The 44thpattam azhagiyasingar blessed us with many stotrams on nrusimhan 

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The 44thpattam azhagiyasingar blessed us with many stotrams on nrusimhan


Sri Mantra Raaja Padha sthOthram of Ahirbudhnyan (Lord Sivan), KaamAseeka ashtakam of Swamy Desikan, Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha KarAvalampana sthOthram

of Adhi Sankara are some of the sthOthrams that salute the power and Mahimai of Lord Narasimha. The 44th Pattam Srimath Azhagiya Singar has blessed us with many sthOthrams on SrI Lakshmi Narasimhan following the foot steps of His AchAryAs. The most important one in this category is the Nrusimha Kavacham known for its mantric potency: http://

adhivansatakopa jeer with malolan - malolanrusimha sannidhi [picture]

This URL with 21 pages has both the Sanskrit text and the meanings of the individual slOkams of Sri Nrusimha Kavacham with many BheejAksharams that extol the valour of the victorious Lord displayed during the samhAram of HiraNyan. The powerful prayer in one of the slOkams is:

"(PraNavam) namO BhagavatE NarasimhaAya, manas tEjasE aavirbhava,
 — vajra nakha, vajra dhamshtra karmaasayan randhaya randhaya,tamO graasa"


"Oh my Lord Narasimha, who possesses nails and teeth like thunderbolt! Kindly appear before my mind with Your (matchless) tEjas as JwAlA Narasimhan! Please vanquish our demon like desires and grant us fruitful activity in this materialistic world!"

In another slOkam, the Kavacham begs the Lord of the Universe, Sri Narasimhan to remove the Taapa thrayams because He is the all encompassing Manthram, unfailing protection and the sure medicine.

"ThvamEva Mantram ThvamEva RakshA
Thvam Oushadham anutthamam
ThrividhAdh api dukkhAn maam
prachOdhaya Jagath-PathE"





menRa pEzhvaay vaaLL yeyiRROr kOLariyAy avuNan
ponRa vAham vaLLuhirAl pOzhntha Punithanidam
ninRa senthee moNDu sooRai neeLL visumbUdu yeriya
senRu kaaNDaRkkariya Koil SingavEL KUnRamE (5)

 — Periya Thirumozhi: 1.7.5


The inapproachability of the Nrusimha KshEthram of SingavEL KunRam is described by Kaliyan in this Paasuram.

In the First two lines, Kaliyan describes the intimidating appearance of the HiraNya SamhAra Moorthy: He is in the middle of tearing apart the chest of HiraNyan laid on His wide lap. His nails resembling VajrAyudham in power are at work on HiraNyan's chest. Sri JwAlA Narasimhan is mighty angry and intense in His samhAra kaaryam (avuNan pOnRa). He has a folded, gigantic mouth (menRa pEzh Vaay). His Vajra-like, lustrous teeth are chewing His upper and lower lips (menRa vaaLL yeiRu) in uncontrollable rage over the asuran's Bhaagavatha apachAram. With His mighty nails, Sri Nrusimhan is destroying HiraNyan (avuNan ponRa vaLL uhirAl pOzhntha Punithan).

Kaliyan salutes the HiraNya SamhAra Moorthy as "Punithan", the most sacred One (Pavithran, Paavanan). The rapidity with which He came to His Bhakthan's rescue and His unmatchable protective grace propels Kaliyan to salute Him as Punithan. This avathAram was exclusively for His Bhakthan, PrahlAdhan.

naarasimha vapu: sreemAn - paavana narasimhan [picture]

If PrahlAdhan is the Premier Bhakthan, the Lord who came to his rescue at the most critical time has to be the Premier God as attested by Swamy NammAzhwAr: "Yenn SingapirAn perumai aarAyum seermaitthE". In aapath Kaalams, His bhakthAs appeal to Him for rescuing them and He responds to His true BhakthAs immediately as evidenced by RukmiNi DEvi's address to KrishNa as Narasimhan: "KaalE Nrusimha". This is true advocacy of Lord Narasimhan's mahimai as "Punithan". This "Naarasimha Vapu: SrImaan" is Paavana Narasimhan at one of the nine sannidhis. He is saluted by Sri VishNu Sahasra Naamams as: "Pavithram MangaLam Param". He is also recognized as: "PavithrANAm pavithram yO MangaLAnam cha MangaLam".

The First of the PrahlAdha Sthuthi (Srimad BhAgavatham: 7.9.1) salutes His Pavithra Karmaa, which got Him the NaamA of Pavithran:

nathOasmy-AnanthAya dhurantha-sakthyE
vichithra-veeryAya PAVITHRA KARMANE
Viswasya sarga-sTithi-samyamAn guNai:
svaleelayA samdhatE avyayAthmanE


"Salutations to the Lord of Limitless, indefatigable power, multiple valor and Parisuddha Kaaryams! He performs the acts of creation, protection and destruction playfully with His guNAs. adiyEn's salutation is to that One, who undergoes no changes (VikArams)."



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