Составьте предложения, подбирая их части в разных колонках. 

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Составьте предложения, подбирая их части в разных колонках.

1 2 3 4 5 All the people The experiment The apparatus The young man Students a b c d e helping the pro­fessor in his experiments living in this hostel being carried out now in the laboratory taking books from the library standing on the table in the corner of the labo­ratory f g h i j are students. is quite new. studies at our faculty. is absolutely secret. must return them in time.

Замените русские слова соответствующими формами Present Participle и переведите предложения. Используйте следующие глаголы:

Lead  bandage break concern place attend call collect

1.  This hospital is a (ведущий) cancer hospital in the country.

2. (Будучи перевязанной) the wound stopped bleeding.

3. (Сломав) his leg the patient had to stay in bed.

4. The problem (касающаяся) cancer is a most urgent one.

5.  (Разместив) the patient in the examination chair the dentist began to examine the patient.

6.  (Посещая) classes in Biology, students get knowledge necessary for their future work.

7.  (Будучи вызванной) to a child an ambulance came in no time.

8. (Собрав) the data of all investigations the students made a diagnosis.

Обратите внимание! the doctor operating on the patient (оперирующий - Present Participle) the patient operated on by the doctor (прооперированный - Past Participle)


96. Выберите правильный вариант (Present Participle или Past Participle).

1. The prescription writing out/written out by the doctor was for a cough mixture.

2. The ointment rubbing in/rubbed in relieved the skin irritation in three days.

3. The young man taking/taken the patient's temperature is my fellow student.

4. The experiment carrying on/carried on yesterday was very useful.

5. The discussion organizing/organized by our group was very interesting.

6. The new methods of immobilization of limbs advising/advised by the young surgeon were very effective. 

7. The surgeon performing/performed the operation now is the assistant doctor of our group.

8. The analyses making/made in the laboratory confirmed the diagnosis of the disease.

9. The patient complaining/complained of pain in his abdomen must be examined right away.

97. *Переведите предложения и определите формы и функции причастия (Present Participle).

1. The nurse giving injection is very experienced.

2. Being ill the student missed some lectures.

3. The aim of biology is to present the surrounding world in a logical fashion and to give fundamental understanding of its changing units.

4. Having discussed all pros and contras, the doctors decided to operate on the patient.

5. Having been hospitalized in time, the patient avoided severe complications.

6. Following the doctor’s advice, she took metabolism–adjusting drugs for weight loss.

7. The analyses being made now will be ready only tomorrow.

8. Having been given an injection of an anesthetic, the patient fell asleep.

9. How can doctors spare surrounding tissue?

10. Treating cancer patients doctors use a lot of techniques.

11. When using some agents doctors can kill cancer cells.

12. An increasing number of research workers is taking part in some fields of medicine.

13. Examining the patient the doctor felt his pulse.

14. Being at the sanatorium the patient began to feel much better.

15. The doctor was standing near the patient examining him attentively.



Данная конструкция состоит из существительного или местоимения в общем падеже (подлежащего) и причастия, которое выполняет функцию сказуемого. Если такой оборот находится в начале предложения, то при переводе необходимо добавить союзы когда или так как (1), а если в конце - а, но, при этом (2):   (1) The lecture being very interesting, the students listened to it attentively. Так как лекция была очень интересной, студенты слушали её внимательно. (2) The doctor palpated the patient’s abdomen, the pain becoming severe.  Врач пальпировал живот больного, при этом боль становилась сильнее.   Перфектные формы причастия переводятся прошедшим временем:   The doctor having performed the operation, the patient’s condition began to improve. После того как врач сделал операцию, состояние больного начало улучшаться. The operation having been performed, the patient’s condition began to improve. После того как была сделана операция, стояние больного начало улучшаться.   NB! Самостоятельный причастный оборот всегда отделяется запятой.

98.  Найдите самостоятельный причастный оборот и определите в нем слово, играющее роль подлежащего. Переведите предложения.

1. The boy suffering from a bad pain, we called in a doctor.

2. The procedure being over, the scientists discussed the results.

3. The doctor being out, we could not talk to him.

4. The patients were between the ages 30-50, the highest incidence being between 46 and 50 years.

5. He read several books in English, the latest being a biography of Darwin.

6. The cards being done, he began grouping the cards according to the properties of the elements on them.

7. A remarkable regularity being observed, the professor arranged his elements in order of ascending atomic weight.

8. Glenn Seabord having discovered element 101, it was named mendelevium in recognition of the great Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleyev.

9. The window having been closed, there was very little air in the room.

10. The presence of free gas in the abdominal cavity being revealed, a pathologic process was suggested.

11. Generalized abdominal pains having increased, the doctor asked the nurse to give the patient an injection.

12. The report being in French, we could not understand one word.


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