Read the dialogue and dramatize it. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Read the dialogue and dramatize it.

A. Olya! Hi!

B. Hello, Katya!

A. Monday’s a real bind/grind, isn’t it?

B. Sure it is! It’s always really hard to come back on a Monday, after the weekend. Especially now we’ve

got lessons on Saturday, too.

A. Can’t beat Sundays! Have a lie in, no rushing off anywhere. And my mum always tries to arrange

something special. Bakes a cake, makes us something really nice.

B. Fab! I love nice food. Then I watch some TV – there’s a good programme on Art. I really love things

like “History of a Pointing” or “Russian Museum”.

A. So do I. It’s really nice just sitting in front of the box, when the weather’s bad.

B. Right. But when it’s nice, it’s such a shame to stay indoors. After all, we’re inside all week with no

fresh air. So you really need to get out when it’s fine on Sunday.

A. Last Sunday we decided to do go back and relive our childhood, so we went to the Zoo. It was really


B. Oh, I haven’t been for ages. I must go sometime.

A. Do you like the cinema? Maybe we can go one evening – there’s a first night this Sunday – Oleg

Menshikov’s in the film.

B. I really prefer the theatre. But if you think this film’s worth watching. I’ll go.

A. I’ll phone you. OK?

B. Fine. But you knew, sometimes I just enjoy staying at home with my family.

A. Nothing beats your day off. Anything’s better than Monday.


Prepare your own topic about your Daily Routine.

Критерии самооценки выполненной работы:

  Very well OK A little
Содержание текста      
Организация текста      
Орфография и пунктуация      
Устная речь      

Список рекомендуемой литературы:

1. Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для средних профессиональных заведений. Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2009. – 319 с.

2. Безкоровайная Г.Т., Соколова Н.И., Койранская Е.А. и др. Planet of English: Учебник английского языка для учреждений НПО и СПО: (+CD): Рекомендовано ФГАУ «Фиро», 2008. - 256

3. Голубев А.П., Балюк Н.В., Смирнова И.Б. Английский язык: Учебник: Рекомендовано ФГАУ «Фиро». М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2008. – 336 с

4. Ломаев Б.Ф., Томских Г.П., Михина А.Э. English: Your way. Практический курс английского языка. Чита, 2011. – 300с.

5. Интернет – ресурсы.


Практическая работа №19

Тема 3.3. Условия проживания, система социальной помощи.

Цель: совершенствование и развитие навыков устной и письменной речи, навыков чтения и перевода текста профессиональной направленности на английском языке.


Содержание работы

1. Read and translate the text.

My Home

First of all I should say that I like my house. I agree with the conclusion that any home reflects the personality of his owner and his habits. Clothes you wear or food you buy and eat are reflection as well. So, we can make up a conclusion about a man looking at his house.

I prefer a comfortable life. I think it is necessary to have all modern conveniences. It makes life easier, more enjoyable and pleasant. But the atmosphere is more important than conditions. I’d like to say some words about my flat.

We are a family of three. We live in a new five-storied block of flats. Our flat is on the 5th floor. It is very comfortable. When you enter the flat you can see a small entrance hall. On the right side you can see a closet. Then there is a corridor which is much larger than hall. On the left there is a bathroom and a lavatory in the corridor. On the opposite side you are welcome to my room. Walking along the corridor you will come to the kitchen. It is our dining and living room. My parent’s bedroom is on the left from the kitchen. We have all modern conveniences such as cold and hot running water, gas, electricity, central heating, a telephone and a chute.

Our living room is the largest one. It overlooks a park. The window is very large and there is much sunshine in the room. There you can see a sofa, a bookcase, a TV set and two armchairs. There are two pictures on the wall. If you look the dining part of the room you will see a unit of modern furniture here such as a cooker, a fridge, a cupboard, a microwave. We have a table and four chairs. There is much light. My bedroom is not large. There is a sofa, a wardrobe, a table and a chair. There is a computer on the table. Near the table there are some bookshelves. I have a small carpet at my sofa where our dog sleeps. My parent’s room is more spacious than mine. There is a large doublebed, a wardrobe, a dresser and a large mirror. Our bathroom and our lavatory are separated. They are not large but very convenient. There is a sink, a bath-tab, a mirror and a set of shelves where we keep our tooth-brushes, creams, shampoos and make-up.

So, I want to finish with the proverb: «Men make houses women make homes«. I agree with these words and in my family it is really true. My mother makes a cosy and comfortable atmosphere. My father renovates the flat from time to time. But all of us try to keep it clean.




reflection — отражение

personality — личность

reflect — отражать

make up a conclusion — делать вывод

habits of their owners — привычки владельцев

We are a family of three — у нас в семье три человека

a new nine-storied block of flats — новый девятиэтажный дом

lavatory — туалет

closet — кладовка

cold and hot running water — водопровод

central heating — центральное отопление

chute — мусоропровод

overlook — выходит

spacious — просторный

doublebed — двухспальная кровать

dresser — туалетный столик

unit of modern furniture — комплекс современной мебели

are separated — разделены

a sink — раковина

a bath-tab — ванна

Men make houses women make homes — Мужчины делают дома, а женщины обстраивают жилище.

renovate — обновлять

Describe your own home.

Критерии самооценки выполненной работы:

  Very well OK A little
Содержание текста      
Организация текста      
Орфография и пунктуация      
Устная речь      

Список рекомендуемой литературы:

1. Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для средних профессиональных заведений. Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2009. – 319 с.

2. Безкоровайная Г.Т., Соколова Н.И., Койранская Е.А. и др. Planet of English: Учебник английского языка для учреждений НПО и СПО: (+CD): Рекомендовано ФГАУ «Фиро», 2008. - 256

3. Голубев А.П., Балюк Н.В., Смирнова И.Б. Английский язык: Учебник: Рекомендовано ФГАУ «Фиро». М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2008. – 336 с

4. Ломаев Б.Ф., Томских Г.П., Михина А.Э. English: Your way. Практический курс английского языка. Чита, 2011. – 300с.

5. Интернет – ресурсы.

Практическая работа №20


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