F) Tomorrow, tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


F) Tomorrow, tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening.


$$$ 63

Choose the verb that has a different –ed sound:

C) Needed.

E) Wanted.


$$$ 64

Choose the verb that has a different –ed sound:

B) Hated.

C) Waited.


$$$ 65

Sport events:

B) Championship.

F) Competition.


$$$ 66

Sport places:

C) Stadium.

F) Tennis Court.


$$$ 67

Sport events:

C) Race.

E) Match.



$$$ 68

The room …….(to be search) but the police…… (fail) to find anything suspicious.

C)Was searched.

F) Failed.

H) Had been searched.


$$$ 69

He…….. (remain) cheerful though he ……..(to be) ill for some days.

A) Remained.

D) Has been.

H) Remained/has been.


$$$ 70

Choose wrong sentences given in the Reported speech

C) He told to the child go to bed.

D) She said me that she open the door.

H) She asked me I was living here.


$$$ 71

"Please don't come back very late", Peter said to his son/daughter/sister.

D) Peter said his son not to come back very late.

F) Peter said his daughter not to come back very late.

H) Peter said his sister not to come back very late.


$$$ 72

Arthur said:"I’ll do/bring/take it tomorrow".

D) Arthur said that he would bring it the following day.

F) Arthur said that he would do it the following day.

G) Arthur said that he would take it the following day.


$$$ 73

We use (to go to) with ____:

A) Concert.

D) Gym.

E) The theatre.


$$$ 74

We use (to do) with ____:

B) Judo.

C) Sport.

D) Exercise.



$$$ 75

Find the modal verb with the meaning (разрешают/рұқсат етеді):

D) You may stay at home.

E) You may go to the cinema.

G) They may prepare their homework here.


$$$ 76

Excuse me, can you tell me the (точное/нақты, дұрыс) time?:

A) Exact.

D) Right.

E) Correct.


$$$ 77

How can you get to the University?:

A) On foot.

D) By bus.

E) By car.


$$$ 78

It takes smb _____ to get to the University:

A) Twenty minutes.

E) Five minutes.

G) One hour.


$$$ 79

How long does it take you _____:

A) To do translation.

B) To learn these word.

E) To prepare your lesson.


$$$ 80

It does not take me long _____:

B) To get ready.

E) To get to the cinema.

H) To go home by bus.


$$$ 81

What year are we in?:

C)We are in 2015.

D) We are in 2016.

G) We are in 2000.


$$$ 82

Classes are over at 12.45.:

E) Fifteen minutes to one.

F) A quarter to one.

G) Forty five minutes past twelve.

$$$ 83

Find the right sentences with the meaning несколько/бірнеше:

A) She has a few friends in our town.

E) Ann is going to tell us a few words about her plans.

F) The article is not difficult though there are a few unknown words in it.


$$$ 84

Find the right sentences with the meaning немного/біраз:

B) Would you like some more cake? Yes, please, but only a little.

D) He has a little time and he is going to help us.

H) We did not have any money but Tom had a little.


$$$ 85

Choose the right sentences with the meaning добираться/жету:

C) We get to the University by bus.

E) It usually takes me half an hour to get there.

G) How long does it take them to get there?.


$$$ 86

Choose the right sentences with the meaning получать/алу:

A) I need a book which I can only get in the reading room.

B) I often get good news from my parents.

D) Where can one get this book?.


$$$ 87

Find the right sentences with very+adjective:

A) He is very attentive in class.

D) You are very happy.

F) The child is very young to learn a foreign language.


$$$ 88

Find the right sentences with very+adverb:

A) The turtle walks very slowly.

B)The kitten purred very softly.

G) The cheetah ran very quickly.


$$$ 89

Find the right sentences with the meaning слишком/тым:

A) My brother is too young.

C) This book is too easy.

F) It is too late to go there.

$$$ 90

Find the right sentences with the meaning также/сондай-ақ:

B) My brother is young too.

G) This sentence is difficult too.

H) There were many unknown words too.


$$$ 91

The State symbols of Kazakhstan:

A) State emblem.

D) State flag.

E) National anthem.

$$$ 92

What is English for (главный/басты)?:

D) Principal.

E) Main.

F) Chief.


$$$ 93

A (удобный/ыңғайлы) place/time:

B) Suitable.

D) Convenient.

F) Comfortable.


$$$ 94

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of _____:

A) The Island of Great Britain.

D) The northern part of the Island of Ireland.

E) A number of small islands especially to the west of Scotland.


$$$ 95

The Island of Great Britain is divided into three parts:

A) England.

D) Wales.

F) Scotland.

$$$ 96

Great Britain is washed by _____:

A) The Atlantic Ocean.

D) The North Sea.

E) The English Channel.


$$$ 97

The principal rivers of Great Britain:

A) The Severn.

C) The Thames.

E) The Trent.


$$$ 98

There are (около, почти / жуық) 30 miles to the nearest town from here:

A) Nearly

C) Almost.

E) About.


$$$ 99

There are a lot of (безработный / жұмыссыз) in this country:

B) Unemployed.

D) Workless.

F) Jobless.



$$$ 100

The USA is washed by _____:

A) The Gulf of Mexico.

D) The Atlantic Ocean.

E) The Pacific Ocean.


$$$ 101

Young people in our country have every opportunity (учиться/оқу) and to get a higher (образование/білім):

A) To think/education.

B)     To submit/education.

C) To study/education.

D) To study/training.

E)     To submit/training.


$$$ 102

To enter an University you have to take (вступительные экзамены/қабылдау емтихандары) which are rather difficult:

A) Entrance examination.

B)     Institution.

C)     Faculty.

D) Experiment.

E) To pass an examination.


$$$ 103

To get a (стипендия/шәкіртақы):

A) Course.

B)     Scholarship.

C)     Subject.

D) Experiment.

E) Education.


$$$ 104

He passed all the examinations (досрочно/мезгілден бұрын өткізу):

A) Soon.

B) Recently.

C)     In advance.

D) On time.

E) Successfully.


$$$ 105

What is English for (обязательные предметы/міндетті пәндер)?:

A) Education.

B)     State schools.

C)     Compulsory subjects.

D) Secondary school.

E) Extra subjects.


$$$ 106

What is English for (производственная практика/өндірістік тәжірибе)?:

A) Industry.

B) State schools.

C) Compulsory subjects.

D) Industrial training.

E) Extra subjects.


$$$ 107

I`ve never _____ him in a suit and tie:

A) Seen.

B) See.

C) Saw.

D) Have not see.

E) Have not seen.


$$$ 108

I`ve _____ seen that movie twice:

A) Already.

B) Never.

C) Yet.

D) Just.

E) Recently.


$$$ 109

Choose the correct variant of the sentence in the Reported speech:

He asked me “Will you be here tomorrow?”:

A) He asked me will I be here tomorrow.

B) He asked me if I shall there tomorrow.

C) He asked me whether I should be there the next day.

D) He asked me whether I shall be there tomorrow.

E) He told me that he would be there the next day.


$$$ 110

Change from Direct into Reported speech: He said: «Don’t send him this document»:

A) He said don’t send him that document.

B) He asked not to send him that document.

C) He said not to send him this document.

D) He said to send him this document.

E) He asked to send him that document.


$$$ 111

Choose the sentence in indirect speech: The policeman says “ Don't cross the street under the red light.”:

A) The policeman orders not to cross the street under the red light.

B) The policeman says don't cross the street under the red light.

C) The policeman asks don't cross the street under the red light.

D) The policeman says doesn't cross the street under the red light.

E) The policeman says that they cross the street under the red light.


$$$ 112

Choose the sentence in indirect speech: He says ''My family is in the South now.”:

A) He says that my family is in the South now.

B) He says that his family is in the South now.

C) He says his family was in the South now.

D) He says his parents were in the South.

E) He says that my family was in the South.



$$$ 113

Choose the sentence in Indirect speech: She said:“Have you taken the shower yet?”

A) She said if I have already taken the shower.

B) She asked if I took the shower yet.

C) She asked if I had already taken the shower.

D) She said that I have taken the shower.

E) She asked if you have taken the shower yet


$$$ 114

Choose the sentence in Indirect Speech: She says, “ Do you like fast food?”

A) She says that I like fast food

B) She asks if I like fast food

C) She asks do I like fast food

D) She says if I like fast food

E) She says that she likes fast food


$$$ 115

Choose the sentence in the Reported Speech:

  The teacher said, "Do you know the functions of the Supreme court of the US?":

A) The teacher asked if I knew the functions of the Supreme court of the US.

B) The teacher asked if I know the functions of the Supreme court of the US.

C) The teacher asked if I have known the functions of American Supreme Court.

D) The teacher asked if I had known the functions of the Supreme court of the US.

E) The teacher asked if you know the functions of the Supreme court.


$$$ 116

The sentence in Indirect Speech:

Erlan said:"I’ll do it tomorrow".

A) Erlan said that he will do it tomorrow.

B) Erlan said that he did it the previous day.

C) Erlan said that he was doing it now.

D) Erlan said that he would do it the following day.

E) Erlan said that he had done it the day before.


$$$ 117

Bill said, “I like my city”.

A) Bill said that he liked his city.

B) Bill said that he likes his city.

C) Bill said that I like my city.

D) Bill said that I liked my city.

E) Bill said that he liked my city.


$$$ 118

Teacher told us, “Don’t make a noise!”

A) Teacher told us don’t make a noise.

B) He told us doesn’t make a noise.

C) Doctor told us if we make noise.

D) Teacher told us not to make a noise.

E) Teacher told us to make a noise.


$$$ 119

A custom according to which a traveler or any other person who brought home a good message (news) receives a valuable gift from the owners in gratitude:

A) Konakasy.

B) Konakkade.

C) Erulik.

D) Suyinshi.

E) Shildehana.


$$$ 120

A celebration that is associated with childbirth:

A) Besikke salu.

B) Shildehana.

C) Kyrkynan shygaru.

D) Tusau kesu.

E) Sundetke otyrgyzu.


$$$ 121

A day when the baby took his first steps the oldest and most respected people is invited to perform a ceremony of _____:

A) Besikke salu.

B) Shildehana.

C) Kyrkynan shygaru.

D) Tusau kesu.

E) Sundetke otyrgyzu.


$$$ 122

A rite of circumcision:

A) Besikke salu.

B) Shildehana.

C) Kyrkynan shygaru.

D) Tusau kesu.

E) Sundetke otyrgyzu.


$$$ 123

Solemn ceremony of meeting the bride in the groom`s house is called _____:

A) Kyz uzatu.

B) Kelin tusiru.

C) Kuyruk bauyr.

D) Betashar.

E) Kudalyk.


$$$ 124

_____ is a very important holiday for Kazakhs, which marks the beginning of new year:

A) Unity Day.

B) Capital Day.

C) Nauryz.

D) Constitution Day.

E) New Year.


$$$ 125

Nayryz is celebrated several days starting from 21st of March, the day of the spring _____:

A) Renewal.

B) Holiday.

C) Exhibition.

D) Equinox.

E) New day.


$$$ 126

A large hanging swing, with colourful decorations:

A) Besik.

B) Shapan.

C) Gift.

D) Altybakan.

E) Festival.


$$$ 127

The most important meal during the celebration and a main symbol of Nauryz:

A) Kuyruk bauyr.

B) Nauryz kozhe.

C) Kuyrdak.

D) Beshbarmak.

E) Baursak.


$$$ 128

Public holidays in Britain are called:

A) Offices holidays.

B) Shop holidays.

C) Bank holidays.

D) Boxing day.

E) Good Friday.


$$$ 129

The most popular holiday in Great Britain is:

A) Boxing Day.

B) Christmas.

C) New Year`s Day.

D) Easter Monday.

E) May Day.


$$$ 130

What is a carol?:

A) A carol service.

B) Traditional Christmas song.

C) Public holiday.

D) Christmas tree.

E) Groups of singers.


$$$ 131

An old way of doing things:

A) Tradition.

B) Sign.

C) Celebration.

D) Calendar.

E) Celebrate.


$$$ 132

An extra holiday after Christmas Day:

A) New Year`s Day.

B) Good Friday.

C) Boxing Day.

D) Easter Monday.

E) Summer Bank Holiday.


$$$ 133


A) Charity.

B) Blow up.

C) Decorate.

D) Celebrate.

E) Christmas tree.


$$$ 134

Зарабатывать/Табыс табу:

A) Find.

B) Get.

C) Lost.

D) Fill.

E) Earn.


$$$ 135

What is Russian/Kazakh for (to pass)?:

A) Понимать/Түсіну.

B) Стараться/Тырысу.

C) Проходить (мимо)/Өту.

D) Сдать (экзамен)/Тапсыру.

E) Нуждаться/Қажетсіну.

F) Использовать/Қолдану.


$$$ 136

In the English education system, there are _____ and _____ schools:

A) Private.

B) Certificate.

C) Compulsory.

D) State.

E) Punishment.

F) Results.


$$$ 137

The academic year has two terms:

A) The autumn term.

B) The winter term.

C) The spring term.

D) The summer term.

E) Winter holidays.

F) Summer holidays.


$$$ 138

The students have two holidays a year:

A) The autumn term.

B) The winter term.

C) The spring term.

D) The summer term.

E) Winter holidays.

F) Summer holidays.


$$$ 139

Student can be (department):

A) Industrial training.

B) To fulfil.

C) Full-time student.

D) Part-time student.

E) Designer.

F) Opportunity.


$$$ 140

We have two English classes a week:

A) In May.

B) On Tuesday.

C) On Friday.

D) All day.

E) During the academic year.

F) On weekend.


$$$ 141

We use past simple:

A) To talk about finished events in the past, when we think about a definite time.

B) A continuing unfinished action interrupted by a sudden past action.

C) To describe habits and routines in the past.

D) A continuing unfinished action in the past.

E) Facts or things that always happen.

F) To talk about recent continuing activities.


$$$ 142

We use present continuous for:

A) Facts or things that always happen.

B) Actions happening at the moment of speaking, and not finished.

C) Routines and habits.

D) Continuing, unfinished actions which are not actually happening at the moment of speaking.

E) Timetable events.

F) Finished events in the past.


$$$ 143

The passive is used to describe actions:

A) When we don't know who does, or did the action.

B) A continuing unfinished action interrupted by a sudden past action.

C) When it is not important to know who does, or did the action.

D) A continuing unfinished action in the past.

E) Facts or things that always happen.

F) To talk about recent continuing activities.


$$$ 144

Find the conditional sentence of the 2nd type:

A) If I were president, I'd increased taxes.

B) If you're sick, go home and get in bed.

C) If I find a better job, I find it.

D) If I had the money I would buy clothes.

E) I work in a restaurant, but earn little.

F) If you go now, do not miss the show.

G) If the weather is good, we go sledding.

$$$ 145

Make sentence in the Second Conditional: If I ______ his number, I ______ his a call:

A) Knew.

B) Know.

C) Known.

D) Will give.

E) Would give.

F) Would given.

G) Would gave.


$$$ 146

Traditions and customs associated with gift giving:

A) Erulik.

B) Shildehana.

C) Suyinshi.

D) Baygazy.

E) Tusau kesu.

F) Betashar.


$$$ 147

The main traditions of Kazakhs, which transformed into a feature of national character, are:

A) Konakkade.

B) Hospitality.

C) Pespect for elderly.

D) At mingizip shapan zhabu.

E) Toy dastarkhan.

F) Baygazy.


$$$ 148

Traditions and customs associated with birth and upbringing of the child:

A) Shildehana.

B) Hospitality.

C) Pespect for elderly.

D) At mingizip shapan zhabu.

E) Toy dastarkhan.

F) Sundetke otyrgyzu.


$$$ 149

National festivals:

A) Independence Day.

B) Christmas.

C) Birthday.

D) Republic Day.

E) New Year.

F) Good Friday.


$$$ 150

Возможность / Мүмкіншілік:

A) Purpose.

B) Possibility.

C) Reach.

D) Reason.

E) Opportunity.

F) Sensible.


$$$ 151

Решение / Шешім:

A) Decision.

B) Opportunity.

C) Solution.

D) Examination.

E) Occupation.

F) Purpose.


$$$ 152

Продвижение (по службе) /Жоғарылау, өрлеу:

A) Decision.

B) Training.

C) Salary.

D) Degree

E) Promotion.

F) Advancement.


$$$ 153

Зарплата / Жалақы:

A) Promotion.

B) Degree.

C) Salary.

D) Wages.

E) Advancement.

F) Colleagues.


$$$ 154

Бесплатное образование / Тегін білім:

A) A good salary.

B) Free education.

C) Friendly colleagues.

D) Education free of charge.

E) A good boss.

F) Job security.


$$$ 155

I`d like a job with _____:

A) A good salary.

B) Friendly colleagues.

C) My own office.

D) Flexible working hours.

E) Long holidays.

F) Opportunities for promotion.


$$$ 156

I`d like a job with _____:

A)Opportunities for travel.

B) Long holidays.

C) Friendly colleagues.

D)Holiday pay.

E) A good salary.

F) A good boss.


$$$ 157

I`d like _____:

A) A good salary.

B) Friendly colleagues.

C) Holiday pay.

D) Flexible working hours.

E) Opportunities for travel.

F) Opportunities for promotion.


$$$ 158


A) Resume.

B) Apply.

C) Practice.

D) Refer.

E) Curriculum vitae.

F) Earn.


$$$ 159


A) Salary.

B) Benefit.

C) Wages.

D) An application form.

E) Profit.

F) Qualification.


$$$ 160


A) Profession.

B) Specialist.

C) Wages.

D) Benefit.

E) Occupation.

F) Expert.


$$$ 161

Professional qualities:

A) Creative.

B) Able to work in a team.

C) Initiative.

D) Competent.

E) Able to make decisions.

F) Enthusiastic.


$$$ 162

Professional qualities:

A) Able to cope with stress.

B) Competent.

C) Creative.

D) Persistent.

E) Initiative.

F) Able to take risk.


$$$ 163


A) Quality.

B) Benefit.

C) Duty.

D) Quality.

E) Responsibility.

F) Opportunities.


$$$ 164

Справляться/Орындап шығу:

A) Cope.

B) Decide.

C) Choose.

D) Solve.

E) Manage.

F) Apply.


$$$ 165


A) Application.

B) Choice.

C) Benefit.

D) Solution.

E) Decision.

F) Selection.


$$$ 166

Relatives usually meet for the big dinner of _____ and _____:

A) Tukey.

B) Sunday Roast.

C) Fish and Chips.

D) Christmas pudding.

E) High Tea.

F) Small cakes.


$$$ 167

Children hang stockings at the end of their beds, hoping that Father Christmas will come down with _____ and _____:

A) Firework.

B) Toys.

C) Groups of singers.

D) Christmas tree.

E) Sweets.

F) Stockings.


$$$ 168

Choose the right sentences in First Conditionals:

A) If you are going to live abroad, you will have to learn the language.

B) In free time I like listening to classical music, reading the different books and other.

C) If I go to London, I will see the Tower of London.

D) She is going to work at schools and she will earn a lot of money.

E) If I visit New York again, I will buy you a souvenir from the Empire state Building.

F) Can I ask you questions?

G) She may be at home.

H) You`d better not be late.


$$$ 169

It takes smb _____ to get to the University:

A) Twenty minutes.

B) A century.

C) A decade.

D) A week.

E) Five minutes.

F) Some days.

G) One hour.

H) Some weeks.


$$$ 170

How long does it take you _____:

A) To do translation.

B) To learn these word.

C) Speak fast.

D) Walk slowly.

E) To prepare your lesson.

F) Recite poems.

G) A foreign language.

H) Difficult sentences.


$$$ 171

It does not take me long _____:

A) Do translation.

B) To get ready.

C) Speak fast.

D) Walk slowly.

E) To get to the cinema.

F) Recite poems.

G) A foreign language.

H) To go home by bus.


$$$ 172

I do my best _____:

A) Speak loudly.

B) Two hours.

C) To master English.

D) To help them.

E) To come in time for classes.

F) Very attentive.

G) Very much.

H) Have a rest.


$$$ 173

Find the sentences with the meaning (добираться / жету):

A) I get up early.

B) I often get good news from my parents.

C) We get to the University by bus.

D) Where can one get this book?.

E) It usually takes me half an hour to get there.

F) I like to walk after a busy day at the University.

G) How long does it take them to get there?.

H) It doesn’t take me long to do the translation.


$$$ 174

Find the sentences with the meaning (получать / алу):

A) I need a book which I can only get in the reading room.

B) I often get good news from my parents.

C) We get to the University by bus.

D) Where can one get this book?.

E) It usually takes me half an hour to get there.

F) I like to walk after a busy day at the University.

G) I get up early.

H) How long does it take them to get there?.


$$$ 175

A (удобный/ыңғайлы) place/time:

A) Shallow.

B) Suitable.

C) Wet.

D) Convenient.

E) Deep.

F) Comfortable.

G) Wide.

H) Long.


$$$ 176

Irregular verbs:

A) See-saw.

B) Study-studied.

C) Decide-decided.

D) Wait-waited.

E) Leave-left.

F) Read-read.

G) Play-played.

H) Prefer-preferred.


$$$ 177

Irregular verbs:

A) Open-opened.

B) Make-made.

C) Run-ran.

D) Think-thought.

E) Close-closed.

F) Listen-listened.

G) Hate-hated.

H) Love-loved.


$$$ 178

We use Present Perfect Tense to describe:

A) Facts or things that always happen.

B) Two continuing events happening at the same time.

C) An event in the past without a definite time.

D) Routines and habits.

E) A continuing unfinished action in the past.

F) Timetable events.

G) What someone has completed or achieved in a period of time.

H) How many things someone has gone.


$$$ 179

Choose the right sentences in the First Type of Conditionals:

A) I should go to the meeting.

B) I can get some information about the exam.

C) If you go to Manchester, you must have the cheesecake in Lindy`s.

D) I must go to school tomorrow.

E) If you don`t hurry, we will miss the train.

F) I can carry your bag.

G) If they are going to Africa, they must have all the injections.

H) We could go for a swim.


$$$ 180

Choose the right sentences in the First Type of Conditionals:

A) Before you leave I will check your passport.

B) You should have come earlier.

C) You shouldn`t have come that late.

D) If I have enough money I will go to Paris.

E) Don`t forget to switch off your mobile phone when you`re in airplane.

F) I go to sleep.

G) I am thinking of you.

H) Listen to your heart.


$$$ 181

Choose the right sentences in the First Type of Conditionals:

A) If I have enough money, I will go with you.

B) If you tell me the address, I`ll find the house myself.

C) If my father gets money, we will buy a car.

D) I hate cold.

E) The Muslims do not eat pork.

F) My father never wears a tie.

G) A renewed holiday in our country is Christmas.

H) She is going to work at schools and she will earn a lot of money.


$$$ 182

Choose the right sentences in the Second Type of Conditionals:

A) If my sister had longer legs, she would be a model.

B) If I had enough money, I would have gone with you.

C) If I were Natasha I wouldn`t call him.

D) It doesn`t matter.

E) Someone is knocking at the door.

F) Someone has taken my dictionary.

G) I think they love each other.

H) Did someone help you to do the homework?


$$$ 183

________your son studies well he_________ the exam:

A) If / will pass.

B) As soon as / will pass.

C) Until/ will pass.

D) Before/ will passes.

E) After / passes.

F) As soon as / passed.

G) If/ passes.

H) When / passed.


$$$ 184

Find Unreal Condition:

A) If you're tired, go home and rest.

B) He would not marry her, if she had not cooked so wonderful.

C) If I were in your place, I would have called her.

D) If I have time, I'll help you.

E) You would have understood the lesson of yesterday's better if more time reading at home.

F) If I find a better job, I find it.

G) If the weather is good, we will go skiing.

H) If you feel bad, go home and drink a pill.


$$$ 185

Find Unreal Condition:

A) If you go now, do not miss the show.

B) We would not have gone to the sea, if the children are not asked.

C) If you feel bad, go home and drink a pill.

D) She was happy when she was invited to the party.

E) If you see her, you fall in love with her.

F) If I were in your place, I would visit him.

G) If the weather is good, we will go skiing.

H) If I had not got sick, I would have gone to the party.


$$$ 186

Find Unreal Condition:

A) If the weather is good, we will go skiing.

B) If the weather were good, we would go to the zoo.

C) If I knew the answer, I would not have asked you.

D) If I knew the situation, I would have never left.

E) If you go now, do not miss the show.

F) If there is rain, the streets wet.

G) If you're tired, go home and rest.

H) If the ice heat, it melts.


$$$ 187

Find Unreal Condition:

A) If the person to burn, he will die.

B) If you had not forgotten the key you would have opened the door.

C) If the weather is good, we will go skiing.

D) If you will have a lot of sweet, will become thick.

E) If there is rain, the air is fresh.

F) If you feel bad, go home and drink a pill.

G) If I lived in Paris, I would eat croissants for breakfast.

H) If Oleg knew the measure he would not put too much salt.


$$$ 188

Choose Past Participle of the Irregular verbs:

A) Forget-forgotten.

B) Study-studied.

C) Decide-decided.

D) Wait-waited.

E) Give-given.

F) Grow-grown.

G) Play-played.

H) Prefer-preferred.


$$$ 189

Describing festivals:

A) Celebrate.

B) National.

C) Dress up.

D) Traditional.

E) Musician.

F) Colourful.

G) Costume.

H) Calendar.


$$$ 190

Describing festivals:

A) Custom.

B) Beautiful.

C) Band.

D) Exciting.

E) Spectators.

F) Noisy.

G) Procession.

H) Symbol.


$$$ 191

Занятие, профессия/Кәсіп, мамандық:

A) Advertise.

B) Occupation.

C) Decision.

D) Profession.

E) Advertisement.

F) Work

G) Employment.

H) Discussion


$$$ 192

Choose past participle of the regular verbs:

A) Forget-forgot.

B) Study-studied.

C) Decide-decided.

D) Become-became.

E) Give-gave.

F) Grow-grew.

G) Begin-began.

H) Open-opened.


$$$ 193

Choose regular verbs:

A) Bring-brought.

B) Hear-heard.

C) Choose-chose.

D) Come-came.

E) Close-closed.

F) Listen-listened.

G) Hate-hated.

H) Blow-blew.


$$$ 194

Traditional Kazakh meals made from milk:

A) Beshbarmak.

B) Kurt.

C) Kuyrdak.

D) Butter.

E) Baursak.

F) Cheese.

G) Talkan.

H) Rice.


$$$ 195

Horse racing games that are played on horseback:

A) Kokpar.

B) Tartys.

C) Tenge Alu.

D) Arkan Tartys.

E) Kyz Kuu.

F) Asyk.

G) Ak Syiek.

H) Sak Kylak.


$$$ 196

Big festivals:

A) Independence Day.

B) Birthday.

C) Carnival.

D) Republic Day.

E) Christmas.

F) Easter Monday.

G) New Year.

H) Good Friday.


$$$ 197

Religious festivals:

A) Ramadan.

B) Birthday.

C) Republic Day.

D) Christmas.

E) New Year.

F) Easter.

G) Spring Bank Holiday.

H) Women`s Day.


$$$ 198

Verbs for festivals:

A) Decoration.

B) Celebrate.

C) Bonfire.

D) Decorate.

E) Musician.

F) Candle.

G) Enjoy.

H) Fireworks.


$$$ 199

Nouns for festivals:

A) Decoration.

B) Celebrate.

C) Bonfire.

D) Decorate.

E) Remember.

F) Candle.

G) Enjoy.

H) Welcome.


$$$ 200

Nouns for festivals:

A) Welcome.

B) Celebrate.

C) Music.

D) Decorate.

E) Remember.

F) Enjoy.

G) Symbol.

H) Costume.


$$$ end



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