Translate the following sentences using words and phrases studied, and a dictionary if necessary. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Translate the following sentences using words and phrases studied, and a dictionary if necessary.

1. Кожного ранку будильник будить мене о шостій годині.

2. Я роблю вигляд, що не чую його, та ховаю голову під подушку.

3. Все одно я мушу вставати, приймати душ, (голитися), одягатися, снідати та йти на роботу.

4. Я їду до університету на тролейбусі.

5. Щоб дістатися до офісу, мені потрібно 40 хвилин.

6. Я не маю схильності до марнування часу.

7. Сучасна домашня техніка покликана звільняти людину від більшої частини хатньої роботи.

8. Мозок не може постійно перебувати у стані інтелектуального напруження.

9. Ми його поважали, але не вважали його членом нашої громади.

10. Вона проковтнула свої ліки і нарешті заснула.


Read and translate the following text.

My Daily Routine

I want to describe my daily actions which I have been doing more or less regularly on my weekdays. I must say that all days except weekends look very much the same.

So, on weekdays the alarm-clock wakes me up at about 6.30. As a matter of fact, I am not an early riser. I bury my head under the pillow pretending not to hear it. Just a few more minutes to sleep! But all the same it’s time to get up and start to get ready for another day’s work. So, I force myself and leave my bed. It doesn’t take me long to make my bed and get washed. I am through with my shower at about 7 a.m. It sets me into a cheerful working mood; I get dressed and go to the kitchen. Breakfast, as doctors say, must be the most substantial meal of the day, though I have neither time nor inclination to cook it. But for my mother, I would just gulp a cup of coffee or a glass of orange juice and some sandwiches. She starts the day and cooks breakfast for the whole family. So, she makes me have fried or boiled eggs or a plate of porridge with meat and vegetables besides coffee and juice.

I leave home at about 8 a.m. Kryvyi Rih is quite a long city – nearly 120 km – and it takes me 35-40 minutes to get to the university by shuttle bus called marshrutka. My classes begin at 9 a.m. and I usually come in time. I have 2 to 4 lectures or seminars every day. We have a long break of 40 minutes at 11.50 and I usually go to the students’ canteen to have lunch. When classes are over I do not go home. I have a lot of work to do. I usually go to a laboratory or to the library to get ready for my colloquiums and seminars. I understand that under the present economical conditions and considering Ukraine’s intention to become an equal member of the international community I must do my best to become a competitive specialist in my field. So, I am often back home at about 5 or 6 in the evening.

To tell you the truth, I am awfully hungry after classes. Fortunately, my mom has cooked substantial dinner. I wonder how she finds time for it! I normally have a three-course meal consisting of a plate of soup, some meat course with potatoes and a cup of tea. If my day was especially tiring I allow myself a short rest reading, watching TV or listening to some relaxing music. My parents understand that studying is hard work and don’t charge me with household chores. But this does not mean I do nothing about the house. Sometimes cleaning or washing up is а good change from intellectual tension.

After some rest – back to studies! I work hard till 10 or 11 o’clock and then, feeling almost exhausted, I go to bed. Tomorrow another day will come.


Read the text once more and try to fill in the gaps.

1. I must say that all days ………………. look very much the same.

2. I ………………… pretending not to hear the alarm-clock.

3. It ……………….. to make my bed.

4. I am ……………… my shower.

5. The shower sets me …………………….

6. Breakfast must be ………………… of the day.

7. I have …………………. to cook breakfast.

8. At 11.50 I usually go …………………. to have lunch.

9. Under the present economical conditions I must ……… to become ………… in my field.

10. My parents don’t charge me …………………….


Answer the following questions using the information from the text. Use some additional material if necessary.

1. Are you a full-time or a part-time student?

2. How many days a week do you study (work)?

3. Are your weekdays similar to each other?

4. When do you get up?

5. Who or what wakes you up?

6. Is it easy for you to get up early in the morning?

7. What are your usual morning actions before leaving home?

8. Do you have breakfast? What do you usually have for breakfast? Do you cook it yourself?

9. When do you leave home?

10. Do you live far from or near your work (university)?

11. What do you usually do at the university (your work)?

12. Where and when do you have lunch? What do you have for it?

13. When do you finish your work (classes)?

14. Do you go home then?

15. What do you do in the evening?

16. Do you do any work about the house?

17. When do you go to bed on weekdays?


Speak about your working day (150-200 words). The above-mentioned questions and additional material below may help you.


Additional material

grapefruit juice – грейпфрутовий сік

bacon and eggs –яєчня з беконом

ham and eggs –яєчня з шинкою

boiled eggs – варені яйця

a toast – тост

salad – салат

the main course – головна страва

a roast beef – ростбіф

a pork chop – відбивна зі свинини

a beef steak – біфштекс

fried potatoes –смажена картопля

mashed potatoes – картопляне пюре

beans – горошок

lettuce – зелений салат

a cucumber – огірок

a tomato –помідор

a dessert –десерт

an apple pie –яблучний пиріг

fruit salad –фруктовий салат

ice-cream –морозиво

strawberry jam –полуничний джем

beer –пиво

English tea –чай з молоком

Russian tea –чай з лимоном

bread and butter –хліб з маслом

a cake –тістечко, торт

a snack-bar –закусочна, буфет


a first-year student – студент-першокурсник

a second-year student – студент другого курсу

a student of mining – студент гірник


to go by bus – їхати автобусом

to get by tram – діставатися трамваєм

to take a taxi – взяти таксі

to go on foot – йти пішки



My days off

Рівень а


Вивчіть наступні слова та вирази.

to have to do smth [[hæv] мусити робити що-небудь

to hurry ['hʌrɪ] поспішати

to prefer [prɪ'fɜː] воліти; надавати перевагу

to have a nice time [naɪs] гарно проводити час

to club [klʌb] відвідувати клуби

so on ['səu 'ɒn] і таке інше, і так далі

to make one’s toilet ['tɔɪlət] опоряджатися, займатися туалетом

to do the laundry ['lɔːndrɪ] прати білизну

to enjoy [ɪn'ʤɔɪ] насолоджуватися

to arrange [ə'reɪnʤ] домовлятися; організовувати

to be fond of [fɔnd] любити

on the silver screen ['sɪlvə 'skriːn] на великому екрані

to settle ['setl] вирішувати; врегульовувати

to surf the net [sɜːf] мандрувати по мережі

It takes long ['teɪks 'lɔŋ] потрібно багато часу

in one’s field [fiːld] у своїй галузі

unfortunately [ʌn'fɔːʧ(ə)nətlɪ] на жаль

to pass [pɑːs] минати


Перекладіть наступні словосполучення.

1) з понеділка по п’ятницю

2) поспішати будь-куди

3) у будні дні

4) пізніше, ніж звичайно

5) добре проводити час, відвідуючи друзів

6) залишатися у ліжку

7) час для прибирання

8) прання білизни

9) слухати музику

10) останні модні тенденції

11) залишатися вдома

12) допомагати вирішити проблему

13) витрачати час

14) хороший спеціаліст у своїй сфері

Знайдіть еквіваленти для наступних речень.

1. Many people in our country work five days a week. 2. We do not have to hurry anywhere. 3. We usually get up later thаn usual. 4. We arrange to meet in a café. 5. A cup of coffee helps me settle this problem. 6. I am fond of watching films on the silver screen. 7. I am fond of surfing the net. 8. It takes me long to get ready for the next week. 9. I have some time to spend with my family. 10. Time passes very quickly. а) В мене є час, щоб провести його зі своєю сім’єю. b) Ми договорюємося зустрітися у кафе. c) Я люблю мандрувати по мережі. d) Час минає дуже швидко. e) Багато людей в нашій країні працюють п’ять днів на тиждень. f) Ми не повинні нікуди поспішати. g) Зазвичай, ми прокидаємось пізніше, ніж завжди. h) Чашка кави допомагає мені вирішити ці проблему. i) Я люблю дивитись фільми на великому екрані. j) Мені потрібно багато часу, щоб підготуватися до наступного тижня.


Перекладіть наступні речення, вживаючи наведені вище слова та вирази і користуючись при потребі словником.

1. Кожного ранку з понеділка по п’ятницю ми повинні поспішати на роботу.

2. Я волію пити каву без цукру.

3. Я чудово проводжу час, відвідуючи театри і музеї.

4. Вчора мені довелося встати раніше, ніж звичайно.

5. Ми ходимо по магазинах у суботу.

6. Я насолоджуюсь читанням книг.

7. Моє хобі – мандрування мережею.

8. Коли я хворію, я залишаюсь удома.

9. Я хочу проводити більше часу зі своєю сім’єю.

10. Перед святами ми закінчуємо роботу раніше, ніж звичайно.

Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.

My Days Off

Now many people in our country work five days a week from Monday till Friday. Saturday and Sunday are our days off. On these days we do not have to hurry anywhere. We prefer resting and relaxing.

On weekends we usually get up later thаn usual and have a nice time visiting friends, clubbing, watching TV and so on.

My days off are usually like this.

On Saturday I often stay in bed till 8 or even 9 o’clock in the morning. I make my toilet and have breakfast. Saturday morning is the time for cleaning the house and doing the laundry. Then it’s time to go shopping. After all that I watch an interesting program on TV, listen to music or read a book – after hard weekdays I enjoy doing nothing.

At about 2 o’clock I phone my friends and we make plans for the weekend. We usually arrange to meet in a café or, if the weather is fine, in a park. We have a lot of things to discuss – from classes and home assignments to latest fashion trends and politics. Sometimes we go to the cinema. I am fond of watching films on the silver screen.

When the weather is bad, I stay at home. A cup of tea or coffee, a sandwich, a comfortable arm-chair and an interesting book help me settle this problem. Besides, I am fond of surfing the net and I usually spend a lot of time on it.

On Sunday morning after late breakfast I start getting ready for the next week. It takes me long to do it as I want to become a good specialist in my field.

After my homework is ready I have some time to spend with my family and relax.

Unfortunately, time passes very quickly and I have to go to bed early. On Monday another working week starts.



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