IW # 5 Towns of Great Britain 

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IW # 5 Towns of Great Britain

Read and translate the text in a written form.


There are a lot of big cities and towns in Great Britain. London, the capital of Great Britain, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Grimsby, Sheffield, Liverpool, Windsor and others.

In the heart of England, about 112 miles north-west of London, is Birmingham, a city with over two million inhabitants. The growth of this city during the last century has been very rapid, for it owes its importance almost entirely to its iron industry. Although it has no outlet on the sea coast and does not stand on any great river, it has become a busy hive of industry. The district around Birmingham is known as the Black Country. It is a land of factories and mines.

The centre of the cotton industry is Manchester, Like Birmingham, Manchester is of recent growth. It cannot boast of many ancient buildings. Few English cities, however, have better public parks, of which there are over fifty, the largest is the Heaton Park.

The country town of Yorkshire is York, and the old centre of the woolen trade is Halifax. York is a beautiful old city on the River Ouse. But neither York nor Halifax is the centre of the woolen industry, which is Leeds, a rapidly growing city in the valley of the River Aire.

The modern development of Leeds as the chief centre of the woolen industry in England dates from the introduction of steam-power machinery towards the close of the eighteenth century.

Grimsby is a prosperous seaport on the coast of Lincolnshire, at the estuary of the River Humber. It is the wealthiest fishing port in Europe. Over two and a half million pounds worth of fish is landed every year.

The modern city, with over a million people, has grown from the tiny hamlet of Escafeld. It is the city of Sheffield. When the casual traveller through Sheffield by rail sees the packed workshops, knowing nothing of the beauty they have marred and judging Sheffield by them, he may perhaps be forgiven for thinking that the whole city is dull and grimy. He is unaware that its people have managed to concentrate their industries in one place. It is this industrial concentration which makes Sheffield unique among English industrial towns.

Liverpool is famous for its docks, it is the largest port in Great Britain.

Windsor and the surrounding district is a delightful residential locality. There are two Windsors — Old Windsor and New Windsor. New Windsor grew up with the Castle. Of many Royal Palaces in Europe none can trace its origin to so early a period as does Windsor Castle.

Elsom is a seaside resort in the south of England, not very far from Brighton.

Durham City is situated on one of the best developed incised meanders in Western Europe — on the River Wear. It is a perfect model of. Pirenne's medieval city.


Word List:

rapid - швидкий outlet – вихід hive of industry - промисловість, сконцентрована у одному місці to boast [boust] - хвастатися, пишатися woolen trade - торгівля вовною rapidly growing city –швидко зростаюче місто valley - долина prosperous процвітаючий (сприятливий) hamlet- сільце casual traveller - випадковиймандрівник dull - нудний, похмурий, grimy ['graimi] - забруднений, покритий сажею, вугіллям;брудний unaware- не думаючий, нетой, що підозрює to manage to concentrate their industries in one place –удаватися, сконцентрувати промисловість в одному місці unique - єдиний в своєму роді, неповторний dock - порт (док) seaside resort - морський курорт. medieval city - середньовічне місто to be forgiven for thinking - бути прощеним за те, що думає

2. Give answers to the following questions:

1. What big cities and towns are there in Great Britain? Name them.

2. What city is situated in the heart of England?

3. What is the city of Birmingham famous for?

4. What city is the centre of the cotton industry in Great Britain?

5. What town is the centre of the woolen trade in Great Britain?

6. What is the chief centre o fwoolen-industry in Great Britain?

7. What town in Great Britain is the wealthiest fishing port?

8. What is the town of Sheffield famous for?

9. What is one of the largest seaports in Great Britain?

10.What city is a perfect model of the Pirenne's medieval city?


Put the words in the correct order to make up a sentence

1. Halifax town of is trade York,The and centre the old Yorkshireof the country woolen is.

2. Birmingham is In the north-west heart with of miles two England, about 112 inhabitants of London, a city over million.

3. docks Liverpool is for largest Great Britain its, it is famous the port in.


IW # 6.1 Life of Youth in Great Britain

Read and translate the text in a written form.

Young people in Great Britain have a wide variety of interests apart from their school work. As children, both boys and girls play many of the same games; They swim, play baseball and basketball, go boating and camping, and have fun in many kinds of sports and outdoor activities.

Numerous youth organizations give young people a chance to develop and broaden their interests and to gain experience in working with others. Civic, cultural and religious groups also sponsor special programmes for young people. In farm areas, boys and girls learn to work together in agriculture, homemaking and citizenship activities.

Secondary schools offer pupils a wide variety of activities to develop talents and skills.-There are clubs for photography, music, theatre, art, stamp collecting, natural sciences and debating.

Often schools have orchestras, bands, singing groups as well as a variety of competitive sports for both boys and girls.

Most schools and colleges have some form of student government with elections to choose class representatives. They also organize social activities and take part in such community projects as raising money for public welfare.

Many young people hold part-time jobs after school hours. Thousands of them earn money delivering newspapers or helping care for infants and young children in private homes.

For several weeks during the summer holidays, about five million school-aged children go to camps where they get plenty of recreational activity and learn various skills. College students often work as counselors at these camps during their vacation.

Word List:

wide variety - велика безліч apart from - окремо від boating - катання на човні to have fun in many kinds of sports - захоплюватися різними видами спорту outdoor activity - заняття (спортом) на відкритому повітрі numerous – численний to give a chance - надавати можливість to broaden ['bro:dn] – розширювати to gain experience - здобувати досвід civic ['sivik] - цивільний to sponsor - спонсировать, субсидіювати farm areas - сільськогосподарські райони to offer - пропонувати skill - мистецтво, уміння stamp collecting - колекціонування марок natural sciences - природничі науки orchestra – оркестр, band - група, оркестр, ансамбль competitive - що суперничає, що змагається elections – вибори representative - представник to take part in - брати участь social activities - суспільна діяльність project – проект to raise - піднімати, добувати public welfare - добробут народу part-time job - робота на неповний робочий день to earn money - заробляти на життя to deliver [di'liva] - доставляти, розносити to care for - доглядати за ким-небудь, піклуватися про кого-небудь private ['prarvit] - приватний, особистий recreational - відбудовний, розважальний


2. Give answers to the following questions:

1. What is the way of spending spare time by youth in Great Britain?

2. What kind of sports do young people go in for in Great Britain?

and broaden their interests and to gain experience in working with others?

3. What do secondary schools offer pupils in Great Britain?

4. Do many young people hold part-time jobs after school hours? In what way do they earn their money?

5. How do young people spend their vacations in Great Britain?


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