. Your parents / Europe / make a sightseeing tour; 10. The teacher / in the room / check our test papers.


Ex.11. Rewrite the story and describe what is happening at your home.

It is 7 o’clock in the evening. I am walking into the room. Mother is watching a television programme. Father is reading a newspaper. My elder brother is playing a computer game. My younger sister is speaking over the phone. My grandparents are having supper. Our cat Pussy is lying on the sofa.

Ex.12. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Чем Мария занята на этой неделе? – Она занимается английским, так как скоро сдает экзамен. 2. Где Джон? – Он на кухне. – Что он делает там? – Он все еще ужинает. 3. Позвони Теду сейчас. Он еще не смотрит футбольный матч по телевизору. 4. Семья Смитов в отпуске сейчас. Они отдыхают на Средиземном море. 5. Сейчас 8 часов утра. Мама готовит завтрак, папа принимает душ, я слушаю новости, а мой брат еще спит. 6. Мы едем в Китай следующим летом. 7. Он постоянно теряет свои ключи! 8. Население планеты растет все быстрее и быстрее. 9. Почему ты надеваешь плащ? – Я иду погулять по парку, а на улице дождь. Ты идешь со мной? – Нет, мне не хочется. 10. Завтра я обедаю с Томом в японском ресторане. 11. Виктор все еще переводит текст. Не отвлекай его. 12. Если мы все еще будем обсуждать контракт, когда Сандра придет, попроси ее подождать нас. 13. Как тоскливо! Весь день идет дождь. 14. Вы всегда находите ошибки в моих работах! 15. Пока они упаковывают вещи, их дети играют в гостиной. 16. Ник делает доклад по социологии на следующей неделе. 17. Я скоро покупаю новый компьютер. 18. Я с Давидом еду в Рим в понедельник. 19. Не беспокой ее! Она учит стихотворение. 20. Перестань болтать! Ты постоянно говоришь о каких-то пустяках!





1. Present Progressive употребляется, когда в предложении есть противопоставление обычному действию, выраженному временем Present Simple: He usually walks to his work but today he is going by bus.

2. Present Progressive употребляется для выражения будущих действий, запланированных говорящим, а Present Simple – для выражения будущих действий согласно общепринятому расписанию: I am leaving for Moscow tomorrow. – The train for Moscow leaves at 10 o’clock tomorrow.

3. Present Simple употребляется для выражения последовательных действий, а Present Progressive – для описания действий, совершаемых разными лицами одновременно: It’s 9 o’clock. The boss starts his work. He reads the mail, meets clients and makes plans. – It’s 9 o’clock. Everybody is in class now. Mary is writing the new words on the blackboard, Sam is reading the text, we are listening to him.

4. Present Progressive употребляется c некоторыми глаголами чувственного и умственного восприятия, при этом их основные значения изменяются.

Present Simple (verbs of state) Present Progressive (verbs of action)
I think he is clever. I am thinking about your idea.
The milk tastes awful. He is tasting the soup, it might need salt.
The silk shirt feels soft. She is feeling the cat’s fur. (=she is touching)
I see you are in trouble. I am seeing Paul tonight. (=I’m meeting)
Your perfume smells of flowers. Why are you smelling the food?
We enjoy holidays. I’m enjoying this holiday. (specifically)
Your hair looks great. He is looking at the photos.
The baby weighs 5 kilos. He is weighing potatoes on the scales.

Grammar Practice


Ex.1. Use the correct tense form.

1. Dick usually (play) hockey but today he (play) volleyball. 2. The professor (speak) four foreign languages. Right now he (speak) Polish. 3. I often (drive) to my work. Be careful! You (drive) too fast! 4. As a rule, he (have) dinner at home but today he (dine) out. 5. We (do) a lot of work every day. Don’t worry! We (know) what we (do). 6. Every summer the scientists (watch) wild animals in Africa. Be quiet! The scientist (watch) the tiger. He (want) to take a picture. 7. You (eat) vegetables daily? What’s the name of the vegetable you (eat) with such pleasure? 8. Anybody remember where he (work)? 9. He (not, realize) what I (explain). 10. I (not, recognize) the women who (discuss) the project. 11. Kate (say) now she (hate) Hollywood films. 12. You usually (not, drink) tea at this time. What is that you (drink) now? 13. It (seem) to me that Jack (want) to know what you (do) now. 14. Alice (not, take) a bus to the University every day. She usually (walk) instead. You (take) a bus to get to the University every day or you (walk)? 15. Right now I (look) at the map. I (see) different countries there. 16. Right now the young people (be) on the beach. They (have) a good time there. They (like) to play volleyball there. 17. Sam (spend) next spring in South America. 18. You (recognize) that man? – I (think) I have seen him before but I (not, remember) his name. 19. Stop! You (not, see) the notice? – I (see) it but I can’t read it because I (not, wear) my glasses. 20. Why you (put) on your coat? – I (go) for a walk. You (come) with me? – Yes, I’d love to. You (mind) if I bring my dog? 21. You (believe) Pat’s words? – No, she always (lie). 22. Why you (walk) so fast today? You usually (walk) slowly. – I (hurry) because I (meet) my mother at 4 o’clock. She (not, like) to be kept waiting. 23.This soup (taste) good. 24. Jane (be) in Paris now. She (learn) French. 25. Ann (play) the piano better than Susan. And who (play) now?


Ex.2. Choose the correct tense-form.

1. They usually sit / are sitting for hours without saying a word. 2. She is keeping / keeps her room tidy as a rule. 3. Don’t ask me what a mango is tasting / tastes. I’ve never tried it. 4. Ted is applying / applies this medicine every other day. 5. We are seeing / see each other only occasionally. 6. Next week they are signing / sign the contract. 7. Could you turn off the television? Nobody watches / is watching it. 8. How do you get / are you getting to your work? 9. The water in this lake seldom freezes / is freezing in winter. 10. Water doesn’t exist / isn’t existing on the Moon.


Ex.3. Read the answers and then complete the questions.

1. Where …? – Ted? He lives at the end of Axwell Road. 2. Do …? – No, I don’t know him. 3. What …? – At the moment? I’m doing my homework. 4. Are …? – Here? No, they’re sitting over there. 5. Do …? – Here? We change trains at the next station. 6. Why …? – I’m wearing two pullovers because I feel cold. 7. Is …? – Sam? No, he’s not staying with Tom. 8. When …? – Kate? She comes home at 6.30. 9. Wh o …? – Jane does. She always cooks breakfast for us. 10. Who …? – Frank and Carol are. They are watching television now.


Ex.4. Fill in the blanks with proper tense forms.

1. It’s 8.30 in the morning. George …, … his bed, to get up, to

… a bath and … to the kitchen to have breakfast. make, to take,

to go

2. It’s 8.30 in the morning. Sam …, his father … to get up, to

and …, his mother … breakfast in the kitchen, his wash, to shave,

younger brother still …. to cook, to


3. It’s late evening. I … my dog in the park. to walk,

I … my dog late in the evening. to walk


Ex.5. Choose the appropriate adverbial of time.

1. Harry always stays at the office since / till 7 o’clock. 2. She makes strawberry jam every year / recently. 3. It is freezing hard for a long time / now. 4. People continually / traditionally prepare colored eggs at Easter. 5. They are having some financial problems lately / at present. 6. I’m feeling rather run down recently / now, doctor. 7. The company is looking for people with experience lately / nowadays. 8. I don’t go swimming very much as a rule / now and again.

Ex.6. Choose the correct variant.

1. I see / am seeing that the situation is out of control. 2. The cake is tasting / tastes delicious. 3. Do you enjoy / Are you enjoying the party? 4. You haven’t taken part in the discussion. What are you thinking / do you think about? What are you thinking / do you think of the project? 5. She has / is having a dog. 6. We don’t know / are not knowing where the car is. 7. Why do you smell / are you smelling the milk? Has it gone off? 8. Anna is Italian. She is coming / comes from Italy. 9. At what time is Dick coming back / does Dick come back tonight? 10. I am seeing / see my lawyer today. 11. Do you need / Are you needing another blanket or do you feel / are you feeling warm enough? 12. How does Ted get on / is Ted getting on at university? – Very well. He seems / is seeming to like the studies.



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