Спряжение глагола в настоящем продолженном времени 

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Спряжение глагола в настоящем продолженном времени

  Лицо Число
единственное множественное
Утвердительная форма   am working are working is working are working are working are working
Отрицательная форма   am not working aren’t working isn’t working aren’t working aren’t working aren’t working
Вопросительная форма   Am I working? Are you working? Is she working? Are we working? Are you working? Are they working?

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи отрицания not, которое ставится после вспомогательного глагола be в личных формах: I am not reading now. He is not reading either. They are not walking in the park at the moment.

Сокращенная форма: ’m not Ving, isn’t Ving, aren’t Ving.

В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим, за которым следует смысловой глагол: Are you studying at the university now? Is she playing the piano the moment? Am I sleeping?

Общие вопросы: Are they playing football now? – Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. Listen! Is Mike speaking French? – Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

Альтернативные вопросы: Are they having supper or dinner at the moment? Is Mark leaving tonight or tomorrow?

Специальные вопросы: What are you doing? Where are they hurrying? When are we arriving? Why are you crying? Who is she visiting in the hospital now? Who is calling? – I am.

Разделительные вопросы: Helen is working in a sports shop at present, isn’t she? They aren’t reading the newspapers now, are they? It is snowing heavily, isn’t it?

Модели употребления

Present Progressive употребляется:

1. Для выражения длящегося в момент речи действия: Look! It is still raining. What is the smell? - Something is burning.

2. Для выражения действия, происходящего в течение определенного периода времени в настоящем: This team is playing very well this year. I am studying at the University now.

3. Для выражения эмоционально окрашенных действий (негативного характера): You are always loosing your keys! He is constantly talking about his problems!

4. Для выражения непрерывно меняющихся ситуаций: The prices are getting higher and higher every month. The number of students is decreasing nowadays. It is 5 o’clock. Frank is having dinner. Harry is lying on the sofa. Mark is playing the computer game.

5. Для описания ситуаций, при которых регулярно происходят какие-то определенные действия: He never talks when he is working.

6. Для выражения запланированного на ближайшее будущее действия с глаголами движения: to move, to come, to go, to leave, to arrive, to return, to start, to meet. We are leaving tomorrow. My brother is arriving next week.

7. Для выражения будущего действия, обозначающего намерение говорящего совершить действие или его уверенность в совершении действия: I am taking my examination on Thursday. We are having a party on Saturday. We are buying a new car soon.

8. Для выражения будущего длительного действия в обстоятельственных придаточных предложениях условия и времени: If I am sleeping when he comes, wake me up, please.

Present Progressive не употребляется с глаголами чувственного и умственного восприятия, если они обозначают состояние. I enjoy folk music. I see, you are right. The pie tastes good. Однако если эти глаголы обозначают действие и изменияются по семантике, то возможно употребление Present Progressive: I am enjoying every sound of this music. I am seeing the Chief Manager this afternoon. He is tasting the pie now.

Grammar Practice


Ex.1. Form Participle I of the Infinitives.

To come, to lie, to put, to pay, to feel, to stir, to combine, to cancel, to reveal, to offer, to plan, to smile, to refer, to forget, to control, to compute, to die, to suffer, to spare, to prefer, to sum, to buy, to conceal, to ensure, to begin, to differ, to wear, to label, to study, to see, to disagree, to appear, to tie, to permit, to occur, to master, to destroy, to fool, to compare.


Ex.2. Supply Present Progressive and comment on the use.

1. Dick (read) now. 2. I (lie) on the sofa at the moment. 3. We (translate) the text now. 4. Harry (look) for his keys. 5. The children (play) in the yard. 6. Oh, you (laugh) at me. 7. The plane (fly) over there. 8. We (do) some English exercises. 9. What a pity! She (have) a cold. 10. They (listen) to her. 11. I wonder why you (destroy) these letters. 12. Let’s go home. It (get) late and dark. 13. I (wait) for you downstairs. 14. Don’t worry, we (care) about the kittens. 15. The economic situation (get) better at last. 16. The weather (go) from bad to worse. 17. I hate somebody’s presence when I (telephone). 18. When he (speak) about his childhood he always smiles. 19. She (leave) for Madrid tonight. 20. We (dine) out tomorrow. 21. He constantly (lose) everything! 22. What Nancy (do) these days? – She (study) English at a school in London. 23. He always (lie). You can’t believe a word he says. 24. You (see) Nick tomorrow? 25. Tom (not, play) football this season. He wants to concentrate on his studies.


Ex.3. Use the right form of the verb in brackets.

1. Don’t rely on Mrs Morgan. She (lie) to you. 2. I (die) of hunger. 3. Quick! The tram (come). 4. When I’m far away I (look forward) to meeting you. 5. I think, they (live) in Italy now. 6. The situation (change) too rapidly. 7. Miss Marple (type) a contract now. 8. Now tourists, we (go) to the most wonderful place in the world. 9. I (speak) to you, Bob. 10. We are glad, you (stay) with us. 11. Listen! Somebody (open) the door. 12. Go on with what you (tell) me. 13. She (talk) about the weather at the moment. 14. Sure, it’s Tom you … (phone) to. 15. It (rain) so heavily. 16. He (come) back here tonight. 17. I (have) a birthday party next Saturday.


Ex.4. Make the sentences negative.

1. You see, I (stay, not) here. 2. I regret, he (make, not) any progress in Maths. 3. Mary (learn, not) to sew. 4. Listen, Henry! Nobody (look for) for you. 5. She (try, not) even to improve her knowledge. 6. Oh, they (fight, not), they (play). 7. It (snow, not) any longer. 8. Now listen, I (joke, not). 9. Don’t be afraid, nothing out of ordinary (happen). 10. Possibly you (pay, not) enough attention to the information. 11. She (sit, not) in front of the dressing-table. 12. Don’t wait, he even (put, not) on his coat. 13. Believe me, I (conceal, not) the truth from you.


Ex.5. Express your disagreement.

Model: – John is listening to music. (the news)

– No, he isn’t. He is listening to the news.

1. Harry is reading a book. (an article) 2. Pat is dancing with Paul. (Henry) 3. Mr Black is smoking a cigarette. (a cigar) 4. They are talking to Ann. (Rita) 5. The students are writing a rest. (a dictation) 6. You are waiting for Jill. (her friend)


Ex.6. Make up general questions. Give short answers.

1. Lucy (have) an English class now. 2. My group-mates (travel) about the country now. 3. Garry (ride) for the university cycle team. 4. It (freeze) hard tonight. 5. The disease (spread) rapidly over the planet. 6. His computer (work) much better now. 7. He (deliver)a lecture at the moment. 8. They (refer) to our article. 9. I (plan) my time for the week. 10. You (offer) me a good job.


Ex.7. Respond to the following using an alternative question.

Model: – Mother is reading. (a book or a magazine)

– Is she reading a book or a magazine?

1. Mike is telling us. (a joke or a story) 2. Mrs Brown is watering. (the flowers or the shrubs) 3. The children are playing. (basketball or volleyball) 4. We are cooking. (lunch or dinner) 5. The students are writing. (some exercises or tests) 6. You are typing. (some letters or a contract)

Ex.8. Respond to the following using a disjunctive question.

Model: – Robert is working. (at the library)

– He is working at the library, isn’t he?

1. The Blacks are travelling. (abroad) 2. Frank is painting. (a landscape) 3. Joe is doing her homework. (in her room) 4. The weather is growing colder. (tonight) 5. The students are not having lunch. (at the canteen) 6. The congressmen are not discussing. (the bill) 7. You are not kidding me. (speak seriously)


Ex.9. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Kate (do) the morning exercises now. 2. I (go) to the pictures. 3. They (talk) about the conference. 4. You (drive) too fast. 5. I (get on) rather well now. 6. It (freeze) a little tonight. 7. Somebody (stand) near the door. 8. He (tell) a funny story. 9. Willy (cry) because he has lost his key. 10. Our neighbours (quarrel) constantly. 11. Harry (play) a joke on Victor. 12. We (laugh) at the kitten. 13. Helen (try) to do her best because she has her exams soon. 14. The Smiths (live) in Toronto now. 15. The football players (move) to Barcelona by air now. 16. Greta (sing) with Paul on the stage. 17. The days (get) longer and longer. 18. George (fix) his car. 19. He (watch) an action film now. 20. Tracy (look) after Mary’s children now.



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