Points per model; 20 points on a Daemon world 

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Points per model; 20 points on a Daemon world

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Pink Horror 4 5 5 4 3 1 6 2 10
Blue Horror 4 3 3 3 3 1 7 1 10

A unit consists of 3 to 10 models, each with the above stats. All Horrors cause Fear (47). The unit has a psychic

Mastery Level (36) of 1 per 5 Pink Horrors and one Tzeentch Psychic Power (40) per five Pinks; Blue Horrors do not count. Any Pink Horror that is slain is replaced at the end of the turn with two Blue Horrors, which continue to fight alongside the rest of the unit until they are slain.



Flamers of Tzeentch

Points per model

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Flamer 9 3 5 5 4 2 4 2 10

A unit consists of 3 to 10 models, each with the above stats. All are protected by a Daemonic Aura (51, 4+

unmodified save). Causes Fear (47). May flame a single target during the shooting phase (27) at a max range of 6". Any model struck suffers D6 S3 hits. All hits in hand-to-hand combat (32) inflict D3 Wounds each. Flamers can move over obstacles (24) without penalty.


Disc of Tzeentch

must be purchased as a Chaos Reward

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Disc 12 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 10

The Disc is protected by a Daemonic Aura (51, 4+ unmodified save); this does not apply to the rider. Causes

Fear (47). Models riding the Disc use standard Cavalry (12) rules. Treated as a Skimmer (26). May not be ridden by a model wearing Terminator Armour (58).





Points per model; 20 points on a Daemon world

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Daemonette 4 6 5 5 3 1 6 3 10

A unit consists of 3 to 10 models, each with the above stats. All are protected by a Daemonic Aura (51, 4+

unmodified save). Causes Fear (47). The unit has a psychic Mastery Level (36) of 1 per 5 models and one

Slaanesh Psychic Power (40) per five models.



Points per model; 15 points on a Daemon world

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Fiend 6 3 0 4 3 1 3 3 10

A unit consists of 3 to 10 models, each with the above stats. All are protected by a Daemonic Aura (51, 4+

unmodified save). Causes Fear (47). Opponents double all Fumbles (33) in hand-to-hand combat (32) and ignore all critical hits (33). If the Fiend wins the combat, it inflicts one additional hit.


Steed of Slaanesh

must be purchased as a Chaos Reward

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Steed 12 3 0 4 5 1 6 1 10

The Steed is protected by a Daemonic Aura (51, 4+ unmodified save); this does not apply to the rider. Causes

Fear (47). Models riding the Steed use standard Cavalry (12) rules. The Steed gets one additional attack in  hand-to-hand combat (32), which must be kept track of separately. If this is the highest die for the Steed, then the opponent's Weapon Skill is reduced by D3 before comparing scores. May not be ridden by a model wearing  Terminator Armour (58).



Chaos Space Marine Rules


Chaos Space Marine Chapters


There are many Space Marine Chapters which have turned to the dark gods of Chaos. All follow the Space Marine rules for Rapid Fire (148); However, they do not become Shaken (148) and must flee as normal if they fail a Break  test (46).


Khorne Berserkers

All Berserkers bear the Mark of Khorne (53) — they always frenzy (47), but may still parry (33). Berserkers may also make a Furious Charge, in which they triple their Movement instead of doubling it when charging. This bonus

also applies to any models which have joined the unit.


Plague Marines

All Plague Marines bear the Mark of Nurgle (53), which increases their Toughness by +1.


Noise Marines

All Noise Marines bear the Mark of Slaanesh (53) — they are immune to psychology (47) and never break (46). In addition, Noise Marines emit a Psychic Cacophony; roll a D6 if a psyker within 16" of a Noise Marine attempts to use a psychic power (only one die is rolled, regardless of how many psykers or Marines are involved). If the roll is greater than the psyker‘s Mastery Level, the power is automatically nullified (37). In addition, the psyker must roll 4+ on D6 or suffer a Wound, with no saving throw possible. Wargear that normally protects against psychic attacks

offers no protection against Noise Marines.


Thousand Sons Marines

All Thousand Sons Marines bear the Mark of Tzeentch (53). Each time the Energy Drain (37) Warp Card is played, you must choose D6 of your Thousand Sons models to remove as casualties. Thousand Sons Marines are  psychology (47) to psychology and will never break (46).


Special Equipment Rules


Chaos Terminator Armour

Chaos Terminator Armour is identical to normal Space Marine Terminator Armour (222), except that it does not incorporate a Targeter (221) or teleport homer (221). Models wearing Terminator armour may not take a Steed (53)

or Disc (54) as a Chaos Reward (53) and may not ride a bike (156). Veteran Chaos Marine (65) squads led by an

Aspiring Champion (63) wearing Terminator armour may not infiltrate (13).


Chaos Combi-Weapons

Chaos combi-weapons (208) are identical to Imperial versions, except that the model firing it does not suffer the normal –1 penalty for firing both barrels of the weapon. Additionally, the twin-bolters option functions as two

separate Boltguns (224), not as a single StormBolter (229). All Chaos combi-weapons may be used in close-combat

(32), and as such provide an extra Attack die. However, the weapon may not be used in this manner one the same turn it is fired, including shots on Overwatch (24).


Jump Packs and Skimmers

These items, or anything which incorporates their technology, are not permitted Chaos units.


Post-Heresy Wargear

Because of the relative scarcity of Post-Heresy equipment among Chaos Forces, any Wargear (205) or Vehicle  Cards (260) marked " Imperium Only " cost an additional +50% over their listed price. Wargear cards marked " Terminators Only " may only be used by models wearing Post-Heresy Terminator (60) armour, not those with the

more old-fashioned Chaos Terminator Armour (58).




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