В каждом из данных предложений пропущен инфинитив, указанный в скобках. Найдите место, на котором он должен стоять. 

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В каждом из данных предложений пропущен инфинитив, указанный в скобках. Найдите место, на котором он должен стоять.

1. I entered the Academy a cardiologist. (to become - становиться)

2. He will try the first half of that report tonight. (to finish - заканчивать)

3. He was glad an excellent mark. (to get - получать)

4. Vitamin A has the power vision. (to improve - улучшать)

5. It took Tony a long time from his illness. (to recover - выздоравливать)

6. How long does it take a heart operation? (to perform - выполнять)

7. He came round after her health. (to ask - спрашивать)

8. Most teenagers are persuaded by their friends. (to smoke - курить)

76.   Заполните пропуски в анкете об оказании первой медицинской помощи подходящими глаголами в форме инфинитива (глагол to do используется в нескольких предложениях).

to bandage накладывать повязку
to do делать
to feel зд. щупать пульс
to help помогать
to move зд. транспортировать
to stop останавливать
to treat зд. обращаться, обходиться с кем-л.


1. Do you know what … if someone faints?

2. Do you know how … someone who has swallowed poison?

3. Do you know how … a cut?

4. Do you know what … with a broken arm?

5. Do you know how … someone’s pulse?

6. Do you know how … bleeding?

7. Do you know what … with a burn?

8. Do you know how … a person in a shock?

9. Do you know where … an unconscious person?

10.  Do you know what … if someone is choking?

77. *Переведите предложения и определите формы и функции инфинитива.


1. The valves help to maintain the pressure necessary for circulation.

2. The purpose of the book is to inform the practising cardiologists.

3. This new publication aims to provide a practical guide for clini­cians.

4. To obtain as well as to interpret cytologic specimens is of importance to clinicians.

5. It is important to consider the clinical aspects of the cases un­der discussion.

6. To prevent cardiovascular diseases is our main task.

7. Ischemic disease continues to be associated with high mortality.

8. This book is an attempt to bring together new information for the general practitioner.

9. The aim of this book is to be a guide for students.

10.To understand the basic signs of the disease is a desire of every doctor.

11.Every effort has been made to provide up-to-date informa­tion.

12.This book is to become a necessary work for all those interested in heart diseases.

13.An important research problem to be investigated is that of cardiovascular disease.

14.Approaches are designed to clarify definitions.

15.Procedures to be used are developed.

16.A doctor to face the epidemic of heart disease is the key to preventive medicine.

17.Most symptoms to be dealt with by doctors are known.

18.Leading authorities have devoted much time to improve the medical care given to patients with infarction.

19.This new publication aims to provide a practical guide for clinicians.

20. Clinicians perform cytologic procedures in order to determine and diagnose lung cancer.



выражают отношение субъекта к действию.

Модальный глагол и

Возможные русские



The students

can/could (могут/могли)

Do this work.

способность, физическая возможность
may/might (могут/могли) возможность, допустимость
must (должны, обязаны) долг, обязанность
should / ought to (следует, следовало бы) совет
have to (должны, придется) вынужденность по обстоятельствам
are to* (должны, предстоит) действие согласно плану, расписанию или договоренности

 *форма настоящего времени модального глагола “ to be to ”.

78. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на модальные  глаголы.


1. If you have a bad headache you should take some medi­cine.

2. You can see patients in this consulting room.

3. Can you tell me what subjects the first-year curriculum includes?

4. We can perform instant blood test.

5. I had to answer a lot of questions at the examination.

6. I have a toothache. I have to go to the dentist.

7. In the UK you have to be 17 to get a driving license.

8. Patients have to listen carefully to their doctor’s advice.

9. She must be on a strict diet every day to be strong and healthy.

10. The doctor must have your blood analysis to be sure of your diagnosis.

11. The lecture is to begin in five minutes.

12. They were to be here an hour ago.

13. This patient may have bad compli­cations after the operation.

14. What may cause serious complications after the grippe?

15. You should follow the doctor's treatment if you want to be well again soon.

16. They may use this equipment.

79. Выберите правильный вариант:


1. A modern chemist can/can not use the methods of physical chemistry.

2. You must/may use this apparatus very carefully.

3. You must/may use this equipment for your experiment.

4. The doctor can/must diagnose the disease instantly thanks to use of modern equipment.

5. A pure substance can/should be a solid, a liquid, or a gas.

6. One can/can not cure the flu in 2 days.


80. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, must, may, should или их отрицательными формами (+ not):


1. We ______ understand the medical action of drugs without the knowledge provided by chemistry.

2. Many people study chemistry so that they _____ apply it to their own field of interest.

3. Unrefrigerated milk _____ turn sour.

4. The students of pharmacy _____ know chemistry well.

5. You _____ come for consultation on chemistry any time from 5 to 8.

6. Who _____ describe the properties of this matter?

7. Every person _____ have sodium to keep the right amount of water in his body.

8. We _____ find Vitamin C in lemons, oranges and tomatoes.

9. You _____ drink it. It’s poison.


81. *Переведите предложения с модальными глаголами:

1. We could not investigate the ribosomes.

2. The electron microscope should be used to study living cells.

3. Can staining (окрашивание) show invisible structures?

4. The information provided by all the available techniques must be combined.

5. The drug may be used in a general treatment programme.

6. Experiments such as these should help in the work.

7. The film should be developed for 1 min.

8. Tolerance may develop in some patients.

9. Spasm may be caused by various factors.

10. Ultraviolet light, fluorescence and sensitive television cameras must be developed.

11. The variants can be identified by a variety of methods.

12. He could describe the properties of this substance.

13. A special reagent that coagulates blood must be used.

14. The normal heart rate may be about 70 beats per minute.

15. The doctor can detect an improvement in his patient’s condition.


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