Suggested pattern of the literary text stylistic analysis 

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Suggested pattern of the literary text stylistic analysis

(1) Give a brief personality sketch of the author of the literary text under analysis. Tips: Enlarge on the innovatory aspects of the writer's literary work in the line of content (problems, characters) and form (composition, style).

(The text / excerpt / passage under review / consideration is taken from the novel / short story composed / written by...)

(2) Define the subject-matter and the theme of the given text.

(3) Make a summary of the analyzed text. Tips: Skim the original text with a regard to its the main idea. Divide the text into sections. W Write a one-sentence summary of each section choosing the words and expressions synonymous to those used by the author of the summarized text. Avoid any evaluation or comments.

(In the given extract, the author tells a story... The gist of the story is the delineation / depiction / description / portrayal / presentation... of...)

(4) Comment on the narrative method.

4.1. the type of narrative:

•   subjectivized - in the 1st person;

•   objectivized - in the 3rd person.

Tips: Explain the stylistic role and value of the chosen type of narrative for text evaluation. Supply the language material to prove your point of view.

(The … type of narrative makes the text sound more personal; it shortens the distance between the author and the reader; it gives a reliable and first-hand information; it makes the text more vivid and emotional; it creates the effect of authenticity / questions the authenticity of the events presented in the text; a reader becomes a participant of the events etc.).

4.2. the type of the narrator. Tips: Outline the character of the narrator. Think about the effect the author’s choice of the narrator creates.

•   the first-person narrator. Decide whether the first-person narrator is reliable or unreliable (has biases and prejudices that may influence how he tells the story).

•   the third-person narrator. Decide whether the third-person narrator is omniscient (unlimited, all-knowing) or limited (concentrated). Support your opinion referring to the text.

(It gives the reader a greater insight into the minds of characters; allows readers to form their own opinion about the characters and their motives)           

4.3. the form of presentation. Tips: Decide what the passage / story presents:

•   direct speech;

•   reported / indirect speech (the author's narrative);

•   monologue (inner or unuttered, outer or uttered);

•   dialogue;

•   narration;

•   description (static, dynamic, panoramic, general view, close-up);

•   stream of consciousness.

Prove your point of view with the examples from the text. Identify the prevailing narrative form. Think what effect is created by the combination of different forms of presentation.

(In form it is a narration / description … intermingled with reported speech...; it helps avoid monotony of the narrative; adds vividness to the excerpt; helps in character drawing)

(5) Define the slant / stylistic tone of the text. Tips: The slant may be:

•   ironical

•   humorous

•   tragic

•   sarcastic

•   lyrical

•   optimistic

•   pessimistic

•   melodramatic

•   sentimental

•   emotional

•   unemotional

•   pathetic

•   dry and matter-of-fact

•   gloomy

•   bitter

•   sarcastic

•   cheerful


(The general slant of the narration is… The text is written in … tone, etc.)


(6) Dwell upon the setting of the text. Tips: Define the type of setting of the analyzed text and state its function. The setting can be:

•   temporal

•   geographical / local

•   social

► briefly sketched

► detailed


It may function as

•   a mirror

•   an antagonist

•   a means of reinforcing theme

•   a way of revealing character

(The setting contributes towards creating mood and atmosphere of the narration…; The setting is seen through the eyes of…)

(7) Give an account on the plot structure of the analyzed text. Tips: Define whether the text has a straight line (chronological) or a complex narrative? The classical plot structure consists of:

•   the exposition

•   the complications

•   the climax

•   the denouement

•   the closing part / ending


However, the author may employ such techniques as:

    ► in medias res

► flashback (to the past)

    ► foreshadowing (towards the future)

► retardation

The plot structure may undergo some transformations – some parts can be omitted, or repeated, or inverted. If necessary, each part should be divided into smaller logical parts or episodes. Some stories may have subplots.

(The extract may be subdivided into 2 (5, etc.) logically complete fragments...)

(8) Methods for conveying characters.

•   direct (through the author's or another personage's description);

•   indirect (through the character's speech and actions).


(9) The network of images. The text in question should be analyzed from the point of view of its slant and EM and SD of different language levels that are employed to create the slant. In addition to that, it is necessary to consider the system of sensory images (visual, aural, olfactory, gustatory and tactile) that imply either positive or negative emotions and symbolic images. Define the type of the symbol regarding the type of knowledge it conveys. We can distinguish archetypal (related to Jungian archetypes), stereotypical (culturally grounded), and individual (author's) symbols.

(10) Formulate the message of the analyzed text.



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