I. Translate the text into English 

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I. Translate the text into English


В будние дни я всегда очень занята. Занятия в колледже начинаются в девять часов, так что мне нужно встать в семь часов утра, чтобы выйти из дома в восемь.

Я встаю, чищу зубы, принимаю душ. Завтрак мне всегда готовит моя старшая сестра. Сразу после завтрака я одеваюсь и иду на автобусную остановку.


За полчаса я добираюсь до колледжа, встречаюсь со своими друзьями и иду на занятия. Обычно у меня три пары занятий в день. На большой перемене я перекусываю в столовой.

Я прихожу домой около четырех часов дня. Я обедаю, делаю уроки, помогаю с уборкой по дому. Вечером мы ужинаем всей семьей. После ужина я болтаю по телефону, играю с младшим братом, смотрю телевизор или играю в компьютер.

II. Play out the dialogues


Susan: Hi, Dan!

Dan: Hi, Susan! How are you?

Susan: Fine! What are you doing tomorrow at five?

Dan: Usually I do my homework or work in the library at this time. Why are you asking?

Susan: Let’s go to the cinema tomorrow! Please!

Dan: Okay, let’s


Melissa: The classes start at eight thirty. Why are you always late for the classes, Julia?

Julia: That’s because I like far from the college.

Melissa: What time do leave for college?

Julia: Around eight.

Melissa: How much does it usually take you to get here?

Julia: About forty or fifty minutes.

Melissa: Then you need to leave at seven forty five.

III. Say how much does it take you to …

For EXAMPLE: - make a sandwich

It takes me four minutes to make a sandwich

- wake up ………………………………………………..

- get dressed …………………………………………….

- take a shower ………………………………………….

- have a bath ……………………………………………

- do your homework …………………………………….

- get to your college …………………………………….

- have your breakfast ……………………………………

- brush your teeth………………………………………..

- do the dishes…………………………………………...

- walk with your friends ………………………………..

- put some make up (for girls)…………………………..

- shave (for guys)………………………………………..

- do the laundry………………………………………….

- make a dinner ………………………………………….

- make your bed…………………………………………

- comb your hair…………………………………………

- search something in the library ………………………..

- talk to your friend on the phone……………………….

- help your mom around the house……………………..

- do this task……………………………………………




I. Read and translate the texts and answer the questions



Hello, my name is Colin Stewart, I live in Arizona and I study in the Technical College of Arizona. I would like to tell you about my normal day off.

I go to college five days a week, so I have two days off – Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday I enjoy staying in bed because I don’t have to hurry anywhere. My family has a branch around 11 o’clock in the morning. If the weather is fine I don’t stay indoors. I usually go out with my girlfriend and my friends.

We go to our local park and have fun there, and then we have a snack in MacDonald’s or Dairy Queen, go shopping. We usually go to the movie theatre at night and then I go home. On Sunday I go to the church with my family, and then we usually visit my grandparents who live far from my house.

There we have a delicious dinner that my grandmother always cooks for us. We come back home late in the evening. After that I watch some music programs, do some homework that was not done, take a bath and go to bed. I like days off very much because I can have a good rest and gain some energy for the next week.


a branch - бранч (прием пищи вместо завтрака и ланча)

to stay indoors - оставаться дома

to go out - гулять

to have a snack - перекусить

Answer the questions

1. Where does Colin live and study?

2. How many days off does Colin have?

3. Does Colin’s family have a breakfast on Saturday morning?

4. What does Steve usually do on Saturday?

5. What does Colin do on Sunday’s morning?

6. Where does Colin go on Sunday’s afternoon?

7. What does Colin usually do on Sunday’s evening?

8. Why does Colin like his days off?




Anna’s day-off



Hi, my name is Anna, my friends call me Anya. I live in Astrakhan and I go to the Astrakhan College of Building and Economy.

I study on the second course. I have classes 6 days a week so I unfortunately have only one day off.

On Sunday I get up at nine or even ten o’clock.




We usually have something tasty on Sunday’s breakfast like an apple-pie or my mom’s pancakes.

After breakfast I usually meet my boyfriend Boris and we go for a walk. We usually spend the most of the day in the center of our city if the weather is good. We walk in the central park, have a lunch in some café, go bowling and to the movie theatre October.

I come back home around six or seven o’clock. We have a family dinner, and then I do my homework, do the laundry, have a warm bath and get ready for the next crazy week.


to do the laundry - стирать вещи

Answer the questions

1. Where does Anna live and study?

2. Does she get up early on Sundays?

3. What does her family usually have for Sunday’s breakfasts?

4. Where does Anna go on Sunday’s afternoon?

5. What does Anna do in the evening?

II. Make up dialogues between Colin and Anna on the following topic “Tell me about your normal day off”


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