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Exercise 3. Give your recommendations how to choose computer components.

Lesson 11. The front panel cables.

Exercise 1. Work in small groups. Prepare instructions how to install the Hard Drive and Optical Drive.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.

Install the Front Panel Cables.

A computer case has buttons to control power to the motherboard and lights to indicate activities. Connect these buttons and lights to the motherboard with the cables from the front of the case. Writing on the motherboard near the system panel connector shows where each cable is connected.

System panel connectors are not keyed. The following guidelines for connecting cables to the system panel connectors are generic, because no standards for labeling the case cables or the system panel connectors are defined. However, each front panel cable usually has a small arrow indicating pin 1.

Note: The markings on your front panel cables and system panel connectors may be different than what is shown. Always consult the motherboard manual for diagrams and additional information about connecting front panel cables.

System panel connectors include:

· Power Button

· Reset Button

· Power

· Drive Activity LEDs

· System Speaker

· Audio


New cases and motherboards have USB 3.0 or may even have USB 3.1 capabilities. The USB 3.0 and 3.1 motherboard connector is similar in design to a USB connector, but has additional pins.

The basic steps to connect front panel cables include:

Step 1. Plug the power cable into the system panel connector in the location marked PWR_SW.

Step 2. Plug the reset cable into the system panel connector in the location marked RESET.

Step 3. Plug the power LED cable into the system panel connector in the location marked PWR_LED.

Step 4. Plug the drive activity LED cable into the system panel connector in the location marked HDD_LED.

Step 5. Plug the speaker cable into the system panel connector in the location marked SPEAKER.

Step 6. Plug the USB cable into the USB connector.

Step 7. Plug the audio cable into the audio connector.

Generally, if a button or LED does not function, the connector is incorrectly oriented. To correct this, shut down the computer and unplug it, open the case, and turn the connector around for the button or LED that does not function. To avoid wiring incorrectly, some manufacturers include a keyed pin extender that combines multiple front-panel cables (i.e., power and reset LEDs) connectors into one connector.

Installation Tip: The panel connector and case cable ends are very small. Take pictures of them to locate pin 1. Because space in the case can be limited at the end of assembly, a part retriever can be used to plug the cables into the connectors.


Exercise 3. Choose the correct Front Panel connector for each description.

a) Audio

b) Drive Activity LEDs

c) Power button

d) Power LED

e) Reset button

f) System speaker

g) USB

1. Often consist of nine or ten pins arranged in two rows, but can also have four or five pins or individual groups of four or five pins  
2. Turns the computer on or off  
3. Remains lit or blinks when the system is reading or writing data  
4. Used to audibly indicate the computer’s status. If there is a hardware problem, a series of diagnostic beeps is issued to indicate the type of problem  
5. Remains lit when the computer is on, and often blinks when the computer is in sleep mode  
6. Restarts the computer without turning it off  
7. Connects ports for jacks on the outside to connect microphones or external equipment, such as signal processors, mixing boards, and instruments.

UNIT 4. Overview of preventive maintenance.

Lesson 12. Preventive maintenance.

Exercise 1. Read the definitions and translate them into Russian.

To prevent - to keep from happening or existing.


Relevant - correct or suitable for a particular purpose.


Worn - damaged because of continuous use.


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