Составьте предложения в Present , Past или Future Indefinite Passive , подбирая их части в разных колонках . 

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Составьте предложения в Present , Past или Future Indefinite Passive , подбирая их части в разных колонках .

This book А new kind of operation Patients Exercise 2 This house My watch Medical students New discoveries This work This news Our Academy This theory English Our plans The paper   is are was were will be published performed finished written done repaired built studied used examined invented read discussed taught spoken next month last month a year ago soon a week ago before the end of the century every year every month tomorrow last century on Monday yesterday many centuries ago in medical institutes

Замените действительный залог страдательным (Indefinite).

Например:. The doctor examines patients every day.

                              Patients are examined by the doctor every day.  


1. The nurse sponges the patient's skin.

2. A poisonous remedy causes death.

3. This healing ointment relieves skin irritation.

4. The doctor administers healing ointments.

5. He rubbed in a healing ointment to relieve pain.

6. That drug caused a skin irritation.

7. I bought a medicine dropper at the chemist's department.

8. The doctor prescribed sleeping-draughts.

9. Professor Smirnov will deliver a lecture in Histology tomorrow.

10. The therapeutist will put my sister on a sick-leave tomorrow.



54. *Переведите предложения, выпишите сказуемые и укажите их формы (Present / Past Indefinite Passive).


1. The medium is influenced by the temperature.

2. The results of the investigation were affected by the presence of virus.

3. The reaction was followed by the rise of temperature.

4. This paper was followed by another one.

5. This theory is referred to in the journal.

6. Not every experiment is relied on.

7. This work is much spoken about.

8. Poliomyelitis was eliminated by special methods of treatment.

9. Clinical techniques were provided by the authorities in the field.

10.The general practitioner is provided with an up-to-date critical review of the treatment of viral diseases.

11.DNA is enclosed in the nucleus by nuclear membrane.

12.Tolerance is influenced by the general condition.

13.The results were not affected significantly by the technique.

14.The cardiovascular system was not affected by the drugs.

15.The results were influenced by the presence of toxins.

16.Virus infection is influenced by interferon.


55. Переведите предложения, выпишите подлежащее+сказуемое, укажите их перевод и форму сказуемого.

Например: He is being examined - его обследуют (Present Continuous                          Passive)

1. He is being asked by his teacher now.

2. Yesterday at 12 a. m. the students of our group were being delivered a lecture in Anat­omy.

3. The old woman was being prescribed sleep­ing-draughts as she could not sleep.

4. Patients are being examined thoroughly by the doctor in his consulting room.

5. He is being allowed to watch the operation.

6. An excess of hormones was being produced by the gland.

7. A rise in cases of whooping cough is being predicted by doctors.

8. Oxygen is being continually taken up from the lungs.

Составьте предложения в Present и Past Continuous Passive, подбирая их части в разных колонках.

Some old rules The work Our mistakes Their house He My father The old woman The students of our group A new school The film A new book The patient A lecture in Anat­omy is being are being was being were being corrected done searched revised prescribed delivered examined asked built demonstrated written operated on before the operation sleep­ing-draughts by a very skilled surgeon by his teacher by Professor Smith by the police by the teacher in class in our district in the lecture room now at the moment at 12 a. m. yesterday at 4 o’clock yesterday from 4 to 5 yesterday the whole evening all weekend


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