Тема 3.4. Межличностные отношения. 

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Тема 3.4. Межличностные отношения.

Цель: совершенствование и развитие навыков устной и письменной речи, навыков чтения и перевода текста профессиональной направленности на английском языке.

Содержание работы

1. Read and translate the text.

Generation gap

The so-called "generation gap” means the difference in attitudes between old and young people. Such problem has always existed.

Generation gap mostly appears because of the teenagers. They often behave rude against their parents. The young wear provocative clothes which shock the adults, causing their sharp negative reaction. Young people are fond of listening to music that is disliked by parents. Naturally, each generation has got its lifestyle. For example, people who had teenage children in the sixties could never understand such phenomenon as Beatles. They had known nothing about rock music before and so they thought of it just as a noise. So facing something new parents do not approve the behaviour and look of their children and criticize them, telling that "in my youth children were more polite and quiet”. Sometimes teens even rebel against it.

In my opinion this conflict is inevitable. On the one hand, it is natural because life is rapidly changing. Every year something new emerges, from fashion styles to pop-stars and of course young people accept it very quickly. On the other hand, adults do not need to worry about their kids too much. Until the "generation gap” gets too big to handle, there is nothing bad in it. But both adults and children should remember about general culture. If people are well brought up and educated their culture will help them to prevent the conflicts making teenagers less defiant and adults more lenient.

To sum up, I think that the "generation gap” problem will forever be actual, but if the generations respect each other, it will not be so serious.


2. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

generation gap, attitudes between old and young people, teenager, to behave rude against their parents, to wear provocative clothes, negative reaction, lifestyle, could never understand, behaviour, rebel, conflict is inevitable, new emerge, fashion styles to pop-star, to be well brought up and educated, respect.


Give your own opinion about “generation gap”.

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Содержание текста      
Организация текста      
Орфография и пунктуация      
Устная речь      

Список рекомендуемой литературы:

1. Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для средних профессиональных заведений. Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2009. – 319 с.

2. Безкоровайная Г.Т., Соколова Н.И., Койранская Е.А. и др. Planet of English: Учебник английского языка для учреждений НПО и СПО: (+CD): Рекомендовано ФГАУ «Фиро», 2008. - 256

3. Голубев А.П., Балюк Н.В., Смирнова И.Б. Английский язык: Учебник: Рекомендовано ФГАУ «Фиро». М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2008. – 336 с

4. Ломаев Б.Ф., Томских Г.П., Михина А.Э. English: Your way. Практический курс английского языка. Чита, 2011. – 300с.

5. Интернет – ресурсы.

Практическая работа №21

Тема 3.5. Профессии и профессиональные качества, профессиональный рост, карьера

Цель: совершенствование и развитие навыков устной и письменной речи, навыков чтения и перевода текста профессиональной направленности на английском языке.

Содержание работы

Read and translate the text.

Aginsk Teacher’s Training College

The Aginsk Teacher’s Training College founded in 1934 is the oldest educational institution of Zabaikalsk Krai. The College has three-storied building. It is located in Komsomolskaya Street.

The College graduate approximately … students each year. Depending on their needs, interests and abilities, students may choose a full-time day program or part-time correspondence education. The Day-Time department includes 5 faculties: Primary School Education, Arts, Pre-School Education, Physical Training, Pedagogics of Additional Education.

The academic program of every faculty consists of special, social, pedagogical and educational subjects.

The College Course lasts 3 or 4 years. The academic year includes two terms, each lasting 17 weeks. Students of Correspondence department get education without leaving their jobs. Much work is left on their own.

The students of the Day-Time department receive state grants and are provided with the hostels. All the students may use College library and sport facilities. Special elective courses are offered to students. All students must produce research papers during their graduate course work.

On graduating the students receive diplomas and different certificates which give them the right to teach at school.


Vo c a b u l a r y

to graduate - 1. зд. давать диплом, выпускать; 2. Заканчивать учебное заведение

research paper - курсовая работа

term - семестр

to provide (with) - обеспечивать

to hold (held) - иметь

offering - предложение

Corresondence department - заочное отделение

elective course - курс по выбору; факультативный курс


2. Answer the following questions:


1. What College do you study at? 2. When was our College founded? 3. How many storied buildings does our College have? 4. Where is College situated? 5. What faculties does the Day-Time department include? 6. How many terms does the academic year include? 7. How long does each term last? 8. How long does the College course last? 9. How do students of Correspondence department get education? 10. Where do students of our College prepare for their classes? 11. Why did you decide to study at our College?


Read the text and answer the questions. Divide the text into parts and give the titles. Retell each of parts briefly.

Our University

I study at the North-Western Extra-Mural Polytechnical University. It is located on the bank of the Neva. The University was established in 1930. It is the oldest and largest extra-mural university in our country.

Any man or woman having a secondary education and working at some enterprise of our industry may enter our University.

I entered it last year. Now I am in my second year. I study at the radio Information and Electronics faculty. The faculty trains radio engineers of all specialities.

A friend of mine is also a student. He is a full-time student in the day time. He doesn’t work. He gets a state grant.

We study in the evening three times a week. Our lectures begin at 6 and end at 9.30. Every evening we have two lectures. The break between the lectures lasts ten minutes. Attendance at our University is voluntary. Yet, as most of our students, I attend all the lectures and classes.

The students who attend the lectures usually pass their examinations more successfully. They get good and excellent marks and seldom fail.

There are many laboratories where all the students make various experiments and carry on research work. Many teachers and professors deliver lectures and hold seminars on different subjects such as: physics, mathematics, chemistry, foreign languages and many others.

For the convenience of the non-St. Petersburg students living and working far from our University there are several branches of it in different cities. There the students also have lectures, classes, consultations and take their examinations.

My favourite subject is physics. The lectures on this subject are delivered by Professor Smirnov. His lectures are always very interesting. I never miss them.

The students are taught one of the following foreign languages: English, French or German. I study English. At our lessons we read, translate and speak English.

The academic year starts on the first of September and ends on the first of July. It is divided into two terms. At the end of each term the students take their tests and examinations.

At the beginning of the term non-St. Petersburg students get all the teaching material and different kinds of test-papers in the subjects by mail. They do the test-papers in written form and send them to the University for marking.



external student - студент-заочник

full-time student - студент, который не совмещает занятий с работой

I am in my second year - я студент второго курса

three times a week - три раза в неделю

to attend lectures and classes - посещать лекции и практически все занятия

to take an examination - сдавать экзамен

to pass an examination - сдать, выдержать экзамен

to fail in a subject - провалиться по какому-л. предмету

branch - зд. филиал

to take a test - сдавать зачет

teaching material - учебный материал

by mail - по почте

to do a test - paper - выполнять контрольную работу

to carry on research work - вести исследовательскую работу

voluntary - необязательный, добровольный

voluntary attendance - необязательное посещение

to train - обучать, готовить

mark - оценка

to miss a lecture - пропускать лекцию

to deliver a lecture - читать лекцию



1. What University do you study at? 2. Where is it located? 3. When was the University established? 4. Who may enter your University? 5. When did you enter your University? 6. What year are you in? 7. What faculty do you study at? 8. What specialists does your faculty train? 9. Is your friend an external student? 10. When does your friend study? 11. When do you have your studies? 12. How many times a week do you study? 13. When do your studies begin and end? 14. How many lectures do you have each evening? 15. Is attendance at your University voluntary? 16. Do you attend all the lectures and classes? 17. What students pass their examinations more successfully? 18. What marks do they get? 19. What is your favourite subject? 20. Who delivers lectures in this subject? 21. What foreign languages are taught at your University? 22. When does the academic year start and end? 23. When do the students usually take their examinations and tests? 24. Where do they send the test-papers for marking? 25. What do the students do in the laboratories?


4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Я студент-заочник. Учусь на заочной отделении. В нашем институте 10 факультетов. В наш институт может поступить каждый, кто имеет среднее образование.

2. Мой друг редко пропускает лекции. Он посещает их регулярно и всегда получает хорошие и отличные отметки на экзаменах. Он поступил в институт в прошлом году. Он окончит его через 5 лет.

3. Его друг - студент заочного отделения. Он занимается днем и получает стипендию.

4. Иногородние студенты получают весь учебный материал и контрольные задания по почте.



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