Составьте предложения, подбирая их части в разных колонках . 

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Составьте предложения, подбирая их части в разных колонках .

Sam They The scientist The doctor She George We He I This patient The researches They am is are was were shall be will be writing performing observing examining  taking visiting waiting  studying preparing waiting experiencing working a report for the seminar an experiment at the laboratory a new technology a kidney transplant for the exam for you my brother in hospital medicine her examination in biology bacteria under a microscope the child’s throat now at the moment from 9 to 11     tomorrow all weekend at 5 yesterday when I first met                 him the whole evening for many years from 4 to 5       yesterday

39. *Переведите предложения, выпишите сказуемые и укажите их формы (Present / Past Continuous).

1. Doctors are designing new techniques to treat many diseases.

2. Doctors are looking for new ways to help patients.

3. Scientists are using aggressive therapy for cancer patients.

4. From drugs to light beams, doctors are designing a lot of techniques to fight malignant disease.

5. Survival rates for many cancer patients are gradually improving.

6. Doctors are sometimes increasing the dose of the drugs.

7. In the laboratory researchers are looking for new ways to diagnose and treat the country's most feared disease.

8. Bombardment using high-energy particles from an accelerator is proving effective for patients with eye tumours.

9. The chapters in the paper are dealing with the laboratory work.

10.  Aggressive therapy is also improving the outlook for patients with the most acute form of lymphoma.

11.  The combination of light beams and drugs is showing success in the treatment of patients with lung or bladder cancer.

12.  Medical scientists are developing fresh techniques to increase the effectiveness of anticancer agents.

13.  The doctors are using agents not to kill cancer cells but to convert them into benign form.

14.  In-patient care is expanding.

15.  The chapter in the paper is dealing with cancer research.

16.  An increasing number of research workers is taking part in some fields of medicine.

17.  Many experiments are now beginning to throw more light on human illnesses.

18.  Clinicians are dealing with the basic mechanisms of oncological diseases.

19.  Alcoholism is reaching epidemic proportions in some parts of the world.

20. The new technique is becoming increasingly useful in clinical diagnosis.



Конструкция to be going to   Конструкция to be going to употребляется для выражения действия в будущем, которое действующее лицо либо планирует, либо намеревается осуществить. My sister is going to become a doctor. Моя сестра собирается стать врачом. They are going to carry on another experiment. Они собираются провести еще один эксперимент.   NB! Данная конструкция может также выражать тенденцию к чему-либо в связи с существующими обстоятельствами или данными.   We are going to be late. Мы можем опоздать. The patient is going to walk by himself very soon. Пациент уже скоро начнет ходить самостоятельно.


40.   Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на конструкцию to be going to.


1. He is going to visit a dentist tomorrow.

2. I am feeling very tired. And I am going to have a rest.

3. I am going to visit my brother in hospital.

4. Is he going to phone you?

5. It is going to rain.

6. My condition is not well. I am going to visit a doctor.

7. She feels terrible. She thinks she is going to be sick.

8. The doctor is going to discontinue the treatment.

9. They are going to operate on him on Monday.

10. They are going to transfer the patient to a special unit.

11. We are going to attend the lecture on muscles.

12. Where are you going to enter when you leave school?




подчеркивают завершенность действия к определенному моменту  

в настоящем, прошлом или будущем.



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