Lesson 2. What does solid-state mean in relation to electronics? 

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Lesson 2. What does solid-state mean in relation to electronics?

I. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

dashboard – приборная панель

pointer – стрелка, указка

camcorder – видеокамера

amplifier – усилитель

flow – поток

alternating current (AC)– переменный ток

direct current (DC)– постоянный ток

incandescent bulb – лампа накаливания

fiber-optic – оптоволоконный

space probe – автоматическая межпланетная станция

reliable – надежный, достоверный

efficient – эффективный

steering – управление; a steering wheel – руль

relative to – относящийся (к)


II. Read and translate the text.

Solid-state electronic devices are part of our everyday lives. Solid-state miniature electronic components are in many places: the beeping sound made by a cell phone; auto dashboard alarm; the voice chip in an answering machine; TV remote control; laser pointer; the inside of an MP3 player; a quartz watch; the image sensor in a digital camera and a camcorder; the computer monitor, etc.

The transistor, invented in 1947 by Bell Labs, was the first solid-state device to come into commercial use in the 1960s. Solid-state electronic devices have replaced vacuum tubes in just about all electronics devices. Vacuum tubes are still used in the transmitters of radio stations you listen to, many guitar amplifiers and some audiophile equipment. Vacuum tubes are the opposite of “solid-state” because tubes burnout, break, etc.

Solid-state gets its name from the path that electrical signals take through solid pieces of semi-conductor material. Prior to the use of solid-state devices, such as the common transistor, electricity passed through the various elements inside of a heated vacuum tube. Solid-state devices, such as a transistor, use conductors to control the flow of signals through a circuit.

Solid state devices called diodes have replaced rectifier vacuum tubes, used to transform AC to DC. Cool-running light-emitting diodes (LEDs), another solid-state device used for indicators on the front panel of your computer and monitor, have replaced the earlier incandescent bulbs. Multiple bright LEDs are also used for the third stoplight on many vehicles and for traffic signals.

Electrical engineers design computers and incorporate them into devices and systems. They design two-way communications systems such as telephones and fiber-optic systems, and one-way communications systems such as radio and television, including satellite systems. They design control systems, such as aircraft collision-avoidance systems, and a variety of systems used in medical electronics. Electrical engineers are involved with generation, control, and delivery of electric power to homes, offices, and industry. Electric power lights, heats, and cools working and living space and operates many devices used in homes and offices. Electrical engineers analyze and interpret computer-aided tomography data (CAT scans), seismic data from earthquakes and well drilling, and data from space probes, voice synthesizers, and handwriting recognition. They design systems that educate and entertain, such as computers and computer networks, compact-disk players, and multimedia systems.

The integration of communications equipment, control systems, computers, and other devices and processes into reliable, easily understood, and practical systems is a major challenge, which has given rise to the discipline of systems engineering. Electrical engineering must respond to numerous demands, including those for more efficient and effective lights and motors; better communications; faster and more reliable transfer of funds, orders, and inventory information in the business world; and the need of medical professionals for access to medical data and advice from all parts of the world.



A replaced rectifier vacuum tube – заменяемая диодная вакуумная трубка; a cool-running light-emitting diode – холодный светоиспускающий диод; an aircraft collision-avoidance system – система предотвращения авиационных столкновений.


III. Give the Russian equivalents.

Everyday lives, inventory, information, efficient and effective lights and motors, cell phone, solid-state device, semi-conductor material, heated vacuum tube, traffic signals, two-way communications systems, aircraft collision-avoidance systems, analyze and interpret, earthquake, electrical engineering.


IV. Give the English equivalents.

Полупроводниковое электронное устройство, автоответчик, датчик изображения, коммерческое использование, радиопередатчик, лампа накаливания, множество, рабочее и жилое пространство, космическая станция, распознавание рукописных текстов.


V. Complete the sentences.

1. Solid-state electronic devices have ____in just about all electronic devices. 2. Solid-state devices, such as a transistor, use ____ 3. Solid state devices called diodes have ____ 4. Electrical engineers design ____ 5. They design systems that educate and entertain, such as _____ 6. Electrical engineers analyze and interpret ____.


VI. Is it true or false?

1. Such common things as TV remote control, laser pointer or quartz watch contain solid-state miniature electronic components.

2. The first solid-state device was invented in the 1960s.

3. Vacuum tubes were replaced by solid-state electronic devices, but are still used in the transmitters of radio stations you listen to, many guitar amplifiers and some audiophile equipment.

4. Incandescent bulbs are used for indicators on the front panel of your computer and monitor.

5. Electrical engineers construct and analyse computers, control systems, telephones and fiber-optic systems, and one-way communications systems such as radio and television, including satellite systems.


VII. Answer the following questions.

1. What are solid-state electronic devices? 2. Where are solid-state miniature electronic devices used? 3. Who invented the transistor? 4. Why are solid-state devices better than vacuum tubes? 5. How light-emitting diodes may be used? 6. What do electrical engineers design? 7. Where is electric power used?


VIII. Say what you’ve learned from the text about:

a) the history of transistors; b) the work of vacuum tubes; c) the principles of electrical engineering.




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