Match the terms with their definitions. 

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Match the terms with their definitions.

Cyclone, drought, avalanche, flood, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, tsunami, landslide, blizzard

1) A period of time with no rain.

2) Large amount of water that covers an area which is usually dry.

3) A violent wind storm which consists of a tall column of air spinning around very fast.

4) A large amount of earth and rocks falling down a cliff or a mountain.

5) A huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land.

6) A sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust causing shaking of the ground.

7) A violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round.

8) A severe snowstorm with strong winds.

9) A large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain.

10) An extremely violent wind or storm.


Complete the text with necessary words or word combinations.

Process, vulnerabilities, management, risks, nature, area, function, environment, safe, comprehensive

Risk is a probability or threat of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal (1) ______.

Risk (2) ______ ensures that an organization identifies and analyses the (3) ______. The emergency management (4) ______ incorporates a wide range of measures to manage risks to communities and the (5) ______.

Emergency management aims are to strengthen communities to make them (6) ______, sustainable and resilient, helping them to avoid emergencies or minimize and recover from their effects.

The focus of the identify risks activity in the emergency management (7) ______ is to identify and describe the (8) ______ of risks within the emergency management scope. This identification process must be (9) ______ because any (10) ______ of risk not identified may not be included in the risk analysis and evaluation phases.


7. Read the information given below. Choose a role for you (for example, a rescue worker, Head of a rescue unit, a casualty, a call handler, etc.) and do a role play.

Questions Answers

Severe Weather

What are some severe weather examples? Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, etc.
What is the difference between a watch and a warning? A watch means that a severe weather event might happen. When a watch is issued, it’s time to pay close attention to the weather and to alerts. A warning means that a severe weather event has occurred in the area or is likely to occur soon. When a warning is issued, it’s time to act!
What should your family do if you hear about a weather watch? Keep a TV, radio, or cell phone on for weather alerts.
What should your family do if you hear about a weather warning? For tornadoes, go to a safe place for protection and cover your head and neck. For floods and hurricanes, you may be instructed to evacuate - which means leaving your home. If you have to leave your home quickly, you’ll be glad you prepared an evacuation kit ahead of time. Listen for instructions from local emergency management personnel.
How can you protect yourself during a heat wave? Stay indoors as much as possible, and stay on the lowest level of your home if you don’t have air conditioning or fans. Drink lots of water.
What kind of clothing should you wear if you have to go outside in the heat? Wear light-colored clothing and a wide brimmed hat.
How can you protect yourself during extreme cold? Stay indoors as much as possible.
What kind of clothing should you wear if you have to go outside in the cold? Wear several layers of light clothes instead of one heavy layer. Wear mittens because they are warmer than gloves. Cover your mouth with a scarf to protect your lungs. Go back inside if your fingers, toes, or nose starts to feel numb, to prevent frostbite.
Floodwater can be dangerous. There are two ways that floodwater can hurt you. What are they? Floodwater can have germs and other dangerous objects in it. Drinking or getting floodwater on your skin and in open cuts can make you sick. Even a few inches of moving floodwater can knock you off your feet or sweep cars away. Water may also be deeper than it looks and can hide dangerous objects. Do not walk through floodwater, and tell adults not to drive through moving floodwater.
Hurricanes have strong, dangerous winds—sometimes higher than 155 miles per hour. What advice can you share with your family about keeping safe during a hurricane? The safest thing to do in a hurricane is leave the area or evacuate. If you are home and the winds are strong, go to a small interior room without windows, such as a bathroom or closet, on the lowest level. If you live near the water, stay alert for flooding.
What should you do if there is a tornado warning and you are indoors? If you are indoors, go to the basement or the lowest level of the home or building. Stay away from windows, doors, and outside walls. Get under something sturdy, and use your arms to cover your head and neck. Bring your pets inside and keep them with you.
If your family has to evacuate, or leave home, because of an emergency, what should you take with you? Family emergency communication plan and disaster supply kit.
What is an earthquake? An earthquake is the sudden, rapid shaking of the ground caused by the breaking and shifting of underground rock.
How is the strength of an earthquake measured? The Richter scale is used to measure earthquake strength.
What should you do if you are inside and feel an earthquake? Drop, cover, and hold on. Don’t run outside where something could fall on you. If you are unable to drop, cover, and hold on, get as low as possible and move away from windows or other items that can fall on you; do not try to transfer from your wheelchair, recliner, or bed during the shaking; if you use a wheelchair, lock your wheels and remain seated until the shaking stops; and always protect your head and neck with your arms, a pillow, a book, or whatever is available.
What should you do if you are outside and feel an earthquake? Move away from buildings, streetlights, and power lines.
What should happen if you’re in a car and an earthquake hits? The driver should stop the car and everyone should stay inside.
How can your family prepare for an earthquake? Have a practice drill – drop, cover, and hold on! Make sure your disaster supply kit is up-to-date and within easy reach. Practice your family emergency communication plan.



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