Use of modal verbs to express necessity 

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Use of modal verbs to express necessity


PRESENT You must go shopping. Our fridge is empty. I have to do it myself. There’s nobody to help me.  (I have got to do it myself.) You needn’t go shopping now. We have enough food. I don’t have to do it all by myself. I’ll ask them to help me. You are to meet her at the airport at 11am on Monday. When are we to have a workshop?
PAST We had to wait as there was nobody at the office. You needn’t have gone shopping. We had enough food. - the action was carried out I didn’t have to do it all by myself. I asked them to help me. - the action wasn’t carried out We had an early appointment that day. We were to come to his office at 9.
FUTURE You’ll have to leave earlier if you want to be on time. You won’t have to go shopping tomorrow. There will be much food left after the party.    

Exercise 219. Develop the situations giving possible comment.

    Model. You bought some bread. When you came home, it turned out that there was plenty of bread.                 - I needn’t have bought bread.

- If I keep this bread in the freezer, I won’t have to buy bread for 2 days.

1. Your car needs service. You cannot fix it yourself.

2. The meeting was at six. You were late. You were in a hurry to get to it! But when you finally arrived at the office, the secretary told you that the meeting had been rescheduled.

3. Your friend calls you and says that he needs your help badly.

4. You don’t feel like going to a party. Your friend is trying to convince you to go.

5. You want to buy a new cell phone. Your old cell phone is still all right.


6. You know that you have to work on your Year Paper. Your friend calls and invites you to go out.

Exercise 220. Translate into English using can, may, must, have to, be to or need.


1. Не надо ее будить, пусть отдохнет. Я все сделаю сама. 2. И ты никогда, никогда не должен даже близко подходить к нашему дому! 3. Они, должно быть, уже целый час ждут его в аэропорту. 4. О нет, это же моя курсовая работа! Теперь придется все печатать заново. 5. Незачем было так торопиться. У тебя было достаточно времени. 5. Им было суждено встретиться на борту того злополучного корабля. 6. – Должны ли мы сделать все упражнение целиком? – Нет, не надо. Пункт B вы сделаете дома. 7. Должно быть, она получила неприятные известия. Она так расстроена. 8. Вам можно было и не покупать десерт, я приготовила фруктовое желе. 9. Не смей шуметь! Папа сейчас работает. 10. Ты могла бы позвонить или на крайний случай послать SMS. У нас ведь нету номера твоего мобильного телефона. Мы так волновались. 11. Если вы будете продолжать опаздывать на занятия, мне придется принять меры. 12. Они уехали на прогулку и к семи часам должны вернуться. 13. Это должно было случиться. Ничто не могло этому помешать. 14. Почему ты должен помогать ему? Он тебе когда-нибудь помогал? 15. Должно быть, креветки были несвежие. 16. Он сказал мне, что я должен напечатать статью сегодня. 17. Напрасно вы волновались. Все прошло отлично. 18. Сегодня мы идем в ресторан и не надо готовить ужин. 19. Я должна была там быть час тому назад. Они могут подумать, что со мной что-то случилось. 20. Я должен был встречать их на вокзале в 8. Я должен был ехать на метро, но по привычке поехал на машине. В результате я опоздал на час. Расплатой за мое опоздание было количество сумок, которые мне пришлось самому тащить в машину, так как тележки были платные, а я забыл кошелек дома.




Dare means “to have the courage /impertinence to do something”. In the negative it denotes the lack of courage to do something. Dare may take auxiliary to form the negative and the interrogative forms, it may be followed by the bare infinitive or by the infinitive with the particle to. As an ordinary verb it is followed by an infinitive with to, with “-s” in the third person singular and with questions and negatives formed with do.

E.g. He never dares to criticize her for wasting money and she doesn’t dare to interrupt him when he’s working.

As a modal auxiliary verb followed by an infinitive without to, with no third person singular S and with questions and negatives without do.

E.g. Dare she tell him what she thinks about him? She daren’t say anything. He will only shout at her. “How dare you speak to me like that?” he will say.

How dare you ask her about it!

Dare as well as need may be used as a normal verb having three forms: dare, dared and will dare, and as a modal verb, too.



E.g. You dare address me in that tone! How dare you to go out without my permission! He didn’t dare to meet his uncle. Did he dare to strike me? You know you didn’t dare give that order! I can’t look down, I daren’t. Dare we go in yet?

In the affirmative sentences dare is mostly used as “ I dare say ” (sometimes spelled “ Daresay ”) in the meaning “ I suppose ” (“ я полагаю...”) only with the indefinite infinitive.

E.g. I dare say you’re right. I dare say I'm pretty hungry after all that cycling.

Differences in use are not as fixed or clear cut between doesn’t dare to and daren’t as they are between doesn’t need to and needn’t, except in expressions or collocations such as:

E.g. How dare you? - How dare you walk away when I’m talking to you?
E.g. I dare you to …  - I dare you to go up to him and ask him for a date. (Ну, подойди же к нему и пригласи на свидание.)

You may find mixed modal/ordinary verb structures, such as:     

E.g. He didn't dare complain about the quality of the food.

E.g. Don’t you dare! – Don’t you dare throw that snowball at me!

Note. Dare, like other modals, is never used in progressive form and need is not often used in progressive form:

E.g. I was driving as fast as I dared.

E.g. Are you driving into town today, Tom? Jack needs a lift.

E.g. Will you be needing any help with your homework?


Exercise 221. Read and translate the sentences into Russian. State the meaning of the modal verb dare.


1. You see, we don’t dare use this dirt road after the rain. 2. She daren’t mention this accident in his presence. 3. How dare you leave me here all alone? 4. Charlie was a compassionate boy, so he didn’t dare leave Mrs. Forrester alone at the bus stop. 5. I daresay, we have never thought that she may move out. 6. They have never dared set their foot on her doorstep. 7. Don’t you dare tell me any more lies! 8. Sheila never dare ask him about his late wife. 9. I dare you to invite him for dinner tomorrow. 10. Dare you look away when I’m talking to you?


Exercise 222. Read the poems, mind the use of dare.


George Herbert


Dare to be true:

Nothing can need

A lie;

The fault that needs

One most

Grows two thereby.


I, too

Langston Hughes


I, too, sing America.

I am the darker brother.


I’ll sit at the table

When company comes

Nobody’ll dare

Say to me,

“Eat in the kitchen,”



They’ll see how beautiful I am

And be ashamed –

I, too, am America.

Exercise 223. Express your attitude using dare.


    Model. He has hit a child! – How dare/dared he do it! It’s highly improper! That’s unheard of!


1. He will never call back. 2. She took the files without our permission. 3. Fran is so bold. She took my bike and left. 4. You parked your car on the area designated for handicapped! 5. How can you ask me about the circumstances of my birth? 6. We can stay a day more, can’t we? 7. He put his muddy boots on the table. 8. I think I will have another helping of apple pie. 9. She didn’t inform us of her visit. 10. He has had a beer and he still wants to drive back home.


Exercise 224. Translate into Russian using your Active Grammar.


1. Смеем ли мы сказать ему об этом? 2. Он не посмеет рассмотреть их предложение раньше! 3. Да как вы смеете со мной так говорить? 4. Сколько раз он подходил к дому Келли, но так и не осмелился приблизиться. 5. Смею заметить, превосходная была уха! 6. Я думаю, у него хватит наглости отправить это письмо. 7. Да как ты можешь есть мясо, сейчас же пост! 8. Не смей курить, в комнате ребенок. 9. Если она посмеет упомянуть о той вечеринке, она свое получит! 10. Не смотря на предупреждение он посмел появиться в суде.


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