Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы. 

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Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1. There are some letters to answer. 2. There is nothing new under the moon. 3. Something is wrong with my computer. 4. There is some money in the safe. 5. There are some good things in our life. 6. There is somebody in the flat. 7. There are some biscuits in the tin. 8. There is some olive oil in the bottle. 9. There are some doubts about it. 10. There is something interesting on the display. 11. I would like to read something interesting.

Заполните пропуски словами somebody, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing.

1............................. got into our dacha again! 2............................... worries him. 3............................. will stop me!.......................... must be done. 4. We saw............................. at the door. 5. Does............................ know his name? 6. Is...................... in? 7. It’s dark here. I can’t see....................... 8. He was silent. He had...................... to say. 9. There was......................... in the box. It was empty. 10. – Did you say..........................? – No, I didn’t say........................... 11. My life is dull...................... ever happens. 12. If you need........................., just tell me. 13. I am hungry. I want...................... to eat. 14. I’m not thirsty. I don’t want...................... to drink. 15. – There is........................ in my eye. – No, there is...................... in it.

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This is the story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

Измените предложения согласно образцу.

   It’s no problem at all.It isn‛t any problem at all.

   I’ve got no enemies.I haven‛t got any enemies.

   We want no more tea.We don‛t want any more tea.

1. I have no brother or sister. 2. He’s got no time for sport now. 3. There’s no bread left. 4. We have no apples. 5. There’s no news. 6. She has no reason to live. 7. We have no plans for tomorrow. 8. She’s no fool, I’m sure. 9. There’s no jam in the jar. 10. We need no food today. 11. Being very poor, he got no education. 12. I am no expert on electronics. 13. He’s got no faxes today. 14. There are no magazines on the coffee table. 15. It makes no sense.

Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Ничто и никто не остановит меня. 2. У тебя что-то на уме (on your mind). Что это? 3. Кто-нибудь может мне помочь? 4. – В холодильнике есть какая-нибудь еда? – Кое-что есть. 5. – В вашей группе есть иностранцы? – Нет, их нет. 6. – Хотите апельсинового сока? – Да, немного выпью. 7. – Есть какие-нибудь вопросы? – Нет, вопросов нет, но есть некоторые предложения. 8. Можно мне немного чая? Пить хочется. 9. Нет никаких шансов, что наша футбольная команда выиграет. 10. В кошельке нет денег. Он пуст. 11. На улицах нет людей. Ночь, и все дома. 12. Я гуляю со своей собакой в любую погоду. 13. Я хочу кое-что сказать тебе, нечто очень важное. 14. – Есть какие-нибудь новости? – Нет, новостей нет. 15. Любой человек хочет быть счастливым и здоровым. 16. В Мёртвом море нет никакой рыбы. 17. Если я тебе понадоблюсь, звони в любое время. 18. Любой прохожий скажет вам, как добраться туда.




Исчисляемые существительные Неисчисляемые существительные
many – много, многие a few – несколько (= some, several) few – мало (= not many)   much – много a little – немного (= some) little – мало (not much)
Используются самостоятельно или в сочетании с исчисляем. сущ-ми во мн.ч. Используются самостоятельно или в сочетании с неисчисляем. сущ-ми
1. There are many interesting things in our life. 2. Many strive to achieve much, but only few succeed. 3. Very few people know about it. 4. He made a few mistakes in his speech. 1. The child has too much energy! 2. Did you get much information last week? 3. There’s little coffee in my cup. 4. I’ve got a little free time now. I can speak to you.


Употребите many или much.

1. There are always...................... people in the metro. 2. There is...................... work to do today. 3. How...................... time is it now? 4. How...................... years ago did you meet? 5. There are...................... things which I don’t understand. 6. There is...................... food in my fridge but there isn’t...................... money in the purse. 7. How...................... times have I told you not to use so...................... make-up? 8. There aren’t...................... students in this group. 9. She usually puts too...................... sugar in her tea. 10. I think I put too...................... butter and too...................... raisins in the cake. It’s very rich. 11. He buys...................... cigarettes and spends...................... money on them. 12. We have...................... cheese, but not...................... bread. 13. How...................... classes do we have today? 14. How...................... petrol do you need? 15. Our teacher gives us...................... homework. 16. You shouldn’t eat as...................... potatoes, as...................... butter, as...................... snack foods as before because you’re getting fat. 17. There are too...................... unfriendly people, too...................... fast cars and too...................... noise in this city. 18. He made...................... mistakes in the test as he didn’t have...................... time to prepare for it. 19. There is...................... light and...................... air in this hall as there are...................... windows in it. 20. Mr. Parker doesn’t like his new secretary. He thinks she drinks too...................... coffee, makes too...................... telephone calls to her friends, and doesn’t pay...................... attention to her duties.


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