VII. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian. Determine the grammar tense and voice of the predicate. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


VII. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian. Determine the grammar tense and voice of the predicate.

1. When was this house built?

2. Who is the book written by? 

3. You are wanted on the telephone.

4. He was shown the way to the Ministry.

5. Houses are built very quickly now.

6. The delegation was met at the station.

7. English is spoken in many countries.

8. I was born in 1999 in a small town.

9. You will be driven to the airport.

10. The coast of the Crimea is washed by the Black Sea.

Part V

Rules of Road Construction

I. Learn the following words and word combinations:

to compact утрамбовывать    to expect ожидать

trimming подравнивание           ideal -- идеальный

unsuitable неподходящий          to complete -- завершать

road - bed полотно дороги    sign -- знак

to decompose разлагаться           crash barricades предохранительные

rock горная порода, камни                                                            барьеры


II. Read and translate the text.

      Processes during earthwork include excavation, removal of materials that

can be spoiled, filling, compacting, construction and trimming. If rock or other unsuitable material is discovered it is removed. Blasting is not frequently used to excavate the road - bed as the rock structure forms an ideal road base.

General fill material should be free of organics. The lower fill generally comprises sand or sand mixture with fine gravel, which prevents the growth of plants or other vegetable matter. The compacted fill also serves as lower stratum drainage. Second fill should be composed of gravel or decomposed rock.

        Geosynthetics such as geotextiles are frequently used in various pavement layers to improve road quality. Geosynthetics perform four main functions in roads: separation, reinforcement, filtration and drainage.

        The completed road way is finished by paving or left with a gravel or other natural surface. The type of road surface depends on economic factors and expected usage. Safety traffic signs, crash barricades and other forms of road surface marking are installed.


III. Answer the following questions:

1. What do processes during earthwork include?

2. Why is blasting of rock not frequently used?

3. Should general fill material be free of organics?

4. What fill serves as lower stratum drainage?

5. What should second fill be composed of?

6. What materials are frequently used in various pavement layers?

7. What four main functions geosynthetics perform in roads?

8. What does the type of road surface depend on?

9. What signs are installed in road surface marking?


IV. Make up a dialogue according to the questions.

V. Give the main idea of the text above.

VI. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. Determine the grammar tense and voice of the predicate.

1. Её часто спрашивают на занятиях.

2. Письмо будет отправлено только завтра.

3. Много домов строится в нашем городе сейчас.

4. Эти вопросы обычно обсуждаются после работы. 

5. Меня попросили помочь ему закончить эту работу.

6. Мне предложили очень интересную работу.

7. Эти картины написаны знаменитым художником.

VII. Grammar material. The Passive Voice (continued).


                                              Present Progressive

                     I am being asked               We are being asked

                     You are being asked         You are being asked

                      He, she, it is being asked  They are being masked


                                                Past Progressive

                      I was being asked              We were being asked

                       You were being asked        You were being asked

                       He, she, it was being asked They were being asked

                                                 Future Progressive

                              I, you, he, she, it, we, they will be being asked

VIII. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian. Determine the grammar tense and voice of the predicate.

1. A new shop is being built in our street.

2. The text is not being translated at the moment.

3. The fax was being sent when the director called.

4. Excuse the mess. The house is being painted.

5.When you come home the walls will be being painted.

6. We couldn’t get inside. The floors were being washed.

7. They will be being passed exams at this time tomorrow. 


Part VI


Types of Roads


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