Home Can Be a Dangerous Place 

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Home Can Be a Dangerous Place

Introducing a discussion on the topic of accidents at home on LBC radio last night, Doctor Gwendolyn Bishop, who has been in charge of the casualty department at Croydon Hospital for the last two years warned of the injuries that can be caused by accidents in the home. Dr Bishop referred to the case of young Richard Fox, who is five years old and has been in hospital since Christmas. While Dick’s mother was busy, he wandered into the kitchen and spilt boiling soup over his neck. Dr Bishop said, "We have treated more than a dozen people for burns caused by saucepans being spilt during the last few weeks. Approximately half of the victims were children. So remember, keep children out of the kitchen while you are doing the cooking."


В английском языке глагольная форма to have + V3 (Present Perfect) используется, когда говорят о событии, которое только что произошло: He has just fallen off the window. Или произошло недавно: I ’ ve lost my keys recently. Эта форма часто используется с предлогами since и for: He has been in hospital since Easter.


Упражнение 3. Переведите на русский язык.

1. I’ve lost my bag lately.

2. She’s treated two patients for broken legs.

3. She’s treated three patients for burns.

4. The doctor has examined two children.

5. She has worked as a doctor since 2006.

6. Peter has lived here for many years.

7. A bomb’s exploded on the Town Bridge.

8. We have moved to Miami already.

9. Have you ever been abroad?

10. Where has he gone?


Упражнение 4. Прочитайте текст, озаглавьте его и найдите все примеры Present Perfect в тексте.

David Irvin is an actor. He’s never been a star. But he’s appeared in more than fifty films since 1990. Usually he’s played the part of a minor villain, and very often he has become an unfortunate victim of fate. In fact he has "died" in more than thirty films. David said, "They’ve shot me thirteen times, they’ve drowned me twice, they’ve run me over with a car on seven occasions, and I’ve fallen to my death from six high buildings. Apart from that I’ve been burnt to death. I’ve died three horrible deaths from drinking poison. Finally they have exploded the bomb and I had my head torn. However, I must say I’ve enjoyed it all tremendously.


Упражнение 5. Задайте вопросы или ответьте на них.

1. What does David do?

2. Ask if he has ever been a star.

3. Answer the question.

4. Ask how many films he’s appeared in.

5. Answer the question.

6. Ask what sort of parts he has played.

7. Answer the question.

8. Ask how many times he’s died.

9. Answer the question.

10. Ask if he’s been run over with a car.

11. Answer the question.

12. Ask if he’s ever fallen from high buildings.

13. Answer the question.

14. Ask if he’s ever drunk poison.

15. Answer the question.

16. Ask if he’s enjoyed his time in the film industry.

17. Answer the question.

Упражнение 6. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения.

1. Он утонул?

2. Она упала с лестницы и сломала руку.

3. Взорвали бомбу!

4. Машина переехала ужа (a grass snake).

5. Моя жена сожгла обед!

6. Я думаю, что он выпил яд.

7. Только что машина сбила (knock down) старушку.

8. Я выздоровел (recover from an illness).

9. Он только что вышел.

10. Она звезда с 1990 года.

Упражнение 7. Задайте вопрос, который начинается с фразы Have you ever......?

Например: - Have you ever been abroad?

- Yes, I have/ No, I have never been abroad.

    Используйте следующие идеи:

· be abroad

· eat Chinese food

· save somebody’s life

· see a fire

· be burnt

· see a snake

· meet celebrity

· swim in the ocean


Past Indefinite (Simple)

(Прошедшее неопределенное (простое))

Если вы хотите рассказать о каком-то законченном действии или событии, которое уже произошло, нужно использовать Past Indefinite (Simple)

 Это могут быть и обычные ситуации, и исторические факты.

Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa. When I was little I often played with toy cars. She came in, sat at the table and started writing.

Past Indefinite образуется:


Утвердительные предложения Отрицательные предложения Вопросительные предложения
I We You They        worked He She It   I We You They didn’t   work He She It               I             we             you               Did      they work?             he             she                          it  



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