Замените действительный залог страдательным ( Perfect ). 

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Замените действительный залог страдательным ( Perfect ).

Например: The doctor had examined the patient by 2 o’clock yesterday.

                         The patient had been examined by the doctor by 2 o’clock   



1. The surgeons have operated on these patients.

2. These drugs have arrested bleeding.

3. The doctor has examined all the limbs.

4. The surgeon has prevented the fatal outcome of the disease.

5. The therapeutist had discharged this convalescent.

6. The nurse had introduced the solution of antibiotics into the wound.

7. The patient had survived the operation for cholecystitis well.

8. The stomach ulcer had caused a profuse abdominal bleeding.

9. The doctor will have operated on the patient by Friday.


61. *Переведите предложения, выпишите сказуемые и  укажите их формы (Present / Past / Future Perfect Passive).

1. The direction of the nerve fibers has already been established experimentally.

2. Several new medical schools have been founded in our country recently.

3. The exact amount of the blood in the experimental animal has just been estimated.

4. I have been treated at this clinic.

5. The lecture on the exchange of gases in the lungs has been delivered today.

6. Scientists consider that our brain is the most complicat­ed mechanism which has ever been constructed.

7. The scientist says that his research will have been accomplished by the end of this week.

8. The patient will have been cured by the doctor by summer.

9. A booklet with the history of the Laboratory was published and this started the series of annual reports which have been maintained since.

10.The patients had been told that they were at the hospital not only for treatment but for research as well.

11.Shortly after the hospital had been opened it was visited by many doctors.

12.One of the enzymes had not previously been named and they called it cathepsin G.

13.This finding suggested that some of the cells had been examined before.

14.It is interesting to note that both heart and kidney have been examined.

15.Control studies that had been used didn't show the same results.


62. Переведите предложения, выпишите подлежащее+сказуемое и укажите их перевод.

Например: He must be examined – он должен быть обследован

1. The electron microscope should be used to study living cells.

2. The information provided by all the available techniques must be comb ined.

3. The drug may be used in a general treatment programme.     

4. The film should be developed for 1 min.

5. Spasm may be caused by various factors.

6. Ultraviolet light, fluorescence and sensitive television cameras must be developed.

7. The variants can be identified by a variety of methods.

8. A special reagent that coagulates blood must be used.

63. Замените Modal Verb+Active Infinitive на Modal Verb+Passive Infinitive.

Например: The doctor must examine the patient.

                         The patient must be examined by the doctor. 

1. We can investigate the ribosomes.

2. Staining (окрашивание) can show invisible structures.

3. He must describe the properties of this substance.

4. The doctor can detect an improvement in his patient’s condition.

5. You should take an aspirin.

6. Patients should follow the doctor's treatment.

7. You must use this apparatus very carefully.

8. The doctor can diagnose the disease thanks to use of modern equipment.





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