Features of character – черты характера 

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Features of character – черты характера

clever - умный

bright – сообразительный

talented – талантливый

stupid / foolish – глупый

optimistic – оптимист

pessimistic – пессимист

nervous – нервный

weak – слабый

strong - сильный

gregarious – общительный

cruel - злой

polite - вежливый

rude – грубый

reliable - надежный

kind - добрый

amiable - любезный

considerate - внимательный

shy - застенчивый,

jolly - весёлый

serious - серьёзные



Задание 7. Прочитайте и переводите текст.

As you know people from different countries do not look the same. For example, people from countries such as Denmark, Norway and Sweden are usually tall. They have fair hair, blue eyes and a pale complexion.

Most people in Mediterranean countries such as Italy, Spain and Greece are rather short. They have usually got black or dark brown wavy hair, brown eyes and light brown skin.

Most people from central and southern parts of Africa have got black curly hair and very dark skin. They have also got dark brown eyes, full lips and a wide, flattish nose.

People from Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Libya have usually got dark hair and dark brown eyes. They have also got dark skin.

The northern Chinese are quite short, with thick black hair and dark, slanting eyes. They have got a small nose and a yellowish complexion.

Those who live in hot countries wear light clothes like shorts, T-shirts and slippers. People from northern countries such as Canada, Russia and Finland wear too much clothes in winter – coats, hats, scarves, winter boots and other warm things.

In my opinion character does not depend on appearance. So, a very beautiful girl can be angry, nervous person who hates everybody and everything. But an ugly plump person can be really nice and friendly. It can be a good friend, who can always help you. So I advice everybody not to judge people by their appearance.

Задание 8. Темы для устного сообщения.

  1. Describe your mother/father.
  2. Describe the portrait of any star.
  3. You met a wonderful man on the street. Tell about him.
  4. You have never met your uncle before. Your father tells you about him.
  5. Tell about your pet’s (cat, dog) character.

Критерии самооценки выполненной работы:

  Very well OK A little
Содержание текста      
Организация текста      
Орфография и пунктуация      
Устная речь      

Список рекомендуемой литературы:

1. Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для средних профессиональных заведений. Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2009. – 319 с.

2. Безкоровайная Г.Т., Соколова Н.И., Койранская Е.А. и др. Planet of English: Учебник английского языка для учреждений НПО и СПО: (+CD): Рекомендовано ФГАУ «Фиро», 2008. - 256

3. Голубев А.П., Балюк Н.В., Смирнова И.Б. Английский язык: Учебник: Рекомендовано ФГАУ «Фиро». М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2008. – 336 с

4. Ломаев Б.Ф., Томских Г.П., Михина А.Э. English: Your way. Практический курс английского языка. Чита, 2011. – 300с.

5. Интернет – ресурсы.


Практическая работа №2

Тема 1.2. Межличностные отношения дома, в учебном заведении, на работе

Цель: совершенствование и развитие навыков устной и письменной речи, навыков чтения и перевода текста профессиональной направленности на английском языке.

Содержание работы

My Friends

We meet a lot of people during our lives. We communicate with all these people, but our attitudes towards each of these people are different. Usually I classify people I know as acquaintances, friends and close friends. I'm going to tell you about my best friends. They are Victor and Dmitri.

Victor is a good-natured guy of medium height, strong in body, light-haired with light blue eyes. Usually he is the life and soul of the party. Victor is fond of foreign languages. Not so long ago he decided to study English. He worked on it hard, and now he speaks English well.

Victor also likes music. He is a good singer, he plays mouth organ and dances better than Michael Jackson.

Dmitri is rather slim, not very tall, his hair is brown, his eyes are grey. Usually he wears T-shirts with emblems of football clubs, such as "Dinamo" (Moscow) and "Zenit"(St. Petersburg). He is an enthusiastic football fan.

Dmitri is an extremely sociable person. By means of e-mail he corresponds with many people from different countries. They discuss political and economic issues. Dmitri is also interested in philosophy. He often cites Confucius's utterances.

My friends are very interesting to talk to. They are both very clever and educated guys, they are open-hearted and social, well-mannered and tactful. People usually like them. I'm happy to have such friends as Victor and Dmitri.


1. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

to communicate, attitude, acquaintance, close friend, a good-natured guy, medium height, foreign language, mouth organ, T-shirt, enthusiastic football fan, sociable person, by means of e-mail, to correspond, issue, Confucius's utterances, educated guy, open-hearted.

Describe Victor and Dmitri.

Relationship between parents and children

Everyone says that youth is probably the best time of our life. Being young means love, friendship and romance, new discoveries and so on. But we must know that for teenagers it is the most difficult time. That`s why parents must help their children solve youth problems. It can really help construct good relationship between parents and children.

But in our modern life there is often a lack of communication between parents and their children. Lack of the love and attention to children can make them unhappy.

As for me, I get on very well with my parents. Whenever I have problems with my friends or with my schoolwork, I know they are always there to listen and give advice. They have taught me a lot. They have got a lot of experience and they have always happy to share their knowledge with me. But sometimes my Mum and Dad seem to think I`m still a kid. When I go out with friends, I always have to be back home by ten o`clock and they call me on my mobile to check where I am. I have to ask permission for almost everything I do. It doesn`t seem fair sometimes but I anyway love my parents very much and I think they are the kindest in the whole world.

In conclusion, the ability to solve or avoid family problems depends on children and parents. If the relationship between parents and children is based on love, mutual respect, and kindness, the family will be happy.


3. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

Being young means, solve youth problems, a lack of communication, attention to children, get on with smb, advice, to have got a lot of experience, to share knowledge, avoid problems.


Use the words and word combinations of exercise 3 in the sentences of your own.


5. Give English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

молодежь, дружба, подросток, взаимоотношения между родителями и детьми, современная жизнь, разрешение, умение, зависеть, взаимоуважение, доброта.

6. Agree or disagree:

1. Youth is probably the best time of our life.

2. For teenagers it is the most difficult time.

3. Parents mustn’t help their children solve youth problems.

4. There is often a lack of communication between parents and their children.

5. Teenagers don’t get on well with their parents.

6. Parents must check their children all time.

7. The ability to solve or avoid family problems depends on children and parents.


Критерии самооценки выполненной работы:

  Very well OK A little
Содержание текста      
Организация текста      
Орфография и пунктуация      
Устная речь      

Список рекомендуемой литературы:

1. Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для средних профессиональных заведений. Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2009. – 319 с.

2. Безкоровайная Г.Т., Соколова Н.И., Койранская Е.А. и др. Planet of English: Учебник английского языка для учреждений НПО и СПО: (+CD): Рекомендовано ФГАУ «Фиро», 2008. - 256

3. Голубев А.П., Балюк Н.В., Смирнова И.Б. Английский язык: Учебник: Рекомендовано ФГАУ «Фиро». М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2008. – 336 с

4. Ломаев Б.Ф., Томских Г.П., Михина А.Э. English: Your way. Практический курс английского языка. Чита, 2011. – 300с.

5. Интернет – ресурсы.


Практическая работа №3


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