II. Read and translate the text. 

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II. Read and translate the text.

    When an asphalt pavement is reaching the end of its life cycle, it can be overlaid with a new surface using a number of different techniques.

    Which technique to choose depends on a number of factors, including geographical location, available equipment, road depth, road condition, climate, traffic flow, quality of existing materials and some others. 

    Hot mix asphalt (HMA) production and application requires materials to be heated to 180 - 1350 C. The temperature is dictated by the viscosity of the bitumen binder and is needed to ensure a homogenous and thorough coating of aggregates by the bitumen.


III. Answer the following questions.

1. What happens when an asphalt pavement is reaching the end of its life cycle?

2.What factors influencethe technique of asphalt pavement?

3. To what temperature are required materials to be heated?

4. What is the required temperature dictated by?

5. What coating must be ensured by the bitumen aggregates?

IV. Make up a dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the text given above.


VI. Fill in the blanks to practice the use of the Complex Subject and translate the sentences into Russian. The words in brackets will help you.

1. He … to come to the conference (несомненно).

2. Their plans … to change in the future (вероятно).

3. They … to agree with you (определённо).

4. She … to give you this book (вряд ли).

5.He … to be right (оказался).

6. He … to be a good researcher (говорят).

7. They … to be well-informed persons (полагают).  


VII. Grammar material. The Gerund. Герундий.

    Герундий – неличная форма глагола, являющаяся промежуточной формой между глаголом и существительным. По форме герундий совпадает с причастием I (Participle I).

   По своим функциям герундий во многом совпадает с инфинитивом:

он может быть в предложении подлежащим, дополнением, определением, составной частью сказуемого и обстоятельством.


To read is useful. Читать полезно.

Reading is useful. Чтение/читать полезно.


     I like to read.   Я люблю читать.

     I like reading.  Я люблю читать.

     3. Составная часть сказуемого

     We began to read this book.Мы начали читать эту книгу.

      We began reading this book.    Мы начали читать эту книгу.

     4. Определение

     This is the book to be read. Это книга, которую нужно прочитать.

I have the wish of reading this book. У меня есть желание прочитать эту книгу.


     5. Обстоятельство

      I can’t explain it without reading this book.

  Я не могу это объяснить, не прочитав эту книгу.

Part III

Aggregates of Asphalt Coating

I. Learn the following words:

to introduce -- вводить                to facilitate способствовать

to foam -- пениться                           rutting образование борозд

to cause являться причиной          to reduce -- уменьшать

via через                                   amount -- количество

emulsion эмульсия                      damp -- сырой

coarse крупный                             recycled -- переработанный

fine -- мелкий нагревать                 to contaminate -- загрязнять

to dictate диктовать                           tar -- дёготь

II. Read and translate the text.

    Introducing small (controlled) amounts of water to hot bitumen causes the bitumen to foam and a thorough coating is possible. Water is introduced into the asphalt via damp aggregates (coarse or fine).

The foamed bitumen has a reduced viscosity and greater surface area which facilitates mixing, coating at reduced temperatures. This mix improves resistance to rutting and allow early opening to traffic.

Emulsion - based cold mixes also allow a far higher proportion of recycled material than it is possible with hot mixes. And emulsions can also coat surfaces contaminated with tar. Usage of reduced temperature asphalts maximizes the energy savings.

The decision to apply bitumen emulsion is due to the low temperatures during the harsh winters in northern areas. It ensures a higher flexibility of the base course and reduces the possibility of future road damage through cracking.


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