Проанализируйте структуру следующих слов и переведите: 

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Проанализируйте структуру следующих слов и переведите:

anti fascist, anti social, anti thesis, anti toxic, anti tumour

Определите часть речи у приведенных однокоренных слов и переведите их. Проверьте значение слов по словарю.


1. accident (случай)— acciden­tal — accidentally

2. act (акт, действие) — action — active — activity — activate — activa­tion —  actively — to activize — activated — activization

3. assess (оценивать)— assessment — reassessment

4. automat — automacity — automatic — automati­cal — automatism

5. biologic(al) — biologist — biology

6. care (забота, внимание, осторожность) — careful — carefully — careless — carefulness — carelessness

7. cause (причина, быть причиной) — causative — causal

8. collaborate (сотрудничать) — collaborator — collaborative — collaboration

9. compare (сравнивать) — comparative — comparison — comparable

10. conclude (заключать) — conclusion — conclusive

11. death (смерть) — dead — deadly — to die

12. defect (дефект, недостаток) — defective

13. depend (зависеть) — dependant — dependence

14. differ (различать(ся) — difference — differ­ent — differential — differentiate — differentiation — differently

15. effect (эффект, воздействие, воздействовать) — effective — effectively — effectiveness

16. elaboration (разработка)— elab­orate

17. epidemiology — epidemiologist epidemic — ep­idemical

18. essential (существенный)— essence — essentially

19. evidence (явность, очевидность) — evident

20. examine (обследовать) — examination — examiner

21. exist (существовать) — existence — existent — preexisting

22. expect (ожидать) — expected — expectation — unexpected

23. ex­pert — experience — experiment — experimental — experimentation

24. expose (подвергать действию) — exposed — exposition — exposure

25. extreme (крайность) — extremely — extremity

26. frequent (частый)— frequently — frequency

27. generate (генерировать, производить) — generation — generator

28. important (важный) — unimportant — importance 

29. pathology — pathologic(al) — pathologist

30. incident (случай) — inci­dence — incidental — incidentally

31. increase (увеличиваться) — decrease

32. individual — individually

33. interest — interesting — interested

34. investigate (исследовать) — investigation — investigator — inves­tigatory

35. mature (зрелый) — maturity — prematurity

36. nature (природа)— natural — to naturalize — naturalistic

37. normal — abnormal — normalize — normally

38. operation — to operate — preoperative — postoperative

39. order (порядок) — disorder

40. origin (происхождение) — original — originality — originally — originate

41. pain (боль) — painful — painless

42. physiology — physiological(ly) — physiologist         

43. practice (практика) — practically— practical — practise — practitioner

44. price (цена) — priceless

45. produce (производить) — reduce — induce — reduction — production

46. progress — to progress — progressive — progressively — progressiveness

47. pure (чистый) — purity — purify — purified — purely — purification —purifier

48. quantity (количество) — quantitative — quantify

49. react (реагировать) — reactive — reaction

50. flexion (наклон, сгибание, флексия) — flexibility — flexible

51. regular — regularity — regulate — regulation — regulator — regulative

52. relate (иметь отношение) — relation — relationship — relative — relativity

53. re­peat (повторять) — repeatedly

54. rest (покой, отдых) — restless — rest­lessness

55. risk — risky — to risk

56. safe (безопасность) — safety— safely— save

57. science (наука) — scientist — scientific — scientifically

58. sim­ple (простой) — simplify

59. society (общество) — social — socialism — socialist

60. special — especially — specialist — speciality — specialize

61. stimulate (стимулировать) — stimulant — stimulation — stimulus (stimuli)

62. sudden (внезапный) — suddenly — suddenness

63. sufficient (достаточный) — sufficiency — insuffi­cient — insufficiency

64. suggest (предлагать, предполагать) — suggestion — suggestive

65. system — systematic — systematize — systematically    

66. to as­sociate (ассоциировать, связывать) — association — associative

67. recover (выздоравливать) — recovery

68. to detect (выявлять) — a detective — detective

69. to determine (определять) — (un)determined — determination

70. to direct (направлять) — direction, (in)direct — director — directly

71. technique — technical(ly) — technician

72. to extend (распространяться) — extension — extensive — extensively

73. to initiate (инициировать, начать) — initiation — initiator — initial(ly) — initiative

74. to occur (происходить, случаться) — occurrence

75. to press (давить) — to depress — pressure — to impress — depression — depressive — impressive — impression




способность одной и той же формы слова относиться к разным частям речи


work работа - to work работать  help помощь - to help помогать


Определите часть речи выделенных слов и переведите предложения:

1. Group the results. Examine the group. (группа, группировать)

2. The results interest them. Biochemistry was of great interest to Gamaleya. (интерес, интересовать)

3. The operation risk is great. The operation was a great risk, but the doctor risked it. (риск, рисковать)

4. Read the reviews. The reviews were favourable. He reviews the methods. (обзор, рецензия, обозревать, осматривать)

5. The studies are of importance. She studies antibiotics. (исследование, исследовать)

6. How does the organ function? The function of the liver is to act as a filter. The new heart functions well. Describe the major functions of the liver. (функция, функционировать)

7. He plans to begin his scientific work in May. His scientific plans are very interesting. (план, планировать)

8. Professors Ivanov and Smirnov head the Students’ Scientific Society. He was the head of the delegation at the Congress of Russian Anatomists. (голова, глава, возглавлять)

9. I need your help very much. A friend in need is a friend indeed (действительно). Any patient with cardiac insufficiency needs the treatment with digitalis (наперстянка) preparations. The Russian government pays great attention to the needs of our public health. (нуждаться, нужда, потребность)

10. The nurses take care of the patients. She nurses the patients with great care. (медсестра, ухаживать за больным)

11. The number of the vertebrae which form the coccyx may be from one to five. In the human body the skeletal muscles number 600. A number of interesting findings was found out experimentally. (число, насчитывать, ряд (чего-л.))

12. The muscles of the human body are different in their form. A number of muscular fibers form a band. (форма, формировать)

13. Please count from one to ten! You must do the white blood cell count of thispatient. (считать, подсчет общего количества)

14. You must counthow many days on an average we shall spend on this experiment. What is the average temperature in the Crimea during August? (средний, в среднем)

15. The doctor is going to discharge this patient from the hospital because his condition has become good. Why does the wound continue to discharge much blood? The discharge of blood out of the wound continues. (выделять, выделение)

16. The patient had a bad ache in his ear. My head aches so badly that I cannot read. (боль, болеть)

17. The X-ray examination did not reveal any lung trouble. The doctor wants to know what troubles the patient. (болезнь, беспокойство, беспокоить)

18. Ido not doubt that the patient will feel well after the treatment. There is no doubt that the pain will be controlled soon. (сомнение, сомневаться)

19. During the operation the approach to the diseased portion of the colon was difficult. The surgeon approached the valve on which he had to operate. (подход, подходить, приближаться)

20. Numerous branches of small vessels branch off the coronary vessels. (ветвь, разветвляться)

21. Some students of our group have made a marked progress in English that is whytheir marks are much better now. (отметка, отмечать, отмеченный (т.е. выраженный, явный))

22. A bandage was put on the arm to bandage the damaged blood vessels. (бинт, (перевязочный материал), накладывать повязку (бинтовать))

23. The treatment resulted in wonderfully good results. (результат, результировать (т.е. приводить к чему-л)).

24. Having returned home I took my temperature and noted its return to normal. (возвращение, возвращаться)

25. At a polyclinic or a hospital all our citizens can receive medical advice free of charge. Our physician always advises his patients the necessary effective treatment. (совет, советовать)

26. Persons who have suffered smallpox have unpleasant marks on their faces. The most important problems which face the medical science at present are cardiovascular diseases and cancer. (лицо, стоять лицом к (чему-л.), быть повернутым (в какую-л. сторону, в сторону чего-л.; смотреть в лицо, в глаза), стоять перед (кем-л. - о задаче, проблеме и т. п.)




Поскольку английский язык является аналитическим, очень распространено явление многозначности лексики (полисемии), т.е. слово может обладать несколькими значениями, каждое из которых имеет смысл только в определенном контексте.

Выберите из приведенных значений подчеркнутого слова наиболее подходящее для того контекста, в котором оно используется:

1. Last month they had practical classes at the Chair of Therapy. These experiments usually last for about two hours.

· прошлый

· длиться

· последний

2. There are two terms in the academic year. The first-year students study many anatomical terms.

· термин

· семестр

· условие

3. In summer I usually rest in the village. My friend and I went to the theatre
and the rest of our group went to the cinema.

· отдых

· отдыхать

· остаток

· остальные

4. What kind of books do you like? We know that this doctor is a very kind and intellectual person.

· вид

· сорт

· добрый

5. The doctor is going to discharge this patient from the hospital because his condition has become good. Why does the wound continue to discharge much blood?

· выписывать из больницы

· выделять (гной, жидкость)

6. The patient does not require any preparation to be treated with Adonis preparation.

· подготовка

· приготовление

· препарат

7. Atsix sharp the patient felt a sharp pain in the heart area.

· ровно

· резкий

8. Here is a list of biological terms. List the symptoms.

· список

· перечислять

9. It is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations. The operated children were followed to age 7 or 8.

· следовать

· следить

· наблюдать за кем/чем-либо

10. For the first time influenza virus was isolated in 1934. It was time to operate.

· время

· раз

11. This problem requires further study. No further infections occurred.

· новый

· добавочный

12. The effects mean that concentration is high. The mean dosage of verapamil was 320 mg/day. What do you mean?

· средний

· обозначать

· иметь в виду

· подразумевать

13. He was then referred to the hospital. The information available refers to a very strict definition of angina.

· направлять

· ссылаться на что-либо

· упоминать

14. The two diseases have common etiologic background. The present study was aimed to form a background for future studies with mutant animals. The director of the laboratory would like to know about he new worker’s background.

· фон, задний план

· происхождение

· квалификация, образование

· основа, исходные данные

· состав, аспект



это слова, как правило, латинского или греческого происхождения, которые почти одинаково пишутся и произносятся в разных языках


Сравните: интернациональный (рус.) international (англ.) international(e) (франц.) internacional (исп.) internazionale (итал.)



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