What person would you consider the best in the field of IT? 

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What person would you consider the best in the field of IT?

I would consider that Elon Musk is currently the best in the field of new and developing technologies. He creates new and eco-friendly technologies. I like his actions in IT sphere.

Do you have any friends who plan to work in IT?

I have one friend who plans to work in IT. He wants to enter the MIPT in Moscow. He likes this sphere.


How often do you use the Internet?

I use the Internet every day. I can use it for 10 hours in a day, because the Internet helps me to do the work.

What do you usually use the Internet for?

I usually use the Internet for finding the necessary information for my study and my work. The Internet is very useful system and it gives a lot of opportunity for developing.

Can the Internet be dangerous? Why?

Yes, I think that the Internet can be dangerous, because sometimes there is a lot of unsafe and false information, which can lead to confusion. Also surfing the Internet can take all the day.

Did you use the Internet for studying last year?

Yes, of course, I used the Internet for studying last year. I had lessons online and all my books and resourses were at the computer and in the Internet.

Would you like to study online instead of attending classes at school?

No, I wouldn't like to study online, because I prefer meeting people face to face. I like the real communication and I have a lot of friends. I want to see them from time to time.


What two school subjects are the most important for your future job?

For my future job the most important school subjects are the chemistry and biology, because I want to be a doctor. I like this profession and I think that it is really excellent to help people's health.

What job would you like to have in the future?

I want to be a therapist. I am interested in learning people's body and it is a real opportunity to improve health.

Do your relatives approve of your career choice?

Yes, they do. My parents approve of my career choice. My father is a dentist and he is very glad that I want to be a doctor, too.

What job did you use to like when you were younger?

When I was younger, I used to be a stewardess. I liked the planes a lot in the childhood, that is why I wanted to fly a lot.

Would you like to follow in your parents’ footsteps in choosing a career? Why?

Yes, I would like to follow in my parents’ footsteps. I see how my dad helps people and it motivates me.


What household chores are you responsible for in your family?

In my family I am responsible for cleaning my room and washing the dishes. To be honest, I like to help my parent with household chores.

What housework did you have to do when you were a child?

When I was a child I used to sweep the floors. Also my parents taught me to clean my clothes and I did it.

Do you think it is important for children to do jobs around the house? Why / why not?

Yes, I think it is important for children to do jobs around the house and to have necessary household chores, because children should help to parents. And children need to understand that the house should be cleaned.

Do you think people in your country will do more or less housework in the future? Why?

I believe that people in my country will do less housework in the future, because robots help to do some work around the house. Every year the number of robots and electronic devices is increasing.

Should parents pay their children for doing household chores? Why / why not?

In my opinion, parents shouldn't pay their children for doing household chores, because it is uncommercial relationship. Children help parents around the house, because they understand that parents are tired sometimes.


What is your least favourite household chore?

My least favourite household chore is washing the dishes, because I hate water. And also I wash the dishes very bad. I can't do it well.


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