Unit VII. Total Quality Management 

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Unit VII. Total Quality Management


Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management strategy aimed at embedding awareness of quality in all organizational processes. TQM has been widely used in manufacturing, education, government, and service industries, as well as NASA space and science programs. Total Quality provides an umbrella under which everyone in the organization can strive and create customer satisfaction. TQ is a people-focused management system that aims at continual increase in customer satisfaction at continually lower real costs.

Total Quality Management is the management of total quality. We know that management consists of planning, organizing, directing, control, and assurance. Then, one has to define "total quality". Total quality is called total because it consists of 3 qualities: Quality of return to satisfy the needs of the shareholders, Quality of products and services to satisfy some specific needs of the consumer (end customer) and Quality of life - at work and outside work - to satisfy the needs of the people in the organization. This is achieved with the help of upstream and downstream partners of the enterprise.

Therefore, Total quality management goes well beyond satisfying the customer, or merely offering quality products (goods and/or services). "Total Quality Control" was the key concept of Armand Feigenbaum's 1951 book, Quality Control: Principles, Practice, and Administration, a book that was subsequently released in 1961 under the title, Total Quality Control (ISBN 0-07-020353-9). W. Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, Philip B. Crosby, and Kaoru Ishikawa also contributed to the body of knowledge now known as TQM.

The American Society for Quality says that the term Total Quality Management was first used by the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command "to describe its Japanese-style management approach to quality improvement." This is consistent with the story that the United States Navy Personnel Research and Development Center began researching the use of statistical process control (SPC); the work of Juran, Crosby, and Ishikawa; and the philosophy of W. Edwards Deming to make performance improvements in 1984. This approach was first tested at the North Island Naval Aviation Depot.

Quality assurance through statistical methods is a key component in a manufacturing organization, where TQM generally starts by sampling a random selection of the product. The sample can then be tested for things that matter most to the end users. The causes of any failures are isolated, secondary measures of the production process are designed, and then the causes of the failure are corrected. The statistical distributions of important measurements are tracked. When parts' measures drift into a defined "error band", the process is fixed. The error band is usually a tighter distribution than the "failure band", so that the production process is fixed before failing parts can be produced.

After TQM has been in use, it's very common for parts to be redesigned so that critical measurements either cease to exist, or become much wider. It took people a while to develop tests to find emergent problems. One popular test is a "life test" in which the sample product is operated until a part fails. Another popular test is called "shake and bake", in which the product is mounted on a vibrator in an environmental oven, and operated at progressively more extreme vibration and temperatures until something fails. The failure is then isolated and engineers design an improvement.

TQM has not been independent of its environment. In the context of management accounting systems (MCSs), Sim and Killough (1998) show that incentive pay enhanced the positive effects of TQM on customer and quality performance. Ittner and Larcker (1995) demonstrated that product focused TQM was linked to timely problem solving information and flexible revisions to reward systems. Chendall (2003) summarizes the findings from contingency-based research concerning management control systems and TQM by noting that “TQM is associated with broadly based MCSs including timely, flexible, externally focused information; close interactions between advanced technologies and strategy; and non-financial performance measurement.”


Task I. Learn the following words by heart.

Total Quality Management – полное управление качеством

to satisfy the needs – удовлетворять потребности

quality assurance - поддержка качества; гарантия качества

random selection - случайный выбор


Task II. True or false?

1. TQM is a marketing strategy aimed at increasing supply of a particular product.

2. Total quality is called total because it consists of 3 qualities.

3. The American Society for Quality says that the term Total Quality Management was first used by Adam Smith.

4. Quality assurance through statistical methods is a key component in a manufacturing organization.

5. TQM is totally independent of its environment.

6. “TQM is associated with close interactions between advanced technologies and strategy


Task III. Answer the following questions.

1. Where is TQM used?

2. What is the main aim of the TQM?

3. What aspects does management include?

4. When and where was the term “TQM” mentioned for the first time?

5. What is the mechanism of the TQM of a product?

6. What are the most popular tests to find emergent problems?


Task IV. Render the text into Russian

Programmable logic controller

A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a digital computer used for automation of industrial processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines. PLCs are used in many different industries and machines such as packaging and semiconductor machines. Unlike general-purpose computers, the PLC is designed for multiple inputs and output arrangements, extended temperature ranges, immunity to electrical noise, and resistance to vibration and impact. Programs to control machine operation are typically stored in battery-backed or non-volatile memory.

The main difference from other computers is that PLCs are armored for severe conditions (dust, moisture, heat, cold, etc) and have the facility for extensive input/output (I/O) arrangements. These connect the PLC to sensors and actuators. PLCs read limit switches, analog process variables (such as temperature and pressure), and the positions of complex positioning systems. Some even use machine vision. On the actuator side, PLCs operate electric motors, pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders, magnetic relays or solenoids, or analog outputs. PLCs may need to interact with people for the purpose of configuration, alarm reporting or everyday control. Well known PLC brands are Siemens, Allen-Bradley, IDEC, ABB, Mitsubishi, Omron, Schneider Electric and General Electric.


Task V. Read the text, find key words, look them up in the dictionary, and render the text into English.



Датчики являются элементом технических систем, предназначенных для измерения, сигнализации, регулирования, управления устройствами или процессами. Датчики преобразуют контролируемую величину (давление, температура, концентрация, частота, скорость, перемещение, напряжение, электрический ток и т. п.) в сигнал (электрический, оптический, пневматический), удобный для измерения, передачи, преобразования, хранения и регистрации информации о состоянии объекта измерений.

Исторически и логически датчики связаны с техникой измерений и измерительными приборами, например термометры, барометры, прибор «авиагоризонт» и т. д. Обобщающий термин датчик укрепился в связи с развитием автоматических систем управления, как элемент обобщенной логической концепции датчик — устройство управления — исполнительное устройство — объект управления. Специальный случай представляет использование датчиков в автоматических системах регистрации параметров, например, в системах научных исследований.

Unit VIII. ISO 9000


ISO 9000 is a family of standards for quality management systems. ISO 9000 is maintained by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization and is administered by accreditation and certification bodies. Some of the requirements in ISO 9000 include

- a set of procedures that cover all key processes in the business;

- monitoring processes to ensure they are effective;

- keeping adequate records;

- checking output for defects, with appropriate and corrective action where necessary;

- regularly reviewing individual processes and the quality system itself for effectiveness;

- and facilitating continual improvement

Certification to an ISO 9000 standard does not guarantee any quality of end products and services; rather, it certifies that formalized business processes are being applied. Indeed, some companies enter the ISO 9001 certification as a marketing tool. The quality policy is a formal statement from management, closely linked to the business and marketing plan and to customer needs. The quality policy is understood and followed at all levels and by all employees. Each employee needs measurable objectives to work towards.

To maintain the quality system and produce conforming product, the head staff of any company need to provide suitable infrastructure, resources, information, equipment, measuring and monitoring devices, and environmental conditions. For each product the company makes, it is necessary to establish quality objectives; plan processes; and document and measure results to use as a tool for improvement. When developing new products, it is necessary to plan the stages of development, with appropriate testing at each stage.

ISO does not itself certify organizations. Many countries have formed accreditation bodies to authorize certification bodies, which audit organizations applying for ISO 9001 compliance certification. Two types of auditing are required to become registered to the standard: auditing by an external certification body (external audit) and audits by internal staff trained for this process (internal audits).

The aim is a continual process of review and assessment, to verify that the system is working as it's supposed to, find out where it can improve and to correct or prevent problems identified. It is considered healthier for internal auditors to audit outside their usual management line, so as to bring a degree of independence to their judgments. Over time, various industry sectors have wanted to standardize their interpretations of the guidelines within their own marketplace. This is partly to ensure that their versions of ISO 9000 have their specific requirements, but also to try and ensure that more appropriately trained and experienced auditors are sent to assess them.

It is widely acknowledged that proper quality management improves business, often having a positive effect on investment, market share, sales growth, sales margins, competitive advantage, and avoidance of litigation. According to Wade and Barnes - "ISO 9000 guidelines provide a comprehensive model for quality management systems that can make any company competitive." In today's service-sector driven economy, more and more companies are using ISO 9000 as a business tool. Through the use of properly stated quality objectives, customer satisfaction surveys and a well-defined continual improvement program companies are using ISO 9000 processes to increase their efficiency and profitability.


Task I. Learn the following words by heart.

quality management - управление качеством

market share - доля рынка (удельный вес компании в общем объеме рыночных продаж)

sales margins – объем продаж


Task II. True or false?

1. ISO 9000 is maintained by the International Organization for Standardization and is administered by accreditation and certification bodies.

2. Certification to an ISO 9000 standard guarantees quality of end products and services

3. Some companies enter the ISO 9001 certification as a marketing tool.

4. External and internal audit of any company are required to become registered to the standard.

5. Proper quality management has a positive effect on the company’s development.

6. ISO 9000 certification is to increase the efficiency and profitability of the company.


Task III. Answer the following questions

1. What are the requirements of ISO 9000?

2. What does ISO 9000 guarantee?

3. What do you understand under the term quality policy?

4. Does ISO certify organizations?

5. Does ISO help to make a company competitive.

6. How do companies apply ISO standards?


Task IV. Render the text into Russian


Instrumentation plays a significant role in measurement and control in order to increase efficiency and safety in the workplace. An instrument is a device placed in the field, or in the control room, to measure or manipulate flow, temperature, pressure and other variables in a process. Instruments include but are not limited to valves, transmitters, transducers, flame detectors and analyzers.

Instruments send either pneumatic or electronic signals to controllers which manipulate final control elements (a valve) in order to get the process to a set point, usually decided by an operator. Control instrumentation includes devices such as solenoids, breakers, relays, etc. These devices are able to change a field parameter, and provide remote control capabilities. Transmitters are devices which produce an analog signal, usually in the form of a 4-20 mA electrical current signal, although many other options are possible using voltage, frequency, or pressure.


Task V. Read the text, find key words, look them up in the dictionary, and render the text into English.


Сертификация ИСО 9000

Все чаще отечественные, и, особенно, зарубежные компании начинают любые переговоры с российским партнёром только при наличии у последнего сертификата о соответствии международным стандартам ИСО 9000 (ISO 9000). Стандарты ISO 9000 относятся не к самой продукции, а к управлению её качеством – Система Менеджмента Качества (СМК). СМК обеспечивает уверенность заказчиков и потребителей в качестве получаемой продукции, а также улучшает деятельность предприятия. В будущем получать крупные заказы, предлагать свою продукцию или услуги будет невозможно без наличия сертификата ISO.

Кроме того, несертифицированные организации не могут получить государственный или муниципальный заказ, у них меньше шансов на льготные кредиты или крупные инвестиции. Буквально несколько лет назад получить сертификат ISO 9000 могли только самые крупные компании и предприятия. Сегодня сертификат стал доступен остальным, в том числе и предприятиям малого и среднего бизнеса. В настоящий момент получить сертификат соответствия может позволить себе любое предприятие, независимо от своего статуса.



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