The medical curriculum is difficult. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


The medical curriculum is difficult.

A) Past Indefinite;

B) Present Indefinite;

C) Present Continuous;

D) Past Continuous.

Medical students understand well all the difficulties of their profession.

A) Future Indefinite;

B) Present Indefinite;

C) Past Indefinite;

D) Present Continuous.

The doctor will examine the patients tomorrow.

A) Present Indefinite;

B) Future Indefinite;

C) Past Continuous;

D) Present Continuous.

The students are taking part in the scientific work now.

A) Presnet Indefinite;

B) Present Perfect;

C) Present Continuous;

D) Past Continuous.

He has easily solved the substance.

A) Past Indefinite;

B) Past Perfect;

C) Present Perfect;

D) Present Indefinite.

I had posted the letter by three o’clock.

A) Past Indefinite;

B) Past Continuous;

C) Future Indefinite;

D) Past Perfect.

At the end of each term the student will write tests on different disciplines.

A) Future Indefinite;

B) Future Continuous;

C) Present Indefinite;

D) Past Continuous.

Yesterday at 9 a.m. I was going to the doctor to get a medical check-up.

A) Present Continuous;

B) Past Continuous;

C) Past Indefinite;

D) Present Prefect.

We will have graduated from the medical university by that time.

A) Future Indefinite;

B) Future Continuous;

C) Future Perfect;

D) Present Perfect.

He used the simplest compounds and found their physical properties.

A) Present Perfect;

B) Past Indefinite;

C) Past Perfect;

D) Past Continuous.

This surgeon will be operating on the patient with ulcer tomorrow at 11 a.m.

A) Future Continuous;

B) Present Continuous;

C) Future Indefinite;

D) Present Indefinite.



Виберіть правильну часову форму присудка:

The nurses … all procedures in twenty minutes.

A) will make;

B) are making;

C) made;

D) were making.

She … her examination in English at this time tomorrow.

A) will be taking;

B) are taking;

C) was taking;

D) takes.

The surgeon … the operation 5 minutes ago.

A) begins;

B) begin;

C) will begin;

D) began.

He … smoking soon.

A) gave up;

B) gives up;

C) will give up;

D) is giving up.

The nurse … the apparatus for blood transfusion now.

A) prepares;

B) is preparing;

C) prepared;

D) will prepare.

On Mondays we always … lectures in Anatomy.

A) are having;

B) were having;

C) have;

D) has.

What classes … you usually …?

A) do … have;

B) does … have;

C) do … has;

D) does … has.

Our head … of the face and the skull.

A) is consisting;

B) consists;

C) consist;

D) consisted.

The therapeutist … his patient to the dermatologist last week.

A) sends;

B) sent;

C) send;

D) will send.

The professor … his lecture at two o’clock yesterday.

A) delivers;

B) were delivering;

C) delivered;

D) was delivering.

They … doctors in three years.

A) are;

B) were;

C) will be;

D) is.

The surgeon … the operation two hours ago.

A) will finish;

B) finishes;

C) finish;

D) finished.

The surgeon … the emergency operation now.

A) performs;

B) is performing;

C) will perform;

D) was perform.

We always … to the lecture in Physiology carefully.

A) listen;

B) were listening;

C) are listening;

D) listens.

Each hand … fingers.

A) have;

B) had;

C) has;

D) will have.

The Ministry of Public Health Service … large establishments of higher medical education.

A) were controlling;

B) are controlling;

C) control;

D) controls.

The district physician usually … a deep knowledge of medicine.

A) have;

B) was having;

C) is having;

D) has.

The surgeons … on the patient from three till five o’clock yesterday.

A) were operating;

B) operated;

C) was operating;

D) are operating.

Who … on the patient in the operating room 15 minutes ago?

A) is operating;

B) will be operating;

C) operated;

D) operates.

We … the problems of environmental pollution tomorrow.

A) discuss;

B) were discussing;

C) shall discuss;

D) are discussing.

Wait! The surgeon … the patient’s wound.

A) is examining;

B) examines;

C) examined;

D) are examining.

We … to a lecture in Chemistry from 8 till 10 o’clock tomorrow.

A) listened;

B) are listening;

C) shall be listening;

D) shall listen.

What examinations … you … at the end of the first year.

A) does … take;

B) will … take;

C) were … take;

D) are … take.

At pharmaceutical departments the length of study … five years.

A) are;

B) am;

C) is;

D) were.

Next week the patient … physiotherapeutic procedures.

A) shall undergo;

B) undergoes;

C) will undergo;

D) underwent.

The physician … the patient from two till three o’clock to make a correct diagnosis.

A) examined;

B) examines;

C) was examining;

D) were examining.

National Health Service … a full range of health services free of charge to everyone.

A) provide;

B) provides;

C) was providing;

D) are providing.

Now they … the patient to the ward after the operation.

A) move;

B) moves;

C) are moving;

D) is moving.

There … two terms in the academic year.

A) is;

B) are;

C) am;

D) shall be.

What examinations in special subjects … the students … next year?

A) does … have;

B) will … have;

C) did … have;

D) do … have.

Every year they … examinations in the subjects studied.

A) take;

B) takes;

C) are taking;

D) were taking.

Look! The nurse … the patient’s temperature.

A) is taking;

B) are taking;

C) takes;

D) was taking.

Patients usually… an appointment in the registry.

A) make;

B) is making;

C) shall make;

D) makes.

The doctor … patients the whole morning on Monday.

A) consulted;

B) was consulting;

C) were consulting;

D) are consulting.

A famous pediatrician … to our medical university in some days.

A) will come;

B) comes;

C) is coming;

D) come.

The accessory structures … the teeth, tongue, salivary glands and others.

A) is;

B) was;

C) are;

D) to be.

The anaesthetist … the pre-medication now.

A) is making;

B) makes;

C) make;

D) was making.

… it hard to study at the University?

A) is;

B) are;

C) were;

D) will.

The institute … many departments.

A) have;

B) has;

C) is;

D) are.

During the first two years the students … general subjects.

A) studies;

B) studied;

C) is studying;

D) doesn’t study.

When my father … home, I … an interesting article about the latest developments in medicine.

A) come, was reading;

B) come, read;

C) came, will read;

D) came, was reading.

The number of medical institutions, where people may get medical assistance … constantly ….

A) are … growing;

B) is … growing;

C) were … growing;

D) shall … grow.

I … this medicine the day after tomorrow.

A) took;

B) is taking;

C) shall take;

D) takes.

The surgeon and his assistant … in the scrub-up room now.

A) get ready;

B) is getting ready;

C) was getting ready;

D) are getting ready.

The surgeon … the patient’s wound two hours ago.

A) examines;

B) was examining;

C) will examine;

D) examined.

… you … at medical university some years ago?

A) do … study;

B) did… study;

C) were … study;

D) will be … study.

I … our family doctor next month.

A) doesn’t see;

B) didn’t see;

C) shall see;

D) saw.

The principle parts of our body … the trunk, the head and the limbs.

A) were;

B) is;

C) are;

D) was.

Antibiotics … a chemical substance produced by mold.

A) was;

B) is;

C) am;

D) are.

When the teacher of Physics … the classroom, the students … the formulas.

A) entered, were revising;

B) enter, were revising;

C) entered, was revising;

D) entered, was revised.

Medical institutes and schools … in all regions of our country.

A) is functioning;

B) was functioning;

C) function;

D) functions.

The work of a first aid station … of great importance.

A) is;

B) are;

C) were;

D) am.

Now the surgical nurse … sterile gowns and dressings ready.

A) is getting;

B) was getting;

C) are getting;

D) were getting.

We …grammar exercises now.

A) write;

B) will write;

C) are writing;

D) am writing.

A nurse … a procedure room in 5 minutes.

A) leave;

B) leaves;

C) will leave;

D) were leaving.

We … the text about AIDS the whole evening tomorrow.

A) shall be reading;

B) will read;

C) is reading;

D) were reading.

The pharmacist … the mixture when a customer … him about the main contraindications of aspirin.

A) prepared, will ask;

B) was preparing, asked;

C) was preparing, shall ask;

D) prepare, asks.

Each doctor at a polyclinic … in charge of a definite district.

A) is;

B) are;

C) were;

D) am.

The dentist … the teeth now.

A) examine;

B) examines;

C) is examining;

D) was examining.

The nurse on duty … the patient’s temperature at this moment.

A) takes;

B) is taking;

C) took;

D) take.

I … this composition tomorrow.

A) shall write;

B) wrote;

C) write;

D) is writing.

The surgeon on duty usually … the stitches.

A) remove;

B) removes;

C) removed;

D) removing.

We … all necessary drugs in the chemist’s shop two days ago.

A) bought;

B) will buy;

C) buy;

D) are buying.

The skin … our skull.

A) is covering;

B) was covering;

C) covers;

D) cover.

The working day of a district doctor … at 8 o’clock.

A) begin;

B) begins;

C) is beginning;

D) was beginning.

We … practical classes every day.

A) are having;

B) having;

C) have;

D) has.

The digestive system … the alimentary canal and related organs.

A) have;

B) has;

C) was having;

D) is having.

Look! The surgeon on duty … a physical examination.

A) is making;

B) made;

C) makes;

D) are making.

He … to pass his first session well.

A) want;

B) wanting;

C) are wanting;

D) wants.

I … a district doctor tomorrow.

A) shall call in;

B) was calling in;

C) called in;

D) call in.

The therapeutist … me a very effective remedy last week.

A) prescribes;

B) will prescribe;

C) prescribed;

D) is prescribing.

We … an interesting article at that time yesterday.

A) are reading;

B) were reading;

C) is reading;

D) will be reading.

What … the nurse … from seven till nine yesterday?

A) is … doing;

B) was … doing;

C) did … do;

D) does … do.

Hippocrates … many pupils.

A) was having;

B) had;

C) is having;

D) have.

You … some medicines tomorrow.

A) was taking;

B) will take;

C) took;

D) take.

The doctor … the patient’s case history now.

A) takes;

B) took;

C) is taking;

D) was taking.

Anatomy … my favourite subject last year.

A) is;

B) was;

C) will be;

D) were.

He … a district doctor yesterday.

A) calls in;

B) is calling in;

C) called in;

D) will call in.

The surgeon … the operation in half an hour.

A) will perform;

B) is performing;

C) performed;

D) performs.

She … from pneumonia two years ago.

A) suffers;

B) suffered;

C) is suffering;

D) will suffer.

Susan … her exam two days ago but Alex … his exam at this time yesterday.

A) passed, was taking;

B) passes, took;

C) passed, is taking;

D) was passing, was taking.

Epithelium … almost entirely of cells.

A) is consisting;

B) consist;

C) are consisting;

D) consists.

We … notes of this lecture next time.

A) make;

B) made;

C) shall make;

D) are making.

Now the doctor … about the patient’s complaints.

A) is asking;

B) asks;

C) asked;

D) was asking.

We … the structure of the limbs last week.

A) are studying;

B) studied;

C) will study;

D) studies.

When … the students’ practice …?

A) does… begin;

B) do … begin;

C) are … begin;

D) is … begin.

The nurse … the patients’ temperature every day.

A) take;

B) takes;

C) is taking;

D) was taking.

The doctor … a diagnosis having took the temperature and blood pressure yesterday.

A) made;

B) make;

C) makes;

D) is making.

The patient … from gastritis last year.

A) suffers;

B) is suffering;

C) suffered;

D) will suffer.

… Peter … his textbook in Chemistry the whole night?

A) will … be reading;

B) will … read;

C) does … read;

D) did … read.

Where is professor? He … the lecture now.

A) delivers;

B) deliver;

C) is delivering;

D) delivered.

If she … the doctor, he … her proper treatment.

A) will visit … will prescribe;

B) visit … will prescribe;

C) visits … will prescribe;

D) visits … prescribes.

The surgeon is in the dressing room. He … the patient’s wound.

A) examines;

B) is examining;

C) examined;

D) will examine.

The leg … of several segments.

A) consists;

B) consisted;

C) was consisting;

D) consist.

The nurse … the patient morphine when the doctor entered the ward.

A) injected;

B) will inject;

C) was injecting;

D) is injecting.

The doctor … his morning round two hours ago.

A) begin;

B) begins;

C) began;

D) will begin.

They … the laboratory work tomorrow.

A) fulfill;

B) will fulfill;

C) fulfilled;

D) were fulfilling.

Don’t forget to take an umbrella. It … the whole day and you may catch cold.

A) will be raining;

B) will rain;

C) are raining;

D) rained.

The mouth … two lips.

A) is having;

B) have;

C) has;

D) will be having.

Where is the nurse now? She … out in the laboratory.

A) will helped;

B) helped;

C) are helping;

D) is helping.

Doctor Petrenko is in the operating room. He … the operation on the heart.

A) performs;

B) performed;

C) is performing;

D) will perform.

The students … experiments tomorrow.

A) will carry on;

B) carry on;

C) were carrying on;

D) carried on.

Many doctors … at state medical institutions.

A) works;

B) work;

C) is working;

D) was working.

The patient … in this ward yesterday.

A) are;

B) is;

C) was;

D) be.

The nurse … the ward twice a day.

A) air;

B) is airing;

C) airs;

D) were airing.

We … the whole evening. We … anatomy and physiology of the skin.

A) be busy, study;

B) shall be busy, shall be studying;

C) busy, shall study;

D) was busy, shall study.

Look! The doctor … the wound edges.

A) is washing;

B) washes;

C) washed;

D) are washing.

Where is the surgeon now? He … the operation.

A) are performing;

B) performed;

C) is performing;

D) performs.

The students … their lecturer the day after tomorrow.

A) saw;

B) will see;

C) is seeing;

D) see.

He … in the sanatorium last summer.

A) rests;

B) rest;

C) rested;

D) is resting.

She … a hot water bottle in the chemist’s shop two hours ago.

A) bought;

B) will buy;

C) is buying;

D) buys.

District doctors … for patient’s in an urban or rural district every day.

A) cater;

B) caters;

C) is catering;

D) are catering.

They … in the university now.

A) were;

B) are;

C) is;

D) am.

What … you … at six o’clock tomorrow? – I … a report in Chemistry.

A) do … do, am writing;

B) will … be doing, shall be writing;

C) did … do, was writing;

D) do… do, shall write.

In ancient times the physicians … vinegar, olive oil and wine as remedies.

A) use;

B) uses;

C) used;

D) will use.

Our future work … deep knowledge of medicine.

A) will be requiring;

B) requires;

C) require;

D) are requiring.

Don’t shout! The doctor … to the patient’s heart.

A) listened;

B) is listening;

C) was listening;

D) listens.

This patient … aspirin very often.

A) takes;

B) take;

C) is taking;

D) was taking.

The patient … the drugs in the prescription department right now.

A) is ordering;

B) will order;

C) ordered;

D) are ordering.

The doctor … preventive measures tomorrow.

A) will undertake;

B) undertook;

C) were undertaking;

D) are undertaking.

The leg … from the hip to the ankle.

A) extends;

B) is extending;

C) was extending;

D) shall extend.

She … to the doctor if she … better.

A) will go … won’t feel;

B) will go … doesn’t feel;

C) will go … didn’t feel;

D) shall go … doesn’t feel.

He always … at the library after classes.

A) is working;

B) work;

C) works;

D) was working.

We … Biochemistry last year.

A) don’t learn;

B) won’t be learning;

C) won’t learn;

D) didn’t learn.

My friend … the structure of the human body the whole evening yesterday.

A) learnt;

B) is learning;

C) learn;

D) was learning.

Look! The doctor … physical examination of the patient.

A) performs;

B) is performing;

C) will perform;

D) performed.

She was at the sanatorium last year. Balneotherapy … her health.

A) improves;

B) improved;

C) will improve;

D) is improving.

… the nurse … the patient injection when the doctor came in?

A) Did … make;

B) Did … made;

C) Was … made;

D) Was … making.

Tomorrow the students … good marks if they know the subject well.

A) will get;

B) get;

C) will be getting;

D) are getting.

Post-operative wound pain … usually present for the first few days after operation.

A) are;

B) is;

C) were;

D) shall be.

He … still … for the doctor.

A) was waiting;

B) were waiting;

C) is waiting;

D) are waiting.

The doctor usually … his examination with questioning the patient carefully.

A) begin;

B) began;

C) begins;

D) will begin.

The patient … difficulty in breathing yesterday.

A) didn’t have;

B) wasn’t having;

C) isn’t having;

D) doesn’t have.

… the scientists … an AIDS vaccine in the nearest future?

A) Were … producing;

B) Will … produce;

C) Will … be producing;

D) Did … produce.

At that time the doctor … the patient to obtain the medical history.

A) was interviewing;

B) are interviewing;

C) interview;

D) will interview.

The nurse … all procedures from 7 till 9 tomorrow.

A) is performing;

B) will perform;

C) will be performing;

D) was performing.

he doctor … the wound edges and deeper structures with a mild antiseptic solution half an hour ago.

A) wash;

B) washes;

C) washed;

D) will wash.

On admission to the hospital the nurse usually … the patient to the reception ward.

A) takes;

B) shall take;

C) is taking;

D) will be taking.

What … you … from seven till nine yesterday?

A) did … do;

B) is … doing;

C) was … doing;

D) were … doing.

Listen! The professor … the lecture on the structure of the human body.

A) render;

B) renders;

C) is rendering;

D) are rendering.

Of course we … you if we … busy.

A) shall help … shan’t be busy;

B) help … shan’t be busy;

C) shall help … aren’t busy;

D) help … aren’t busy.

Don’t disturb the doctor, at the moment he … physical examination of the patient.

A) performs;

B) was performing;

C) will perform;

D) is performing.

At what time … the doctor … patients tomorrow?

A) is … receive;

B) will … receive;

C) shall … be receiving;

D) was …receiving.

Many students of our university … fond of sports.

A) are;

B) are being;

C) is;

D) shall be.

They … surprised if they … this test properly.

A) will be … won’t write;

B) will be … don’t write;

C) are … won’t write;

D) are … don’t write.

What … you … at six o’clock tomorrow?

A) will … do;

B) will … be doing;

C) was … doing;

D) are … doing.

After graduating from the university we … in different medical institutions.

A) works;

B) is working;

C) shall work;

D) was working.

Nowadays the university library … about 300,000 volumes of educational and methodical literature.

A) number;

B) will number;

C) numbers;

D) numbered.

Last week the patient … of severe headache.

A) was complaining;

B) complained;

C) will complain;

D) complains.

Look! Kate … her mother about the house.

A) helps;

B) helped;

C) is helping;

D) are helping.

In two days the patient … application of ozocerite to strengthen the effect of balneotherapy.

A) will be receiving;

B) will receive;

C) receive;

D) shall receive.

She … the mixture for cough according to the doctor’s prescription at the moment.

A) is preparing;

B) prepare;

C) prepares;

D) was preparing.

He often … to the chemists to buy her mother drugs for headache.

A) is going;

B) go;

C) goes;

D) was going.

Where … he … when I met him in the street.

A) did … go;

B) were … going;

C) was … going;

D) will … go.

These highly experienced surgeons … operation on the brain the whole day on Tuesday.

A) shall perform;

B) will be performing;

C) shall be performing;

D) will perform.

If I … the structure of the human body, I … a good mark tomorrow.

A) learn … get;

B) will learn … will get;

C) will learn … get;

D) learn … shall get.

We … the text at 3 p.m. yesterday.

A) were translating;

B) was translating;

C) are translating;

D) will be translating.

Each finger … a colloquial name to distinguish it from others.

A) have;

B) has;

C) is having;

D) was having.

Medical workers … much attention to combating the most dangerous diseases.

A) pays;

B) pay;

C) was paying;

D) shall pay.

Different specialists... medical consultations to patients at the students polyclinic tomorrow.

A) give;

B) will give;

C) will be giving;

D) gave.

The physicians... in patient’s personal cards at 3 o’clock tomorrow.

A) fill;

B) will fill;

C) will be filling;

D) is filling.

If I... time, I... you to put drugs on the shelves.

A) shall have... shall help;

B) have... help;

C) shall have... help;

D) have... shall help.

The patient … difficulty in breathing yesterday.

A) didn’t have;

B) wasn’t having;

C) isn’t having;

D) doesn’t have.

The surgeon... the operation at this time yesterday.

A) didn’t perform;

B) wasn’t performing;

C) doesn’t perform;

D) won’t be performing.

What examinations in special subjects... the students... next year?

A) does … have;

B) will … have;

C) did … have;

D) do … have.

Tomorrow my brother … walking on crutches.

A) will try;

B) will be trying;

C) try;

D) tried.

The whole next week this patient suffering from brain disorder … the bed regimen.

A) follow;

B) follows;

C) was following;

D) will be following.

What … you … at the Anatomy lesson yesterday?

A) will … learn;

B) did … learn;

C) are … learning;

D) was … learning.

My friend … the structure of the oral cavity at 3 p.m. yesterday.

A) will be learning;

B) was learning;

C) is learning;

D) are learning.

To obtain the medical history the doctor usually … the patient.

A) was interviewing;

B) interview;

C) interviews;

D) will be interviewing.

He … this discovery some decades ago.

A) maked;

B) was making;

C) made;

D) was mading.

The pharmacist … the patient on the proper use of the medication now.

A) is counseling;

B) was counseling;

C) counsels;

D) counseled.

The overdosage of this drug usually … unfavorable reactions.

A) cause;

B) is causing;

C) causes;

D) caused.

Look! The pharmacist … different drugs on the open shelves.

A) puts;

B) put;

C) was putting;

D) is putting.

The doctor always … his patients carefully and thoroughly.

A) is examining;

B) examine;

C) examines;

D)was examining.

The nurse … the blood analysis tomorrow.

A) takes;

B) will take;

C) is taking;

D) took.

She … a terrible headache yesterday.

A) had;

B) has;

C) have;

D) is having.

The surgeon … the operation from 2 till 4 o’clock on Monday.

A) performs;

B) was performing;

C) will perform;

D) were performing.

The surgeon … the skin of the region to be operated on now.

A) disinfects;

B) disinfect;

C) is disinfecting;

D) disinfected.

The shoulder … our arms with the chest.

A) connects;

B) is connecting;

C) connected;

D) was connecting.

When … you … from the medical academy?

A) is not … graduate;

B) was not … graduate;

C) does … graduate;

D) will … graduate.

The nurse … the patients’ temperature now.

A) will take;

B) was taking;

C) took;

D) is taking.

The nurses … all procedures in twenty minutes.

A) will make;

B) are making;

C) made;

D) were making.

She … her examination in English at this time tomorrow.

A) will be taking;

B) are taking;

C) was taking;

D) takes.

The surgeon … the operation 5 minutes ago.

A) begins;

B) begin;

C) will begin;

D) began.

He … smoking soon.

A) gave up;

B) gives up;

C) will give up;

D) is giving up.

The nurse … the apparatus for blood transfusion now.

A) prepares;

B) is preparing;

C) prepared;

D) will prepare.

On Mondays we always … lectures in Anatomy.

A) are having;

B) were having;

C) have;

D) has.

What classes … you usually …?

A) do … have;

B) does … have;

C) do … has;

D) does … has.

Our head … of the face and the skull.

A) is consisting;

B) consists;

C) consist;

D) consisted.

The therapeutist … his patient to the dermatologist last week.

A) sends;

B) sent;

C) send;

D) will send.

The professor … his lecture at two o’clock yesterday.

A) delivers;

B) were delivering;

C) delivered;

D) was delivering.

They … doctors in three years.

A) are;

B) were;

C) will be;

D) is.

The surgeon … the operation two hours ago.

A) will finish;

B) finishes;

C) finish;

D) finished.

The surgeon … the emergency operation now.

A) performs;

B) is performing;

C) will perform;

D) was perform.

We always … to the lecture in Physiology carefully.

A) listen;

B) were listening;

C) are listening;

D) listens.

Each hand … fingers.

A) have;

B) had;

C) has;

D) will have.

The Ministry of Public Health Service … large establishments of higher medical education.

A) were controlling;

B) are controlling;

C) control;

D) controls.

The district physician usually … a deep knowledge of medicine.

A) have;

B) was having;

C) is having;

D) has.

The surgeons … on the patient from three till five o’clock yesterday.

A) were operating;

B) operated;

C) was operating;

D) are operating.

Who … on the patient in the operating room 15 minutes ago?

A) is operating;

B) will be operating;

C) operated;

D) operates.

I … the article on biotechnological invention yesterday.

A) was reading;

B) read;

C) reads;

D) will read.

Usually I … at home at my weekends.

A) stay;

B) is staying;

C) had stayed;

D) has stayed.

I … a diploma in 3 years.

A) shall get;

B) got;

C) is getting;

D) have got.

They … already … the plant microscopically.

A) has examined;

B) examines;

C) will examine;

D) have examined.

The proteins of organisms … sulfur and their nucleic acids.

A) obtains;

B) is obtained;

C) has obtained;

D) obtain.

Today researchers … the solubilities of gases in liquids.

A) discuss;

B) have discussed;

C) was discussing;

D) disscussed.

D.I. Mendeleyev … in Tobolsk, Siberia, on February 8, 1834.

A) will be born;

B) is born;

C) was born;

D) were born.

They … in the conference of Biologists now.

A) is not;

B) are not;

C) have not been;

D) was not.

We … the problems of environmental pollution tomorrow.

A) discuss;

B) were discussing;

C) will discuss;

D) are discussing.

Wait! The surgeon … the patient’s wound.

A) is examining;

B) examines;

C) examined;

D) are examining.

We … to a lecture in Chemistry from 8 till 10 o’clock tomorrow.

A) listened;

B) are listening;

C) shall be listening;

D) shall listen.

What examinations … you … at the end of the first year.

A) does … take;

B) will … take;

C) were … take;

D) are … take.

At pharmaceutical departments the length of study … five years.

A) are;

B) am;

C) is;

D) were.

Next week the patient … physiotherapeutic procedures.

A) shall undergo;

B) undergoes;

C) will undergo;

D) underwent.

The physician … the patient from two till three o’clock to make a correct diagnosis.

A) examined;

B) examines;

C) was examining;

D) were examining.

National Health Service … a full range of health services free of charge to everyone.

A) provide;

B) provides;

C) was providing;

D) are providing.

Now they … the patient to the ward after the operation.

A) move;

B) moves;

C) are moving;

D) is moving.

There … two terms in the academic year.

A) is;

B) are;

C) am;

D) shall be.

What examinations in special subjects … the students … next year?

A) does … have;

B) will … have;

C) did … have;

D) do … have.

Every year they … examinations in the subjects studied.

A) take;

B) takes;

C) are taking;

D) were taking.

Look! The nurse … the patient’s temperature.

A) is taking;

B) are taking;

C) takes;

D) was taking.

Patients usually… an appointment in the registry.

A) make;

B) is making;

C) shall make;

D) makes.

The doctor … the patients the whole morning on Monday.

A) consulted;

B) was consulting;

C) were consulting;

D) are consulting.

A famous pediatrician … to our medical university in some days.

A) will come;

B) comes;

C) is coming;

D) come.

The accessory structures … the teeth, tongue, salivary glands and others.

A) is;

B) was;

C) are;

D) to be.

The anaesthetist … the pre-medication now.

A) is making;

B) makes;

C) make;

D) was making.

… it hard to study at the University?

A) is;

B) are;

C) were;

D) will.

The institute … many departments.

A) have;

B) has;

C) is;

D) are.

During the first two years the students … general subjects.

A) studies;

B) studied;

C) is studying;

D) doesn’t study.

When my father … home, I … an interesting article about the latest developments in medicine.

A) come, was reading;

B) come, read;

C) came, will read;

D) came, was reading.

The number of medical institutions, where people may get medical assistance … constantly ….

A) are … growing;

B) is … growing;

C) were … growing;

D) shall … grow.

I … this medicine the day after tomorrow.

A) took;

B) am taking;

C) shall take;

D) takes.

The surgeon and his assistant … in the scrub-up room now.

A) get ready;

B) is getting ready;

C) was getting ready;

D) are getting ready.

The winter holidays usually … two weeks.

A) lasts;

B) last;

C) is lasting;

D) are lasting.

… you … at medical university some years ago?

A) do … study;

B) did… study;

C) were … study;

D) will be … study.

I … our family doctor next month.

A) doesn’t see;

B) didn’t see;

C) will see;

D) saw.

The principle parts of our body … the trunk, the head and the limbs.

A) were;

B) is;

C) are;

D) was.

Antibiotics … a chemical substance produced by mold.

A) was;

B) is;

C) am;

D) are.

When the teacher of Physics … the classroom, the students … the formulas.

A) entered, were revising;

B) enter, were revising;

C) entered, was revising;

D) entered, was revised.

Medical institutes and schools … in all regions of our country.

A) is functioning;

B) was functioning;

C) function;

D) functions.

The work of a first aid station … of great importance.

A) is;

B) are;

C) were;

D) am.

Now the surgical nurse … sterile gowns and dressings ready.

A) is getting;

B) was getting;

C) are getting;

D) were getting.

We …grammar exercises now.

A) write;

B) will write;

C) are writing;

D) am writing.

A nurse … a procedure room in 5 minutes.

A) leave;

B) leaves;

C) will leave;

D) were leaving.

We … the text about AIDS the whole evening tomorrow.

A) shall be reading;

B) will read;

C) is reading;

D) were reading.

The pharmacist … the mixture when a customer … him about the main contraindications of aspirin.

A) prepared, will ask;

B) was preparing, asked;

C) was preparing, shall ask;

D) prepare, asks.

Each doctor at a polyclinic … in charge of a definite district.

A) is;

B) are;

C) were;

D) am.

The dentist … the teeth now.

A) examine;

B) examines;

C) is examining;

D) was examining.

The nurse on duty … the patient’s temperature at this moment.

A) takes;

B) is taking;

C) took;

D) take.

I … this composition tomorrow.

A) shall write;

B) wrote;

C) write;

D) is writing.

In all medical institutes the training … six years.

A) last;

B) lasts;

C) lasting;

D) were lasting.

We … all necessary drugs in the chemist’s shop two days ago.

A) bought;

B) will buy;

C) buy;

D) are buying.

The skin … our skull.

A) is covering;

B) was covering;

C) covers;

D) cover.

The nurse … the blood analysis now.

A) takes;

B) is taking;

C) are taking;

D) will take.

We … practical classes every day.

A) are having;

B) having;

C) have;

D) has.

The digestive system … the alimentary canal and related organs.

A) have;

B) has;

C) was having;

D) is having.

Look! The surgeon on duty … a physical examination.

A) is making;

B) made;

C) makes;

D) are making.

He … to pass his first session well.

A) want;

B) wanting;

C) are wanting;

D) wants.

I … a district doctor tomorrow.

A) shall call in;

B) was calling in;

C) called in;

D) call in.

The therapeutist … me a very effective remedy last week.

A) prescribes;

B) will prescribe;

C) prescribed;

D) is prescribing.

We … medicine books at the time yesterday.

A) are reading;

B) were reading;

C) is reading;

D) will be reading.

What … the nurse … from seven till nine yesterday?

A) is … doing;

B) was … doing;

C) did … do;

D) does … do.

Hippocrates … many pupils.

A) was having;

B) had;

C) is having;

D) have.

You … some medicines tomorrow.

A) was taking;

B) will take;

C) took;

D) take.

The doctor … the patient’s case history now.

A) takes;

B) took;

C) is taking;

D) was taking.

Anatomy … my favourite subject last year.

A) is;

B) was;

C) will be;

D) were.

He … a district doctor yesterday.

A) calls in;

B) is calling in;

C) called in;

D) will call in.

The surgeon … the operation in half an hour.

A) will perform;

B) is performing;

C) performed;

D) performs.

She … from pneumonia two years ago.

A) suffers;

B) suffered;

C) is suffering;

D) will suffer.

Susan … her exam two days ago but Alex … his exam at this time yesterday.

A) passed, was taking;

B) passes, took;

C) passed, is taking;

D) was passing, was taking.

Epithelium … almost entirely of cells.

A) is consisting;

B) consist;

C) are consisting;

D) consists.

We … notes of this lecture next time.

A) make;

B) made;

C) will make;

D) are making.

Now the doctor … about the patient’s complaints.

A) is asking;

B) asks;

C) asked;

D) was asking.

We … the structure of the limbs last week.

A) are studying;

B) studied;

C) will study;

D) studies.

When … the students’ practice …?

A) does… begin;

B) do … begin;

C) are … begin;

D) is … begin.

The nurse … the patients’ temperature every day.

A) take;

B) takes;

C) is taking;

D) was taking.

The doctor … a diagnosis having took the temperature and blood pressure yesterday.

A) made;

B) make;

C) makes;

D) is making.

The patient … from gastritis last year.

A) suffers;

B) is suffering;

C) suffered;

D) will suffer.

… Peter … his textbook in Chemistry the whole night?

A) will … be reading;

B) will … read;

C) does … read;

D) did … read.

Where is professor? He … the lecture now.

A) delivers;

B) deliver;

C) is delivering;

D) delivered.

Two years ago something wrong … with his stomach.

A) is;

B) are;

C) will be;

D) was.

The surgeon is in the dressing room. He … the patient’s wound.

A) examines;

B) is examining;

C) examined;

D) will examine.

The leg … of several segments.

A) consists;

B) consisted;

C) was consisting;

D) consist.

They … the examination in English next term.

A) take;

B) will take;

C) is taking;

D) took.

The doctor … his morning round two hours ago.

A) begin;

B) begins;

C) began;

D) will begin.

They … the laboratory work tomorrow.

A) fulfill;

B) will fulfill;

C) fulfilled;

D) were fulfilling.

Don’t forget to take an umbrella. It … the whole day and you may catch cold.

A) will be raining;

B) will rain;

C) are raining;

D) rained.

The mouth … two lips.

A) is having;

B) have;

C) has;

D) will be having.

Where is the nurse now? She … out in the laboratory.

A) will helped;

B) helped;

C) are helping;

D) is helping.

Doctor Petrenko is in the operating room. He … the operation on the heart.

A) performs;

B) performed;

C) is performing;

D) will perform.

The students … experiments tomorrow.

A) will carry on;

B) carry on;

C) were carrying on;

D) carried on.

Many doctors … at state medical institutions.

A) works;

B) work;

C) is working;

D) was working.

The patient … in this ward.

A) are;

B) is;

C) were;

D) be.

The nurse … the ward twice a day.

A) air;

B) is airing;

C) airs;

D) were airing.

We … the whole evening. We … anatomy and physiology of the skin.

A) be busy, study;

B) shall be busy, shall be studying;

C) busy, shall study;

D) was busy, shall study.

Look! The doctor … the wound edges.

A) is washing;

B) washes;

C) washed;

D) are washing.

Where is the surgeon now? He … the operation.

A) are performing;

B) performed;

C) is performing;

D) performs.

The students … their lecturer the day after tomorrow.

A) saw;

B) will see;

C) is seeing;

D) see.

He … in the sanatorium last summer.

A) rests;

B) rest;

C) rested;

D) is resting.

She … a hot water bottle in the chemist’s shop two hours ago.

A) bought;

B) will buy;

C) is buying;

D) buys.

He … two lectures on Botany today.

A) had had;

B) have;

C) has had;

D) had.

Soon the term … to the end and we … vacations.

A) come … have;

B) comes … has;

C) will come … will have;

D) will come … had.

Medical science … to find out the etiology and successful treatment of dangerous human diseases.

A) works;

B) work;

C) are working;

D) have worked.

She … from the medical university three years ago.

A) graduates;

B) graduated;

C) was graduating;

D) will graduate.

The sick child … in bed the whole day yesterday.

A) is staying;

B) will be staying;

C) stayed;

D) was staying.

The students … the laboratory before the laboratory assistant ….

A) have left … comes;

B) will leave … comes;

C) leave … came;

D) had left … came.

The chemist … the old woman to buy more effective drugs for hypertension.

A) adviced;

B) advice;

C) are advicing;

D) have adviced.

The pediatrician … vitamins to the little girl before he … the results of the laboratory tests.

A) will have administered … obtains;

B) will administer … obtain;

C) administers … obtained;

D) administered … will obtain.

District doctors … for patient’s in an urban or rural district every day.

A) cater;

B) caters;

C) is catering;

D) are catering.

They … in the university now.

A) were;

B) are;

C) is;

D) am.

What … you … at six o’clock tomorrow? – I … a report in Chemistry.

A) do … do, am writing;

B) will … be doing, shall be writing;

C) did … do, was writing;

D) do… do, shall write.

In ancient times the physicians … vinegar, olive oil and wine as remedies.

A) use;

B) uses;

C) used;

D) will use.

Our future work … deep knowledge of medicine.

A) will be requiring;

B) requires;

C) require;

D) are requiring.

Don’t shout! The doctor … to the patient’s heart.

A) listened;

B) is listening;

C) was listening;

D) listens.

This patient … aspirin very often.

A) takes;

B) take;

C) is taking;

D) was taking.

The patient … the drugs in the prescription department right now.

A) is ordering;

B) will order;

C) ordered;

D) are ordering.

The doctor … preventive measures tomorrow.

A) will undertake;

B) undertook;

C) were undertaking;

D) are undertaking.

Plant pharmacological studies … its extracts … anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties.

A) have suggested … have;

B) has suggested … have;

C) have suggested … has;

D) suggests … to have.

Pharmacists … collaboratively with physicians, nurses and other healthcare personnel in various medical and surgical areas.

A) works;

B) work;

C) is working;

D) has worked.

Don’t disturb him. He … at his report on medicinal herbs.

A) has been working;

B) are working;

C) is working;

D) works.

I … a scientific TV program on discoveries in Chemistry from 6 till 8 o’clock yesterday.

A) was watching;

B) were watching;

C) has watched;

D) will be watching.

The doctor … the patient about the symptoms of accidental overdosage of drugs before he … to use them.

A) will inform … start;

B) will have informed … starts;

C) inform … has started;

D) informs … started.

Yesterday I … drugs for cough in this chemist’s shop.

A) will buy;

B) had bought;

C) buys;

D) bought.

In many countries the people … the uses of their local flora and they … the necessary herbs in their own gardens.

A) know … grow;

B) knows … grow;

C) has known … grow;

D) will know … grows.



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