Определите ing -формы в следующих предложениях (причастие или герундий). 

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Определите ing -формы в следующих предложениях (причастие или герундий).

1. The connective tissue cover­ing a bone is called periosteum, while that lining the large cavities of bones is called endosteum.

2. Staphylococci have the general properties of other micrococci, forming irregular clumps being gram-positive and growing well on ordinary laboratory media.

3. On examination food poisoning was diagnosed.

4. Returning home from his work on the day previous to the onset of his illness the man felt a bad headache and chill. In the morning feeling an in­creasing chill accompanied by elevated temperature, he stayed in bed.

5. After my brother's recovery the doctor advised him to avoid catching cold.

6. Rapid walking, running, jumping, heavy lifting and swimming or any muscular exertion accelerates the respir­atory rate for a time.

7. Palpation is the act of examining an underlying inner organ by feeling with the hand or fin­gers the overlying surface.

8. Healing does not occur until infection subsides.

9. Healing wounds seldom bleed.

10. Chest trauma may do a great deal of impairment causing very profuse bleeding, either external or internal.

114. *Переведите предложения и укажите формы и функции герундия.

1. Different ways of grouping patients are suitable to different problems.

2. Selection of recipients for cardiac transplantation may be the most important factor in determining long-term survival.

3. Computerized tomography is ideal for detecting pleural abnormalities and displaying parenchymal disease.

4. How can one avoid getting heart disease? 

5. By carefully tracing borders of the ventricular aneurysms recorded on each cinematographic film, we found that the aneurysm was akinetic.

6. If a book's worth reading it's worth reading twice; and if you want to get something substantial out of it must be read at least twice, and probably a lot more.

7. Healthy eating means eating less fat.

8. Try drinking your tea or coffee without sugar.

9. On examining the child they decided to apply chemotherapy.

10.Being exposed to disco music over a period of time results in damage to the auditory nerve. Hearing loss causes some concern. 

11.On entering the lung, all these vessels ran towards the nearest airway.

12.Knowledge isthe key to preventing this fast-spreading disease.

Обратите внимание! Окончание – ing имеют не только причастие и герундий, но и отглагольное существительное. Оно обладает всеми свойствами существительного: - имеет форму множественного числа; - употребляется с артиклем; - может определяться прилагательным; - в предложении может выполнять все функции существительного; - после отглагольного существительного часто следует существительное с предлогом “of”. The physician started the examining of the patient. Врач начал осмотр пациента. The readings of this device are wrong. Показания этого прибора ошибочны.

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление отглагольного существительного.

1. An understanding of the principle is essential.

2. Blood groupings were based on antigens.

3. The reading of books is useful.

4. Human beings cannot live without oxygen.

5. The smoking of these cigarettes is extremely harmful for you.




Условные предложения


Изъявительное наклонение

Реальное условие Настоящее время Прошедшее время Будущее время If he is not in hospital, he is at a sanatorium.   If he was not in hospital, he was at a sanatorium. If he was not in hospital, he will come. Should you see him, tell him to come.

Сослагательное наклонение

Маловероятное условие Настоящее и будущее время If the patient were better now (next week), we should discharge him. Were the patient better now, we should discharge him. Should the patient be better, we should discharge him.
Нереальное условие Прошедшее время If the patient had been better last week, we should have discharged him. Had the patient been better, we should have discharged him.



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