The glory of the Lord of thiruvellur 

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The glory of the Lord of thiruvellur


The Lord with SalihOthra Maharishi


The Lord of ThiruveLLUr appeared before SaalihOthra Maharishi and asked “annam dEhi, Jalam dEhi, sthalam dEhi " (uNNum sORu, Paruhum neer and a place to rest). He partook of the food and water offered with affection by the Sage and rested in the site pointed out by him. The Lord who is saluted as KodhaNda Raaman, VeerarAghavan and Vijaya Raaghavan got the answer for his query, “EvvuLL?” (kim gruham) and rested at the site (home) selected by the sage. He became kimgruhEsan or EvuuLL kidanthAn. SaalihOthra Maharishi "released” the Lord from his heart cavity and let Him rest in the exterior hall that he had chosen for Him for all to see.

The antharyAmi Brahmam, who rests in all of our heart lotuses decided to rest in an external place and thus removes both the Aha IruLL and PuRa IruLL as explained at the Pittsburgh conference by Sri RengarAjan. Thirumangai experienced KimgruhEsan as “EvuuLL kidantha perumalai” (the great mountain resting at ThiruevvuLL). The vimanam under which he rests came to be known as VijayakOti vimAnam to associate it with the VijayarAghavan's amitha parAkramam (unexcelled valor in battle).

In the room of that house (Vijaya kOti Vimanam) located in the forest known as VeekshAraNyam, the Vijaya Sri of the Lord rests forever and led to this kshEthram being called PuNyAvartha KshEthram.

Thirumangai in his Thirumadal enjoyed Him as "Yennudaya Innamaudhai, EvvuLL PerumaLayai" (My great mountain at ThiruevuLL and my sweet nectar) and Thirumazhisai saluted this Aadhi nedumaal as "NaahatthaNai — ThiruvevvuLL kidakkum Aadhi nedumaal" and reminds us that this Lord will be easily accessible to His bahkthAs, who seek the cool shade of His lotus feet. The corollary is that He would be inaccessible to those, who have no visvAsam in Him as Aapath Bandhu and AnAtha Rakshakan. Those who had dvEshti (resentment and hatred) towards Him were pulverized by the Lord even if they had great boons such as akhila Jagadh adhika Bhuja Balam (the greatest prowess in all the worlds) granted by other demi-Gods. His anugraham even to the enemy RaavaNan has been described by the MahA Kavi KaaLi Daasan this way to invoke His dayA swarUpam (KaruNA Kaakuthsa svabhAvam). Not only did the Lord send RaavaNan back to his palace overnight to rest from his battle fatigue, but He also cut off RaavANA's ten heads next day in a very special manner that caused him minimum suffering. Sriman Purisai KrishNamAchArya Swami points out this anubhavam of KaaLi Daasa, who gave us the illustrious Raghu Vamsa Kaavyam:

tEna manthra prayukthEna nimEshArthAth apAdhayath
sa RaavaNa sira: pankthim aj~nAthavruNa vethanAm

He is the most merciful Lord even to His sworn enemies. He therefore spared the pain for RaavaNA by cutting all the ten heads in a fraction of a minute instead of cutting those ten arrogant heads one by one and thereby letting RavaNA feel the pain. KaaLidAsan reminds himself of the Lord's KaruNai this way.

hrutthapan Asini theertam


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