Переведите следующие предложения . 

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Переведите следующие предложения .

1. If the doctor's history and clinical examination are not restricted to one symptom, he will be able to detect other disorders.

2. The doctor will obtain important data if his approach to clinical problems is not restricted by a narrow training.

3. The doctor will make good use of his knowledge if he deliberately tries to be comprehensive (всесторонний).

4. Ophthalmologists and nonophthalmologists will profit enormously from the up-to-date information on immunology and radio therapy as soon as they read the book.

5. The book will be of particular value for the oncologist when he treats breast cancer and other breast diseases.

6. When the person follows medical advice his chance of survive increases.

7. We recommend such transfusions until the patient’s state improves.

8. I will treat this patient keeping her in bed until all the sensitivity of the joint disappears.


Составьте предложения, подбирая их части в разных колонках.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 If I have spare time, I will tell him about it We shall go for a walk When I go shopping, If you miss this bus, If John study hard, I will give you my address As soon as I get the journal, If I find the book, If you do not keep your diet, I will buy an ice cream for you They will not cross the road I will visit you Please, wake me up a b c d e f g h i j k l m n after we get off the train. as soon as the rain stops. before I leave for London. I will read the article. before you go to work. after I find somewhere to live. he will pass his examinations. I will buy some food. if I see him tomorrow. I will go to the cinema. you will be late for your work. I will give it to you. until the green light is on. you will be fat soon.

33.   Соедините два предложения в одно как показано в примере. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

He will come back. I shall ring you up.

I shall ring you up (когда?) when he comes back.

I shall ring you up (в каком случае?) if he comes back.

1. The researchers will publish the data. The researchers will consider it reasonable. (when) (if)

2. The stones will be shattered. The doctors will have a new laser device. (when) (if)

3. The diet will be changed. The doctor will recommend it. (when) (if)

4. She will detect your biological rhythms. You will ask her to do that. (when) (if)

5. The OPG system will detect carotid occlusive disease. You will use it correctly. (if)

6. The technique will cut the likelihood of irregular heartbeat. You will carry out the recommendation. (if)

34.  * Переведите следующие предложения.


1. If the red blood cell count decreases the patient will require additional treatment.

2. The development of cortical inhibition will begin after the experimental animal is given the proper drug.

3. The infant will be fed artificially until the mother’s health is restored.

4. If you come to me we shall study Anatomy.

5. As soon as the patient is admitted to the hospital the doctor will examine him.

6. Before the surgeon performs the operation he will have to observe the patient’s
condition for some days.

7. When dehydration occurs from excessive vomiting, parenteral feeding will be used.

8. If the diagnosis is correct, the patient will be properly treated.

9. If coma develops, the patient will be transferred to hospital as soon as possible.

10.  If some infectious fever is diagnosed, the patient will be moved to the hospital in an ambulance.

11.  If you hold your breath, carbon dioxide will immediately begin to accumulate in the blood.

12.  If there is any dysfunction of the kidney, it will affect the process of urine formation.

13.  When the renal blood vessels are dilated, the inflow of blood will increase.

14.  If the renal blood vessels are constricted, less urine will be formed.



описывают действие, которое протекает в определенный момент или отрезок времени в настоящем, прошлом или будущем.



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