Упр. 3. Притяжательный падеж существительных 

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Упр. 3. Притяжательный падеж существительных

Перепишите предложения и переведите их.

1. The local trains of Denver’s railway network transport 1 million passengers a day but demand is three times that number.

2. The engine driver is responsible for the passengers’ and goods’ safety.

3. About 60 % of the world's railroads are built to standard gauge, 4 feet 8 1/2 inches.


Упр. 4. Степени сравнения прилагательных

(A) Перепишите предложения и переведите их. Укажите степень сравнения прилагательных.

1. The El Ferdan Railway Bridge across the Suez Canal is the world's longest drawbridge.

2. George Pullman invented the first sleeping car, which was much simpler in design than the sleeping cars of today, but it was much more suitable for long-distance travel than any other kind of cars in use at that time.

3. In New Zealand, the most serious rail disaster happened on Christmas Eve 1953.


(B) Перепишите предложения, употребив прилагательные в скобках в сравнительной или превосходной степени, и переведите их.

1. Indian Railway is one of (big) and (busy) rail networks in the world that carries more than 16 million passengers daily.

2. In the US, passengers can buy tickets either at the station or on the train at a (high) fare.

3. Although there are now (fast) and (modern) means of transport, railways remain (safe) and (popular) form of transport.


Упр. 5. Перепишите предложения. Задайте общие вопросы и специальные вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

1. Liquid goods are carried in tank cars.

2. The trains will be detained en route for a couple of hours because of the heavy snowstorm.

3. Railway construction began in China late in the 19th century.

4. The first electric locomotive was designed by Werner von Siemens.

5. During the rush hours, the trains in the Moscow Metro run with intervals of about 80 seconds.


Упр. 6. (A) Прочитайте текст и устно переведите его. Выполните упражнения, данные после текста, письменно.


Rail transport in france


Railway construction in France began in the early 19th century. By the end of the century, most main lines of the country’s railway network were laid down. Many railway lines radiated out from Paris, which served as the country’s transportation hub. French railroads were nationalized in 1937. Independent railway companies and the state-controlled railways joined together in the Societe Nationale des Chemins de Fer Francais (French National Railways, or SNCF), with the state owning a controlling share.

The railway network reached its peak length of 42,000 km in 1932. In the decades after World War II, railways declined sharply in importance. Many little-used rural railways were closed. Rail’s share of domestic freight traffic fell from 62 % in 1958 to 16 % in 1997. Today, France has 29,000 km of railroad track in use, two-fifths of which is electrified.

Rail passenger traffic remains important in France. The development of the high-speed TGV train led to the construction of several new lines, increased the speed of rail passenger traffic, and considerably decreased journey times. TGV can travel at speeds up to 320 kmh on specially built track, but the trains must travel much slower on conventional track. Nowadays, the TGV network carries more than one-fifth of all rail passengers.

The first TGV line was completed in 1981. It linked Paris with Lyon. A second line connected Paris with Nantes and Bordeaux. It was entered service in 1989. A third line linked Paris with Lille in 1993. In 1994, freight and passenger train service started through the Channel Tunnel, the world's longest undersea tunneling project connecting Calais, France, and Dover, England. Today, high-speed rail lines link Paris and other major French cities to many destinations outside of France, including cities in England, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, and Switzerland. TGV lines proved so successful they largely replaced passenger air travel between connected cities. Using the TGV, passengers can travel between Brussels and Paris in just 90 minutes.


(B) Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих фраз.

1. транспортный узел страны

2. контрольный пакет акций

3. значение железных дорог значительно уменьшилось

4. железные дороги, построенные в сельской местности

5. разработка высокоскоростного поезда TGV

6. время в пути

7. специально построенный железнодорожный путь

8. обычный железнодорожный путь

9. была пущена в эксплуатацию

10. самый длинный подводный тоннель в мире


(С) Ответьте кратко на общие вопросы к тексту.

1. Did railway construction in France begin in the late 19th century?

2. Were French railroads nationalized before World War II?

3. Does France have 29,000 km of railroad track in use today?

4. Are all French railways electrified?

5. Does rail passenger traffic remain important in France?

6. Can TGV travel at speeds up to 320 kmh on conventional track?

7. Do the TGV trains carry more than one-fifth of all rail passengers?

8. Was the first TGV line built in 1881?

9. Did a third TGV line link Paris with Nantes and Bordeaux?

10. Do the TGV trains cover the distance between Brussels and Paris in 90 hours?



Упр. 1. Формы Simple (Present, Past, Future) в действительном (Active) и страдательном (Passive) залогах.

(A) Перепишите предложения и переведите их. Выпишите сказуемые и укажите их видовременные формы.

Model: The train departs at 7 pm. Поезд отправляется в 7 часов вечера.

departs – Present Simple Active (to depart)


1. New plastic and synthetic materials are widely used for the interior and exterior finishing of passenger carriages.

2. Concrete sleepers first appeared in Europe in 1868, mainly because of the shortage of durable wood in some countries.

3. The Adtranz company manufactures electric and diesel locomotives, high-speed trains, streetcars and underground trains, as well as signal and traffic-control systems.

4. Some of the new metro stations in Hong Kong will be equipped with high-speed lifts instead of conventional escalators.

5. The railway line between two large Japanese cities Yamagata and Akita was opened for traffic in March 1997. It became so popular that passenger turnover between these cities immediately increased by more than 50 %.


(B) Перепишите предложения, поставив глагол в нужную видовременную форму, и переведите их.

1. A railway (to divide – Present Simple Passive) into sections, usually four or six miles in length and each section (to maintain – Present Simple Passive) by a section gang.

2. Heavy snowstorms (to disorganize – Past Simple Active) the movement of trains in this region.

3. The Class 373 train (to be – Present Simple Active) a high-speed emu that (operate – Present Simple Active) between Britain, France and Belgium via the Channel Tunnel.

4. The bodies of the first passenger cars (to build – Past Simple Passive) of wood and their trucks (to have – Past Simple Active) many wooden parts.

5. This train (to proceed – Future Simple Active) to its final destination without any stops.


Упр. 2. Оборот there + to be

(A) Перепишите предложения и переведите их.

1. There were no conductors on the first railways and an engine driver collected the passenger fares himself.

2. In the US, there is a special discount for those passengers who buy round-trip tickets.

3. There are four pairs of sliding doors on each side of a Metro car.


(B) Перепишите предложения, поставив глагол to be в нужную форму, и переведите их.

1. Nowadays, there tobe underground railways in 80 cities all over the world. (Present)

2. There tobe no trains today because the railroad workers are on strike. (Future)

3. In April 1998, there to be a 300 km traffic jam on the N 4 motorway – the main road from London to Wales – at the end of the Easter holidays. (Past)


Упр. 3. Притяжательный падеж существительных

Перепишите предложения и переведите их.

1. The first section of Korea's first high-speed line was officially opened on March 30 2004 by the country's president, Mr Goh Kun.

2. On a large diagram in a dispatcher’s room, small lights display the location of each train.

3. The new four-car trainsets were developed by Danish State Railways’ design office for express passenger services in Denmark and Sweden.



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