Do the crossword below on the theme “Education”. 

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Do the crossword below on the theme “Education”.


5. Reasons for bad behaviour (7) 8. Programme of study in a single area (6) 9. Formal test (11) 12. National Extension College (3) 14. The system of choosing the more able to go to better schools (9) 16. Commander of the order of the British Empire (3) 18. Mixed (13) 19. Quick stream (4, 5) 24. Polite phrase for less gifted pupil (4, 7) 27.2+2= (4) 28. English, History and Music, for example (4) 30. An electrically charged atom (3) 31. In the private sector (11) 33. A corpse (4) 35. Short for advertisements (3) 36. Private school for pupils going on to Public Schools (11) 37. Formal method of checking intelligence (2,4) 39. Higher (7) 40. Private - costing money (3, 6) 43. Please reply (4) 46. System of fast, medium and slow lanes (8) 49. Broad programme of education (10) 50. Selective State Secondary School (7) 53. You have to do it (10) 58. A weak effort (4) 59. The director of a school (4) 61. A theory or notion (4) 63. Voluntary (8) 64. For both boys and girls (5) 65. The very best thing you can hope for (5) 68. The first stage of compulsory education (7) 69. Private school for elite aged beteen 13 and 13 (6) 70. Between Primary and Secondary (6) 1. Calculations (4) 2. Staying late as a punishment (9) 3. Division (6) 4. For both the gifted and the less capable (5, 7) 6. Monitoring performance all the time (10) 7. Type of state Secondary School for pupils who fail the selection test (9, 6) 8. To select those at the very top (5) 10. Madame (3) 11. Government controlled (5) 13. Not compulsory (9) 15. Short for holidays (3) 16. For students from all kinds of backgrounds (13) 17.  The verb "Entre" (2) 20. Measurement of academic performance (10) 21. How old you are (3) 22. A bad joke! (7) 23. To live as well as study in a school (5) 25. Noisy (4) 26. System for dealing with wrong-doers (10) 29. Being given the chance to do something (11) 31. Pictures (6) 32. Not state (7) 33. A wooden implement used for playing cricket (3) 34. Department of Social Security (3) 38. At a distance (4) 41. System of physical punishment (3) 42. Being given the same as other people (3) 44. Stage of compulsory education following Primary (9) 45. An upper class word for "homework" (4) 47.Type of education for those who need to catch up (3) 48. Talented (6) 51. A lively Scottish folk dance (4) 52. The smallest particle of a chemical element (4) 54. Opposite of "down" (2) 55. Opposite of "higher" (5) 56. Therefore (2) 57. Being able to select different schools(6) 59. Agreable (5) 60. Exclude permanently from school (5) 62. An objective (3) 66. Not living in the school (3) 67. An old word for "yes" (3)



Read the text below very attentively for 10 minutes. Use the word by word reading and answer the following questions:

1. Do all the pupils wear uniform? What kind of uniform it is?

2. When does the school year begin?

3. Do all the Japanese agree with this date?

4. How long does the lesson last?

5. How much time do the pupils spend on their homework? Why?

6. Why are exams the most exhausted period for pupils?

7. Can mother attend lessons instead of her offspring?

8. What nickname such mothers have? What does it mean?

9. How long can children scrounge off their parents?

10.Are there any cleaners in Japanese schools?

11.Do girls have any ease-up at school? Why?



Where does the school year start in April?

In primary school children usually wear children’s garments. In the secondary school and in establishments for higher education the uniform is obligatory. It can be white shirt with dark trousers – for boys, and skirts – for girls. Or it can be even “sailor fuku”, that means “sailor costume”.

The beginning of the school year is on the 6 of April, cos’ in the pride of the spring cherry tree blossoms. There is a movement in Japan, that stands for beginning of the school year on the 1st of September but it’s not popular enough.

Little Japanese start their education at the age of 6. And by this time they must know how to read, write and count.

Lessons at school begin at half past 8 as usual, and each lesson lasts 50 minutes. There is no homework in primary school, but in the secondary school and in universities it is so large, that children have to spend 5 or 6 hours a day doing their tasks. That’s why, in spite of holidays, Japanese pupils and students are the busiest in the country.

Exams are the most exhausted period for them. Pupils have to know ALL history in chronological order, names of ALL emperors and revolt leaders. And the main thing is not to try to discuss the reasons of historical events. Examiners dislike such students. Good marks get industrious and disciplined pupils, that obey and never stick to their ground.

Mothers always keep in touch with teachers and force their offsprings to study thoroughly. No one can evade mothers’ watchful eye. They know as much as teachers, because they used to study the same way. Sometimes mother attends lessons if her child is ill. Such crazy mothers deserve their nickname “keyku mama”, that means – mother, that is obsessed by education.

Children can scrounge off their parents until they are 25 or even 30.

After the lessons pupils clean the whole school and plot themselves. There’re no cleaners in Japanese schools.

It seems to us that little Japanese hate school, but girls are luckier than boys. After school when boys by the sweat of their brow do homework, girls can go shopping, spend time in coffee house or look through some magazine. Because Japanese believe that woman’s first consideration is motherhood. That’s why girls have some ease-up at school.



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